To Our Loyal Clients and Friends,
Thank you so much for your support while our team has been on summer vacation. Your messages have meant the world to us and we deeply appreciate your positive feedback!
During our break, we have been able to spend time reflecting on our 25 years on K Street. From first haircuts to First Ladies, our goal has always been to make every person walking through our doors feel welcome. We are honored that you trusted us with high school dances, graduations, weddings, and other important milestones. We truly believe in our motto, “Come as you are, leave as you want to be,” and have witnessed many incredible transformations over the years.
We applaud our amazing team and the extraordinary charitable efforts they embraced from day one: providing haircuts for the patients at the Hospital for Sick Children, raising close to $1,000,000 during our annual 24-hour Salon-A-Thon event for Children’s Hospital, volunteering for our Hearts for Haiti fundraiser, and assisting with Locks of Love contributions. Our philanthropic journey has been full of heartfelt memories too numerous to count!
Today, downtown DC is a very different place than it was in 1997. After much soul searching, we have decided that this is the perfect time to celebrate our accomplishments and focus on our next chapter. We are grateful for your dedication and thankful for the friendships we have made along the way.
Stay well and please keep in touch!
Andre and Serena