Cathedral Bulletin | September 1, 2021
Letter from Father Ryan
Dear Friends,
As this hot, dry summer draws to a close, I wanted to give you an update on what has been happening, often behind-the-scenes, here at the Cathedral. It’s been a busy summer!
First, let me give you a final report on where we ended up with the Annual Catholic Appeal. As you know, our goal, set for us by the Archbishop, was $369,157 and our additional goal for the rebate was $180,000, to support our many ministries for children. This brought our total goal for this year’s appeal to $549,157. A pretty ambitious goal, all things considered. But I’m happy to report that as of this past week, some 606 of you have contributed a total of $552,939--$3,782 over our goal (!). What a remarkable testimonial to your generosity! And I have to tell you, no parish in the Archdiocese even comes close to St. James Cathedral in their response to the Appeal. Thank you for always coming through.
Meanwhile, some exciting projects that have been quietly underway at the Cathedral. The Cathedral Columbarium on the north side of the Cathedral is nearly complete, with just the finishing touches of landscaping and artwork still to come. Many of you have expressed to me how pleased you are with this use of space. As one parishioner wrote to me: “The creation of the new Columbarium represents a brilliant recapture and repurposing of a remote and underused portion of the Cathedral's campus. The design aesthetics are graceful and cause the space to feel organically a part of the Cathedral itself.” I couldn’t have said it better myself! The Columbarium is open only to Cathedral parishioners. If you are interested in reserving a niche, contact Maria Laughlin.
It has long been a dream of mine to do something beautiful with the Cathedral Crypt, located just east of the altar area. This past week, my dream finally began to come true thanks to the generosity of a couple of donors, including the family of Archbishop Thomas J. Murphy. A new crypt lid – a beautifully designed ornamental iron grate - has been installed which makes it possible to get a glimpse down into the crypt. The new lid has the added benefit of bringing ventilation into a very damp space. As part of this project, electricity has also been introduced into the crypt for the first time. Further improvements are still to come (a handsome floor, marble lining of the burial niches) but I hope you’ll appreciate the way the new crypt lid connects the crypt with the rest of the Cathedral.
Still another project: the fire-suppression system has been a long time in coming, but it is at last being installed in the attic of the Cathedral beginning next week. Many of you contributed to this project back in 2019 in the wake of the tragic fire at Notre-Dame Cathedral in Paris. This is one of those projects we won’t be able to see, but what a difference it will make in the event of a fire. I know I’ll sleep more easily knowing we have a state-of-the-art sprinkler system installed, and I imagine many of you will, too!
Lastly, let me take just a moment to welcome some new staff members who have joined us this summer. Many of you have already met Christopher Stroh, our new Assistant Director of Music and Organist. Chris joined us in mid-July after many years at the Basilica of St. Mary in Minneapolis. He is a gifted musician and it’s wonderful to welcome him to the Cathedral staff.
Andrew Casad has also joined us as our new Director of Children’s Faith Formation. Andrew brings a rich background and experience to the role, and I’m excited to see how he leads our program in new and exciting directions. Which reminds me—registration for Children’s Faith Formation is open now! See the bulletin for details. And welcome, Andrew!

Father Michael G. Ryan
Livestream links for this weekend
The Twenty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time
Sunday, September 5, 2021

MASS with Father Ryan
Streamed on the Archdiocese of Seattle Vimeo/Facebook pages

