Update November 22nd, 2024

This Sunday we are celebrating the 27th Sunday after Pentecost

This winter, bring a burst of Christmas cheer to our altar with beautiful poinsettias! These vibrant, festive plants will add a touch of holiday magic to our church as we celebrate the season of love, joy, and hope.

Cost: $7.00 per plant

Size: Lovely small poinsettia plants, perfect for brightening up the altar and your home.

Here's how you can be part of the Christmas magic:

1. Reserve your plant(s) by signing up today!  Order sheets are available in the office

2. Bring a splash of red, white, or pink to the altar as we celebrate this special time of year.

3. Your poinsettia will help create a warm and welcoming atmosphere for our Christmas services and will shine bright throughout the season!

Whether you want to honor a loved one, celebrate a blessing, or simply share in the beauty of the season, this is your chance to make our altar even more breathtaking! Let’s fill the altar with love, joy, and the true spirit of Christmas!

Questions? Stop by the office or call Donna Fish, 508-524-2250

Marilyn Sharp’s celebration of life will be at John Wesley UM Church on Monday, December 30 at 2:00pm. Please keep her husband Mark and their children in your prayers. 

Can you participate in music this Fall? The Bell Choir needs a few more ringers. The Chancel Choir also welcomes male and female voices. Children and youth are welcome in both choirs provided a certain level of maturity. Adults, youth, and children are also invited to participate in a March 2025 Musical at John Wesley; Godspell. If anyone is interested in being in the show, please email jdudzinski223@gmail.com or speak to Joe Dudzinski, music director.

The Hospitality Ministry Team is in need of volunteers to do Coffee Hour in December. The need is 12/1, 12/22 and 12/29.

We would suggest you partner with someone to help make the experience easier.

Colleen Karsner offered to do 12/8 and is looking for someone to help her.

Clean up help would also be appreciated. Coffee makers would be a great help!!

The Hospitality Ministry Team needs your assistance. We all enjoy coffee hour but cannot do it without your support. The same people continue to contribute. We need additional volunteers to host and additional people to assist with clean up. The cost of food can be expensed and applied to the hospitality budget.

Kindly reach out to Maryellen if you can help.




Christine & Maryellen

Thank you everyone who has donated and been a part of this years Dress A Live Doll!!

Please remember to bring your wrapped gifts on Sunday Nov. 24th or by Sunday December 1st!

Changing Our World for November is Belonging to Each Other's winter program called "In From the Streets".

This program provides a motel-based emergency safety net in Falmouth during nights of freezing cold also provided with socks, toiletries, hats, gloves.

If you would like an updated copy of the church’s directory, please email the church office. If you would like to update your information in the directory or be added please contact the church office at 508-548-3050 or email us at jwumcfalmouth@comcast.net

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