We are very excited to be able to see you
in-person again as of Monday June 8th!
We are also very respectful of the range of measures required to limit traffic and maintain a safe and therapeutic environment for all.

This newsletter is filled with essential information - please review fully, and thank you for your time and attention. 

We are happy to now provide essential in-person appointments including Acupuncture and NAET treatments.
  • We strongly encourage naturopathic (acute and follow-up care) and nutritional consultations to continue using remote options (phone or video consult) wherever possible
  • We are scheduling appointments to allow a generous buffer between patients to allow safe arrival and departure, and adequate time for cleaning of treatment rooms between patients. This means that the timing of your appointment is very important:
  • If you haven’t had a consult (remote or in-person) recently (ie 8+ weeks) and would like to return for an acupuncture, NAET treatment, B12 injection or physical assessment - you may need more time than the actual treatment time allotted. We strongly encourage you to consider booking additional consultation time (20-30 minutes) before your treatment to update your practitioner. This way we can schedule enough time to adequately address your concerns and to prevent crowding in the clinic due to appointment overlap. 
  • Alternatively, we encourage you to schedule a remote consultation with your practitioner ahead of your in-person treatment date/time to update health concerns. 
  • We require that only essential visitors (patient + one guardian if needed) attend appointments.

Supplement Refills:
We cannot allow walk-in traffic for refills at this time. Please continue to schedule supplement refills by contacting the office to arrange a pick-up time and continue with remote payment options as able.
  • You may contact the office directly and we can arrange distance pickup or use our online dispensary option available at belmontnaturalhealth.com. Please contact us at 519-578-7489 or email [email protected] if you have any questions.
  • You may pick-up supplements as usual at the conclusion of a scheduled in-person appointment.

Appointment Preparation/Protective Measures:
  • You will be sent a Covid-19 screening survey by email with your appointment reminder - please review carefully for the protection of yourself and others.
  • You will be screened (same questions) upon arrival for your appointment.
  • Please wear a ventilation mask during your time within the clinic. We can provide a mask for $1 to simply cover our cost (and it’s your to keep!).
  • Practitioners will be wearing a ventilation mask and/or face shield throughout your appointment.
  • You will be asked to perform adequate hand-hygiene before and after your appointment.
  • Please ensure you are well-hydrated and/or bring your own water to appointments.
  • When arriving for appointments or supplement refills please enter building from rear entrance and exit through front entrance whenever possible

As we introduce these measures we look forward to safely integrating Registered Massage Therapy, Bowen Therapy and other services back into the clinic in the near future. 
Thank-you very much for your patience and understanding.
We look forward to seeing you!
Belmont Natural Health Centre | Website