Update from Insurance Commissioner Vicki Schmidt

The past year has brought a number of storms to Kansas from the winds and fires last December to the tornados in early May. The Kansas Insurance Department has been working with Kansans since to help them navigate the insurance claims process.

A common theme has been that Kansans are finding themselves underinsured. By that, I mean they are not able to replace what they lost for what they had it insured for. With the high rate of inflation and the growing cost of building materials there is a shortfall between what their policy pays for and what their property is worth. This is why I always recommend sitting down with your agent at least once a year to review your insurance coverage. Be sure to ask your agent about full replacement cost vs. actual cash value.

Full replacement cost- amount it would take to repair and rebuild your home or replace damaged property with materials of similar kind and quality at today's price. (subject to policy limits)

Actual Cash Value- amount it would take to repair or replace damage to your home, after accounting for wear and tear (depreciation)

As Kansans, we weather storms pretty well. But, we know the next storm is always around the corner and it is vital to be prepared. It is an honor to serve you and your families. If there is something you think can work better or help other Kansans have a better experience with the Department, please share it with me at [email protected].

Thank you!

Consumer Assistance Division
If you or someone you know has an issue with their insurance, we are happy to help! We may not always like the answers we get, but we will do our best to get you an answer. Please use the contact information below to reach out to us if we can be of assistance.

Main Line: (785) 296-3071
Consumer Assistance Hotline: 1-800-432-2484
Consumer Complaint: [email protected]
Producer Licensing: [email protected]
In the news
Kansas Insurance Department recovers $4.12 million for Kansans
Insurance Commissioner Vicki Schmidt announced the Kansas Insurance Department recovered $4.12 million in insurance funds for Kansans in the first eight months of 2022.

Millions in life insurance funds remain unclaimed
As part of Life Insurance Awareness month, Insurance Commissioner Vicki Schmidt highlights a lost and found search program that can have a significant financial impact on a family.

Consumer Alert: Assignment of Benefits- the good, the bad, and the ugly
Every year severe weather forces Kansans into the insurance claims process. Those seeking to make claims on home property damage will likely need to enlist the help of a contractor. Working with a contractor can sometimes mean entering into a contractual agreement know as "assignment of benefits" (AOB).

Employment Opportunities
There are employment opportunities at the Kansas Insurance Department. Click here to view our current job openings. Please share with anyone who might be interested in helping us serve Kansans!
Thank you!
After being elected Insurance Commissioner, I began putting together a team of people I knew could assist in the work at the Kansas Insurance Department. Lee Modesitt was one of the first people I hired. Since then, he has served as the Director of Government Affairs and Communication. Lee has been an instrumental part of the Department's legislative success the past four legislative sessions. Without him, the Department would not have passed some pretty monumental legislation to improve insurance licensing, reform rebating and pass accreditation.

Fortunately for Lee and unfortunately for me, Lee has a new opportunity that he cannot pass up. The opportunity takes him home to Manhattan and will allow him to spend more time with his family, less time on the road and maybe even a few more hours on the golf course.

I am grateful for his service to the people of Kansas and I am honored to have had him as a part of my team. I wish him well in this new chapter of his career and am forever grateful for his friendship, guidance and sense of humor. (Although he never could write me a good insurance joke!)
This fall, the Department launched a newly redesigned SmartInvestKS.com website. It is part of an investor education initiative we have been working on with the Office of the Securities Commissioner, a division of the Kansas Insurance Department. The website is designed to help Kansans invest wisely and avoid fraud. Check out SmartInvestKS.com!
Remembering Bill Sneed
This Summer, we lost Bill Sneed. Many of you may not know that Bill started his career at the Kansas Insurance Department. He eventually rose to the role of Chief Counsel before departing for private practice. The Department clearly left a mark on him, as the rest of his career he was always involved with insurance. Bill was a giant in the insurance industry and a trusted resource for so many. I will miss his wisdom, experience and friendship.
Kansas State Fair
Our first crew at the fair!
Celebrating a KU Jayhawk Football win!
Senior day is always one of my favorite days!
We had lots of great swag to hand out to everybody who came to our booth at the State Fair!
Always great to talk to Kansans!
I had an interview with some great students from Nickerson High School!
New Government Affairs Director
In early September, Eric Turek joined the staff. Eric will serve as our Director of Government and Public Affairs. He comes to us after spending the past six years as a member of Speaker Ron Ryckman's staff. Eric has an exceptional familiarity of the legislative process and policymaking. He's already proven to be a great asset to our team. Please help me welcome him if you see him at the Capitol or at an event on my behalf.
Department Resources
The Department produces info-packed guides to help Kansans better understand the world of insurance. Head to our website insurance.kansas.gov to find all of the great resources available for download or click here to request a hard copy of one of our guides!
Latest Happenings
Our temporary office in Andover during the tornado recovery.
Earthquake Summit with Missouri Director, Chlora Lindley-Myers.
A wonderful visit with the Linn County Republican Women.
I always love being back at Girls State!
Celebrating 45 years of Glenda! (Yes, she really has worked at the Insurance Department that long!)
It was exciting to get to talk with the students in the EagleU program about my career as a pharmacist.
My staff was paid a visit by a grateful constituent we helped in Garden City. We love these types of visits!
I was thrilled to have some of my legislative friends join me for my Topeka fundraiser.
We had a great group of interns this summer!
Yes, despite my busy schedule, we voted in August! Be sure to do so in November!
The Kansas Insurance Department
Vicki Schmidt, Commissioner
1300 SW Arrowhead Road
Topeka, KS 66604
(785) 296-3071
Consumer Hotline: 800-432-2484