Update from ACT for Youth | February 2024

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Featured Resource

Let's Talk About Sex...Digitally!

Talking about sex can be uncomfortable for teens and parents alike. To help parents and caregivers feel more equipped to have these conversations, ACT for Youth created Let’s Talk About Sex (Digitally)!

This guide for parents and caregivers breaks down barriers to communication, offers resources on sexual health and technology, and suggests how tech can be used to begin these conversations with young people.

Let's Talk About Sex - A Guide for Parents

Research and Resources

100 Year Review of Research on Black Families

Child Trends has released its highly anticipated 100-year Review of Research on Black Families, a report that explores the ways in which social science research focused on Black families has changed over 10 decades. 

Research on Black Families

Recent Trends in Mental Health and Substance Use Concerns Among Adolescents

Kaiser Family Foundation (KFF): Analysis of the recently released Teen National Health Interview Survey reveals that about 1 in 5 adolescents report symptoms of anxiety or depression. Click the link to learn more from this report about recent trends in adolescent mental health.

Adolescent Mental Health Report

Professional Development

Apply Racial Equity to your Next Lesson

ETR: Schools across the country are prioritizing time and resources for social-emotional learning (SEL) curricula. But a textbook definition of SEL is not enough. Without being equity-centered, trauma-informed, and antiracist, SEL curricula can ultimately cause harm to students. So what can educators, administrators, and advocates do to have a transformational impact? This video from ETR provides 3 helpful tips for centering racial equity in social emotional learning.

Centering Racial Equity

FUSE International Conference

The FUSE International Conference welcomes researchers, academics, policymakers, practitioners, students, and individuals or organizations engaging with public health issues to Cornell University and Ithaca, New York. Come join us as we engage in discussions around research translation in public health, build sustainable capacity, and build effective and lasting partnerships!

When: June 11 - 12, 2024

Where: Cornell University, Ithaca, New York

FUSE International Conference

This newsletter was developed with funding provided by the New York State Department of Health Bureau of Perinatal, Reproductive, and Sexual Health. Its contents are solely the responsibility of the ACT for Youth Center for Community Action and do not necessarily represent the views of the New York State Department of Health.