MASS with Father Ryan
Streamed on the Cathedral Vimeo/Facebook pages
Updated mask guidance
In keeping with the statewide mask mandate, masks are now required for all, regardless of vaccination status. Thank you for your attention to this important safety measure. As Father Ryan noted recently, wearing a mask is an act of love!
Season of Creation begins September 1
Mass on the Anniversary of 9/11
News and volunteer opportunities
LABOR DAY HOLIDAY On Monday, September 6, Labor Day, the Cathedral Kitchen will be open and serving their regular delicious meal from 4:-4:30 for our hungry neighbors. The Cathedral Parish Office will be closed. There will be just one Mass in the Cathedral, at 8:00am. The Cathedral will be closed following the Mass.
REGISTRATION FOR CHILDREN'S FAITH FORMATION (SUNDAY SCHOOL) Children’s Faith Formation is starting Sunday, September 26. Register now, including preparation for First Holy Communion (for Children entering 2nd Grade) and Confirmation (for children entering 7th grade and above). Register online HERE, or returning families can register by calling Theresa Van de Ven, 206-219-5822.
FAITH MENTORS BECOMES FAITH FRIENDS Our Faith Mentor program is being carefully rebuilt and relaunched as Faith Friends. The new program will be a unique blend of our Faith Mentor, children’s faith formation program, and an inclusion ministry. The program's goal is to give children ages 7-18 with physical, cognitive and intellectual disabilities access to parish community, social events, and faith formation. Information, contact Jennifer Wong or visit our program link HERE.
GARDENERS WANTED The Cathedral Kitchen Garden needs your help! We're looking for volunteers who can water tender plants through the heat, plant fall crops, lay down mulch, tend to our hydroponic cabinet and help get our shed organized. Information, Lonnie Larsen, 206-382-4235.
PRAYER TEAM FOR THE NEEDS OF OUR LOCAL CHURCH Archbishop Etienne has asked each parish in the Archdiocese to establish a prayer team to pray for the mission of the Church. Pope Francis has called the whole Church to reflect on synodality (shared leadership) during the coming year. In our local Church, the Archdiocese of Seattle is in the midst of a pastoral planning process, to help us focus on Christ as we set our priorities. And on the parish level, the Cathedral Vision Council has been meeting to set the parish vision for the next five years. We have much to pray for! Will you join this team? All that is required is praying each day that we all may carry out the mission we have received from Jesus. You will receive a prayer intention each week by text or e-mail, as well as prayers you might wish to use in your own daily prayer. Information or to sign up, Corinna Laughlin.
VOLUNTEERS NEEDED TO HELP REFUGEES With US troops pulling out of Afghanistan, at least 2,500 people who served with US troops and are no longer safe in Afghanistan have been evacuated and have arrived at Fort Lee in Virginia, their first stop before being resettled in other areas. Our partner agency, Lutheran Community Services Northwest, will be welcoming some of these families to our area and helping them settle into their new homes. Can you help pick them up from the airport, drive them to appointments, show them around the community, or host them while permanent housing is secured? Information, Tammi Murray, 206-382-4511.

EARLY BREAKFAST VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES On most Saturday afternoons, St. James parishioners come to Cathedral Hall to cook a hot breakfast which is served on Sunday mornings to our homeless and low-income neighbors. Our cooking team has some openings. If you are fully vaccinated and would like to help cook once or twice a month, contact Patrick Barredo, 206-382-4515.
Special Collection for Haiti
Recently, Haiti was hit by an earthquake that caused immense damage and resulted in a substantial loss of life on an island already challenged by social unrest and is still rebuilding after a major 2010 earthquake. Tropical Storm Grace followed shortly after adding to the devastation. As a result of both disasters many Church properties, along with homes and businesses, have been severely damaged or destroyed. The impact will be long-lasting. We ask you to prayerfully consider donating to this special collection.

Funds collected in this special appeal will become part of the Bishops Emergency Disaster Fund and will be used to support the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops for pastoral and reconstruction needs of the Church as well as the efforts of Catholic Relief Services and/or Catholic Charities USA, the official relief agencies of the U.S. Catholic Church, as they and their local agencies respond to immediate emergency needs and aid in long-term rebuilding and recovery efforts. Funds will be used in response to the earthquake and Tropical Storm Grace calamities in Haiti and any other disasters that occur and will be distributed where they are most needed.

Last Sunday's bulletin
St. James Cathedral
804 Ninth Avenue
Seattle, WA 98104