Mandatory Spring Trip Parent Meeting Monday 2/25/2019
Hello Parents/Guardians,

One week from today on Monday 2/25/2019, our regular monthly Booster Meeting will be a mandatory meeting for parents of those going on the Spring Trip.

Topics covered will include:

  • All required forms
  • Medicine protocols
  • Itinerary
  • Trip packet (available at the meeting)

We will schedule a separate meeting for students to communicate information pertinent to them at a later date (likely after school meeting).



Now Accepting Credit Cards!
It is with pleasure that I announce the Executive Board has authorized the use of credit cards as an option to make invoice payments. Specifics below:

No Fee for non-Spring Trip invoices.

If you would like to pay for the Spring Trip with a credit card. At your request, we can add a 3% credit card processing fee to your invoice and resend to you with that payment option. The reason for the fee on the Spring Trip invoice has to do with the County limit of $500 per student for field trips.

If you would like the option to pay the balance of your trip dues with a credit card, please email Ashley or Bubba at the below:

Ashley -
Bubba -

Some of you may have already noticed that option as our Treasurers have sent out invoices. We hope this adds a layer of convenience. Checks can still be placed in the Blue Box in the band room.

Volunteer Requirements
As many of you know, this band does not function without parent volunteers. We have been immensely fortunate to have many of you give selflessly of your time to support when and where needed and I THANK YOU!

Silly as it may seem, we are already planning for next year. There are some key positions we will need to fill and ask that you seriously consider supporting one of these important roles.

Board Positions:

  • Vice President 1
  • Vice President 2
  • Secretary

**Elections held in April**


  • Uniforms/Concert Attire (ideal for daytime availability)
  • TAG Day
  • Gift Wrapping
  • White House Ornaments
  • Spring Trip Coordinator

If you have ANY questions about any of these positions, please reach out to me directly. I will be happy to discuss.
2019-2020 Marching Band Season
Back 2 Band/Newbie Info Night Social

Save the date: April 29, 2019 6:30pm (or as soon as you can get there).

This will be a great night of food and information!!

Band Camp will be starting much earlier this Summer. I will publish dates once I confirm with Mr. Gillette. We will begin registration for next year in late April.

I will send out a separate email to RSVP.

As always, thank you and look forward to seeing you Monday!

PJ Zimmerman
President, CFMB

Colonial Forge Music Boosters | Email Address | Website