Update November 7th, 2024

This Sunday we are celebrating the 25th Sunday after Pentecost

Marilyn Sharp’s celebration of life will be at John Wesley UM Church on Monday, December 30 at 2:00pm. Please keep her husband Mark and their children in your prayers. 

Can you participate in music this Fall? The Bell Choir really needs a few more ringers. Everyone can be taught to play bells. If you already know music, it'll be easier but it's not a requirement.

The Chancel Choir also welcomes male and female voices.

Children and youth are welcome in both choirs provided a certain level of maturity.

Adults, youth, and children are also invited to participate in a March 2025 Musical at John Wesley. (Godspell or Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat). If anyone is interested in being in the show, please email jdudzinski223@gmail.com or speak to Joe Dudzinski, music director.

Its time for Dress A Live Doll though The Salvation Army to begin again!

Can you believe that Christmas 2024 is just around the corner?

Dress A Live Doll will begin Sunday November 10th and will continue until December 1st. All clothes and toys must be delivered to the church by Dec. 1st and will be delivered the first week of December. I will be available each Sunday after services to help with selections.

Because of your help, children will wake up Christmas morning with amazing gifts under the tree. Enjoy creating Christmas magic!

Christmas Blessings,

Marie Syverson

Tuesday November 12th at 9:30AM we will be setting up for the Christmas Fair. We need a few strong backs and pickup trucks to move items. So if you are available thank you so much. Please contact Brent Finemore if you have any questions.

Calling all Bakers!

The Church Fair will soon be here!

 We need lots of baked goods.

 Breads, Scones, Cookies, Brownies, and more. Gluten Free items are needed as well. In addition to regular size cookies, we also need large cookies about 4” diameter, individually wrapped, to sell as single cookies for $1.00 each. 

Please mark items so we know what they are. If they contain nuts, please be sure to include that in description.

Goodies may be dropped off at the bake table in the Narthax beginning Thursday afternoon, Nov 14.

Any questions, please reach out to Penny Dean.

Thank you and happy baking!

Calling All Canners and Preservers! 

If you are one of those folks who likes to create jams, jellies, pickles, applesauce, relish, oils or any other jarred or bottled delights, please consider making some of your products available for sale at the Christmas Fair in November.

If you’d like to contribute something or have questions about how you might be able to help, please reach out to Matt O’Connor at oconnorscapecod@gmail.com

Men’s Breakfast will be Saturday, Nov. 23rd at 8:45 AM in the Fellowship Hall:

This month’s feature video features John Wesley’s Christmas Fair. Perhaps you could share this with family, friends, and neighbors and invite them to join in the fun!



Friday, Nov 15, 1 pm to 6 pm

& Saturday, Nov 16, 9 am to 1 pm

Changing Our World for October is "Belonging to Each Other's" winter program called "In From the Streets".

This program provides a motel-based emergency safety net in Falmouth during nights of freezing cold also provided with socks, toiletries, hats, gloves.

The Service Center is in need of Apple Juice, canned chicken, spaghetti, canned peaches chicken or tomato soup and Raisin Bran. 

If you would like an updated copy of the church’s directory, there are copies in the office. If you would like to update your information in the directory or be added please contact the church office at 508-548-3050 or email us at jwumcfalmouth@comcast.net

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