Hello Friends,

This month, Democrats have been practicing their own version of March Madness. They've put other countries ahead of ours, refused to take any action on the southern border, and allowed our gas prices to skyrocket to never-before seen levels. Read below to see what I've been doing to fight back.
America's Great Financial Heritage is Slipping Away
I took to the house floor last week to advocate for the preservation of American strength and leadership. When America projects weakness on the international stage, everyday Americans suffer. The preeminence of American currency has dominated the global landscape for decades, providing stability as the international bedrock of financial transactions and arrangements. We are the world’s reserve currency; we are the standard.

Unfortunately, the Biden Administration has done everything in their power to change that. Our children may soon call the world reserve currency by another name. Perhaps they will know it as the yen. The geopolitical ramifications of a devalued and discarded American currency would not only signal a shift in financial confidence in the United States, but it would also dissolve our standing among global superpowers.

We should aggressively onshore manufacturing back to America, dominate the world market on precious minerals, and stop shipping our jobs overseas. A strong American economy creates a strong US currency. When America sits atop the world, peace will continue. Tyrants of the world, like Putin and Xi will fear us when the only way to buy and sell energy is by using the US dollar. 

You can see my full speech by clicking the video above.
America Must not Lurch into Unnecessary Conflict
A recent op-ed in Townhall has echoed the attitude of many in the America First movement. We have had enough of warmongerers accusing us of pushing Russian propaganda. Wanting to keep the sons and daughters of the American military out of a war zone that we should not interfere in is not supporting Russia. It is an AMERICA FIRST policy. The article states:

“Lies about certain conservatives propping up Russian propaganda have continued to be a tool of the left and neoconservative war hawks who want our military to be put at risk against a world superpower."

The actions of Putin and Russia are disgusting. I am praying for Ukraine and the Ukrainian people. We should not go to war with Russia, and it is not Russian propaganda to say that. This article explains why it is vital that Americans do not lurch into another conflict that is not in our national interest.

You can read this full article HERE.
The American Classroom Should be a Sanctuary for Our Children
I spoke during an Education and Labor Committee meeting this week to defend our children from violence in schools. Too often Democrats hijack education safety debates to talk about 2nd Amendment limiting policy decisions rather than addressing the root causes of violence in schools.

Instead of creating policy to protect children, Democrats would rather spend taxpayer dollars on endless evaluations of children's psyche rather than crafting policy that will train teachers to help in these situations or allow more resource officers to be in schools. The next generation of Americans deserves better than failed educational policies.

You can see my full comments by clicking on the video above.
My New Telehealth Expansion Bill
Last week, I introduced legislation drastically expanding telehealth access for Americans and allowing healthcare providers to practice the full scope of their license through telemedicine.

The "Telehealth Treatment and Technology Act" would provide millions of Americans with unprecedented opportunities to nurture strong relationships with their medical providers, receive treatment, and consult medical professionals without leaving their home. It allows doctors, nurses, and specialists to interact with an increased number of patients quicker and more efficiently. This legislation would also benefit the homebound, patients in rural areas, and patients who just need more flexibility in their healthcare treatment options.

You can read more about this legislation HERE.
Veterans Deserve the Best Our Country has to Offer
In a Veterans' Affairs Subcommittee on Economic Opportunity Legislative Hearing, I questioned veterans advocates on the Vets Credit Act and benefits vets can receive after a schools closure. I also questioned advocates on what resources are available to veterans who are attempting to start their own businesses post-deployment.

They assured me that the VA and other veterans groups have been diligently working on programs to assist vets in transferring schools, as well as vets who are hoping to maintain military benefits while working to become self-employed.

You can see my full questioning in the video above.
SBA Low-Interest Disaster Loans are Available
The U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) is reminding small businesses, small agricultural cooperatives, small businesses engaged in aquaculture, and most private nonprofit organizations that April 12 is the filing deadline for low-interest disaster loans in Jackson, Macon and Transylvania counties in North Carolina.

The loan amount can be up to $2 million with interest rates of 3 percent for small businesses and 2 percent for private nonprofit organizations, with terms up to 30 years. The SBA determines eligibility based on the size of the applicant, type of activity, and its financial resources. Loan amounts and terms are set by the SBA and are based on each applicant’s financial condition. These working capital loans may be used to pay fixed debts, payroll, accounts payable, and other bills that could have been paid had the disaster not occurred. The loans are not intended to replace lost sales or profits.

Loan Eligibility Restrictions:
  • The applicant's business must be located in the declared disaster area.
  • Only uninsured or otherwise uncompensated disaster losses are eligible.
  • The economic injury must have been the direct result of the declared disaster.
  • Nurseries are only eligible for economic injury caused by declared drought disasters.
  • By law, agricultural enterprises such as farmers and ranchers are not eligible for any type of SBA assistance.
  • Applicants who have not complied with the terms of previous SBA loans are not eligible. This includes borrowers who did not maintain flood and/or hazard insurance on previous SBA loans.
  • Loan assistance is available only to the extent the business and its owners cannot meet necessary financial obligations due to the disaster. This determination is made by SBA.

Note: Loan applicants should check with agencies/organizations administering any grant or other assistance program under this declaration to determine how an approval of an SBA disaster loan might affect their eligibility.

Applicants may apply online, receive additional disaster assistance information and download applications at https://disasterloan.sba.gov/ela Applicants may also call SBA’s Customer Service Center at (800) 659-2955 or email [email protected] for more information on SBA disaster assistance. Individuals who are deaf or hard-of-hearing may call (800) 877-8339. Completed applications should be mailed to U.S. Small Business Administration, Processing and Disbursement Center, 14925 Kingsport Road, Fort Worth, TX 76155.