Update: Sabra McCraw sent us some updates to her Plexus Story, and it is too good not to share again! Read through it below, and feel free to share your Plexus Story with us too! Send it in to MyStory@PlexusWorldwide.com


"A friend of mine, Terri Jo Stampley told me about Plexus in August 2013, I was a complete skeptic and was NOT going to be recruited into another MLM Company. I was now retired after 30 years and did not want to work anymore! I decided to try Plexus on October 24, 2013. I really needed to lose a few pounds and only 10 weeks later my results have far exceeded my expectations! Not only have I lost a lot of weight and inches, I am no longer sick!


I have spent the last year in and out of doctor's offices and hospitals and had just about every test you could think of trying to figure out what was wrong with me. I had been suffering for a couple years with severe stomach and abdominal pain and discomfort, fatigue, muscle and Joint stiffness and pain, debilitating headaches, severe depression and I had zero sex drive... NO ONE could find anything wrong with me other than insomnia and GERD/Acid Reflux that caused damage to my esophagus. I was a complete mess and knew that there was something really wrong that the DR's weren't finding.... Boy was I ever right!


After deciding to take Plexus to hopefully aid in my weight loss I learned about candida overgrowth and the havoc it can cause to your entire body so I decided to do the candida spit test and was it ever present! I immediately started taking the recommended Plexus products to get rid of it. The first few weeks I'll admit were really rough, I learned I was going through what's called die off symptoms that included nausea, diarrhea, stomach cramps, severe headaches and body aches. I was determined to stick it out and see if this Candida overgrowth had been the root of my problem all along and low and behold when the die off symptoms subsided, I started feeling really good!


I was still a little skeptical that the Candida could actually be what had been wrong with me all this time! But the longer I stuck with it the better I felt. I had more energy and felt like my old self again and even my sex drive was better! 


3 months later... I am now convinced that this was indeed my problem and with Plexus Slim, Accelerator, Probio5, Bio Cleanse and  X Factor I have won the battle against the Candida! I feel amazing and have more energy than I ever remember having, my mood even seems to be elevated. I want to call my husband most days and tell him how incredibly happy I feel. I know to some that may seem silly but when you get as down as I was it's a HUGE thing! I literally feel like I'm in my 20's again!!


I'm no longer on my thyroid meds, my hormones or my GERD/Acid Reflux meds, the insomnia is gone as well and now I fall asleep with ease and no longer need sleep aids or antidepressants. I also don't remember the last Hot Flash I had, or should I say, had me!


Another thing I have noticed is my skin isn't as dry, my eyelashes are longer and thicker and my toenail fungus that I acquired from a nail salon in 2000 is almost gone too. I went to numerous DR's for two years to try and fix that problem and nothing could fix it. I'm guessing it also had to be fed by the Candida!


These Plexus products have given me my life back and I will never stop taking them, they really do work! They are changing the lives of my family and friends and for this I am so grateful!


Three days into taking the Slim I decided to become an Ambassador so I could get the products cheaper, within 10 days I was a Silver Ambassador, and within thirty days I was Fast Start Gold and started making some really good money with my advancements. Plexus has been a Blessing to me and my family and I'll be forever grateful and will share my testimony and Plexus products wherever I go! Thank You Plexus!"

- Sabra McCraw 


It is an exciting time to be a part of Plexus!

If you (or someone you know) has a Plexus story they would like to share, send it to MyStory@PlexusWorldwide.com!

The testimonials presented are real-life experiences of the individual depicted who has used Plexus products and/or services. Plexus does not claim that these are typical results that consumers will generally achieve, and are not necessarily representative of all consumers who use our products and/or services. Plexus products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any diseases. Any statements have not been evaluated by the FDA.  

Need help with your Plexus account? Contact Customer Service at (480) 998-3490 or cs@plexusworldwide.com 

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