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It's time to create your new profile listing on the IFC website!
Congratulations! You are an IFC Firestop Inspector Exam Holder or IFC Premier Certificate Holder, you will be listed on the IFC website for your achievement!

The current IFC website directory is going away and we will be launching the new directory on Friday, April 22, 2022. You can use your updated profile to display your current and historical employment information, your certifications and credential wallet, as well as location and contact information. Please follow the instructions below to update your profile by this date.
1) To access your account, login here using the email address you received this message from. If you do not already have an account, click ‘forgot password’ and enter your email.
2) Click on your name in the top right-hand corner of the credential view, then click 'Account settings'. 
3) You will be taken to the 'Personal Information' page:
4) Fill in the 'Profile' section: Change the display name for your directory profile. Upload a photo or avatar image that will be displayed along with your information. Provide your LinkedIn profile URL, and your Twitter handle to help direct prospective employers or stakeholders to your social media pages.

5) Fill in the 'Details' section: Provide your location to inform prospective employers or stakeholders of where you are in the world. Include a short biography for yourself to present along with your credentials. What are you looking for in your next opportunity? What are you interested in pursuing? Get creative! 

6) Fill in the 'Work Experience' section: Add work experience items to your profile to present your career journey so far.

7) Select the 'Directory Profiles' option from the menu on the left-hand side. 
8) Fill in the 'Additional Information' section and edit this information to reflect your work area, contact information and company information.
9) Once you are satisfied with the information you have inputted, click 'View my directory profile' to see your profile live in the directory.
Are any of your credentials about to expire?
Upcoming seminar/webinar dates are listed here.

To renew your IFC Firestop Inspector Exam, click here to start your practice exam.