At Dynon, we endeavor to always have products on the shelf, ready to ship to you. We accomplish this by ordering components well in advance of when we know we’ll need them, years in many cases. We also carry more finished products and parts in inventory than many other companies do. We do these things because our founder and CEO spent much of his career in semiconductors, where a volatile boom/bust cycle is normal. This strategy has served us well over the last 20+ years.
However, the current sustained global supply chain crisis has seen us face increasing supplier de-commitments and dramatically increased delivery times, impacting our ability to keep critical components in stock. This, along with increased customer demand (2021 is a record year at Dynon), means we will have challenges delivering some products in the coming months.
Dynon has found alternatives for many components - often at much higher prices. However, there are components critical to experimental SkyView displays that are not available at all right now, at any cost.
Therefore, we are currently unable to manufacture or ship experimental SkyView HDX, SkyView Classic, and SkyView SE displays.
Our engineering team is working aggressively through the holidays to finish changes to SkyView’s design to mitigate this issue. At this time, the earliest date we estimate a return to production is Feb 1, 2022. As this is a dynamic and challenging time, this date is subject to change.
Due to similar shortages, other Dynon products may have increased lead times than we normally expect. However, all non-display products remain in production at the moment, and the vast majority of products are available for immediate delivery.
We continue to accept orders for all products. Our sales team will work closely with our customers and dealers to determine delivery schedules based on order dates and each customer's expected needs.
Thank you for your patience, understanding, and continued business during this challenging time. We are excited for a smoother 2022.