Your monthly news & updates
We are working on a new look for our newsletter! If you would like anything added or a feature you would like to see, please let us know! Submit your ideas and submissions here.
Upcoming Events
Lunch Bunch
We meet the first Wednesday of the month for lunch to chat about what's going on in our lives and our kids lives. This is a nice time to get to know other members of FAFLC. This month we are meeting at Cafe Athens at Centerra 12:00 p.m.

Corn Maze
It's that time of year again. Join us at Fritzler Farm Park October 12th.

Christmas Party
Hard to believe but Christmas is just around the corner! Be on the lookout for an email with information regarding wish lists and volunteer opportunities. The party is scheduled for December 21st from 4:30 to 8:00. Keep an eye out for information on wish lists and volunteer opportunities. This is a great time to get in volunteer hours.
We had a great turnout for our school lunch themed food pickup on Saturday, September 14th!
Interested in 4H? Come to the Larimer 4-H Open House October 7th. 5:30-7:30 at the Mckee Building at The Ranch. 4H Flyer
Trainings & Support Groups

Do you need hours? Adoption Exchange offers online and in person trainings. Click here for more information on their upcoming trainings and classes.

FAFLC in the Community

FAFLC will be at Give Next October 1st to educate local middle and high school students on our organization. These students will then have the opportunity to interview different non-profits and give money to their programs.

September 10th, we met with other partner agencies from Realities For Children at their ED Summit. It was a great time to learn about other programs in our community and how they are serving children and families.
Fun Things

Story times at Poudre River Public Library Fort Collins

Check out local events in Loveland and Fort Collins at Macaroni Kid.
Upcoming PEP Conferences
Abbreviated as PEP, Parents Encouraging Parents are non-specific disability conferences based on commonalities, not diagnoses. 

Conference dates for 2019-2020
Fall - October 10-12, 2019 - Fort Collins, Colorado
Winter - January 23-25, 2020 - Colorado Springs, Colorado
Spring - April 2-4, 2020 - Location to be determined


Training is available, general volunteers as well as callers. Youth need to be 14 in order to volunteer.
Sign up here through our website.

Little House Reminders
• Don’t forget to get the code for the doors prior to going to the Little House
• Sign in on the sheet inside the Little House or in the back warehouse regardless of the reason for being there
• Do not put items of any kind in the “Model T” shed
• Pay close attention to the bins and how they are labeled when sorting items. Watch sizes and TAKE YOUR TIME!!!
• When trying on clothes or looking at items be sure to return them the way they were found or better. This means folding the items and replacing them on the shelf they were found on—NOT THE FLOOR! Leave the buildings picked up. Many volunteers spend hours sorting, hanging up, and cleaning the buildings.
• Use the appropriate hanger for the item—don’t use adult hangers for little clothes.
• If you have to drop off items please put them toward the back of the warehouse where there is empty space and not right inside the doorway. DO NOT LEAVE ITEMS OUTSIDE—IT DOES RAIN AND SNOW IN COLORADO!
• Be sure to turn the lights off and chain up the gate when leaving—utilities are paid by FAFLC
Little House assistants—please call (970) 481-7993 if you see anything questionable at the Little House.