October 31, 2023

Lawsuit Against Wagmor Pets Highlights Serious Allegations of Laundering Puppy-Mill Bred Dogs!

Over the last few years, SCIL has received complaints from concerned supporters about the business practices of The Wagmor, a for-profit entity, and Wagmor Pets, a nonprofit entity. Concerns raised to us have centered on suspicions that the Wagmor has been flouting California law, AB 485, which SCIL sponsored in 2017, which bans the sale of dogs, cats, or rabbits from pet stores. Additionally, the lawsuit claims that Wagmor is violating a bill SCIL supported in 2019, AB 2152, which restricts paying brokers or breeders for the animals or receiving compensation over $500 for any adoption fees.

There are many complaints against Wagmor. Thankfully some folks are taking a stand and have started to come forward publicly about their horrific experiences with the company, including dogs being sick with transmittable diseases and instances of dogs dying due to health conditions immediately after being "adopted" from Wagmor.

Thanks to the work of dedicated plaintiffs and their attorneys, the truth about the practices of Wagmor are being made public. We are encouraged and hopeful that the lawsuit against The Wagmor will finally put an end to the company's allegedly illegal practices, as well as spur stronger enforcement measures from LA Animal Services for any criminal actions.

Take the time to read the entire complaint against The Wagmor and Wagmor Pets below. You can also visit the website www.TheTruthAboutWagmorPets.com to read and hear more about the companies practices.

We encourage everyone to share this information so that more people are informed and refuse to give business to this shady operator.

Lastly, if you are looking to adopt a dog (or cat or rabbit), please go to your local animal shelter to adopt. There are so many animals in shelters around the state that need a loving home! If you must adopt from a rescue, please do your research on that rescue to make sure they are reputable. There are a lot of great rescues out there, but sadly there will always be people making a profit off of selling animals while masquerading as legitimate rescue organizations.

We will keep you updated on this case as proceeds through the legal process. If you or anyone you know has had an issue with The Wagmor, please contact the Ryther Law Group - their information is at the top of the lawsuit document.

Please help us to continue our life saving work for the animals. We exist by donations alone, please donate today!

Deepest appreciation,

Judie Mancuso, Founder/CEO/President

Social Compassion in Legislation

Social Compassion in Legislation
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