Update January 24th 2025

This Sunday we are celebrating the THIRD SUNDAY AFTER THE EPIPHANY

On Saturday January 25th we will be celebrating the life of Tim Valade at 1:00 PM. The family is providing lunch after the service. The family is also requesting an addition of potluck meals as well as desserts.


In honor of Tim’s passion for feeding the people in the shelters, all left over food will be delivered to the shelters with the help of the group “Belonging to Each Other”. They will deliver individual meals in containers that the family will provide. Kindly bring whatever dish or dessert to John Wesley on the day of the service.


We will all miss Tim in our JW kitchen and look forward to welcoming back Bonnie to continue Tim and Bonnie's love of feeding those in need.

We’re Looking for a Director of Family Ministries!

John Wesley United Methodist is in search of a Director of Family Ministries. This is a part time position 20-25 hour per week.

Please reach out to Brent Finemore directly if you are interested or know of a potential candidate.

Job Description: The Director of Family Ministries will create and implement a family ministry focused on connecting families with the programs and opportunities at John Wesley. The director will implement a program that offers a healthy, safe, and fun environment for families to grow in their faith and relationships. The director will recruit, equip and guide a ministry team in providing discipleship, spiritual growth, leadership development, and mission opportunities. The director will work with the church leadership, staff and community organizations to empower families with children and youth

We have a Spotify Account!! Listen to past sermons and scripture readings anytime, anywhere!

Click here to view our podcast!


The Broadway Musical “Godspell” will be performed on Saturday, March 29 at 3:00 & 7:00 PM, and Sunday, March 30 at 3:00 PM. The cast includes students and friends of The Music Studio and members of John Wesley. Tickets will go on sale February 1.

Effective February 2025, the price of an altar flower arrangement will be $60.00. Windfall Market has kept the cost at $50 for many years. Their costs have been steadily increasing over time. The new price is still less than Windfall charges elsewhere and they do not charge us for delivery.

This month’s feature video is The Outreach & Missions Ministry Team. Please have a look by clicking the link below. It will give you insight into what goes on behind the scenes for planning and execution of worship at John Wesley.

Please click on the link below to view this video.

Falmouth Service Center is seeking donations for the following:

If you would like an updated copy of the church’s directory, please email the church office. If you would like to update your information in the directory or be added please contact the church office at 508-548-3050 or email us at jwumcfalmouth@comcast.net

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