In the Flow
District news & updates
In this Issue:
- K.I.D. Receives Reclamation's Regional Directors Award at the Mid-Pacific Conference
- Basin Ag News Premier Edition
- Farm Expo '23
- Why is Reclamation not prioritizing the filling of Upper Klamath Lake?
- What is SONCC coho habitat and why are flows required in the Klamath River?
- NOTICE: Public scoping meeting for K.I.D.'s system improvement plan
- NOTICE: Public scoping meeting for TID's system improvement plan
- 2023 Irrigation Season / Political Issues Effecting our Communities
- Yurok Tribes file new motion to control Klamath Project water rights
- Klamath Dam Removal operations to effect Klamath Project Irrigators
- Upcoming Events
- Your Maintenance Crews at Work
- Funding Opportunities
- News stories impacting our communities
- Master Gardener Trivia - Hosted by the OSU Extension Center
- Recently published interactive Story Maps
- Job Opportunities - K.I.D. is hiring
Klamath Irrigation District appreciates greatly the recognition of our efforts to improve our communities and to offer solutions to complex problems.
This award is a direct reflection of the efforts by the K.I.D. team to improve relationships with Reclamation's Klamath Basin Area Office. Jaxsen Sikorski, our Director of Operations, has ensured our partners know K.I.D. is committed to our purpose to build and sustain our communities. Fritz Frisendahl, our Director of Logistics and Water Operations, has greatly improved our relationships with our vendors and many of our partners. Ray Stacey, our Chief of Maintenance, has been instrumental in prioritizing our work crews, ensuring modernization projects are coming in on time and under budget. It is a team effort and we are grateful for our partners.
Basin Ag News - Premier Edition!!
To better serve the local community
we welcome Basin Ag News, a new monthly publication with content highlighting our communities and our people.
In this issue:
- Klamath Bull & Heifer Sale
- Klamath County Cattlemen and Cattlewomen’s Scholarship Program
- Growing the Next Generation of Agriculturists
- Klamath Basin Livestock Judging Club new to the Basin
- 4--H Youth Development Programs inspire Young Agriculturists to grow
- Wildlife Viewing in Klamath Drainage District
- KWUA’s Fill-the-Lake Campaign; 2023 Outlook
- Reintroducing Klamath Grown
- Counties’ Increasing Role in Water Management
The Farm Expo is a great program for all grades to learn more about the basin, where their school lunches come from, and interact with the 4-H and FFA students.
Oregon State University - Klamath Farm to School Homepage
We are a team of OSU Extension Educators with skills ranging from gardening and cooking to food systems, nutrition, youth development, agriculture and more. We are bound by our passion for building a healthy community through access to food and...
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Why is Reclamation not prioritizing the filling
Upper Klamath Lake?
The answer is in The AG Mag
Coho Conspiracy Part 2
Have you read Coho Conspiracy Part 2 yet?
"After Thomas Hardy’s Flow Studies were published, Phase I in 1999 and Phase II in 2006 notable scientific voices including the National Research council / National Academy of Sciences (NRC) voiced criticism not about Hardy’s potential conflicts of interest but about the theories he proposed using to regulate water on the Klamath River main stem.
They stated in their 2002 interim report that they “did not find clear scientific evidence or technical support for increased minimum flows in the Klamath River mainstem.”
Scott Rumsey with the National Marine Fisheries Service claims the Hardy models, with nearly 20 years of scientific criticism and conflicting information, is still the best available science to mandate excessive Klamath River flows.
The story concludes with a very relevant question.
"There is no secret conspiracy." - Dr. Thomas Hardy
Question: Why are flows to the Klamath River managed by Reclamation?
- The SONCC Coho evolutionary significant unit was listed as threatened on 6 May 1997 as recommended by the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) resulting in Reclamation having to reconsult on the Klamath Project as outlined in 50 Code of Federal Regulations, Section 402.16.d
- Since 2000, Reclamation’s proposed actions have included a biological assessment based upon heavily criticized and biased model data from Dr. Hardy (claimed by NMFS and the Yurok Tribe to be the “best available science”)
- Secretary of the Interior staff provided guidance to Reclamation's Klamath Basin Area Office staff to write “non-jeopardy” proposed actions undermining the mitigating actions allowed for in Section 7 of the ESA; thus, NMFS and USFWS heavily influenced what Reclamation proposed as Klamath Project operations without the opportunity for the Services to recommend reasonable and prudent alternatives.
- A series of Yurok court challenges to Reclamation’s 2013 proposed action, which was influenced by KBRA settlement discussions, resulted in a court ordered volume of water to be released. One court order volume expired with the publishing of the 2019 Proposed Action. A second volume of water should have expired on 30 September 2022 with expiration of Reclamations Interim Operations Plan as the USFWS BiOp expired.
- The USFWS has issued a new BiOp which expires on 30 September of 2023.
Question: What threatened SONCC coho habitat can the water from Upper Klamath Lake effect?
- Primarily only the 12 miles immediately below the Iron Gate Dam.
- Over 90% of Klamath River flows are contributed below IGD.
- Contributions between Keno and IGD are typically 350-400cfs during low flow / summer conditions. 2021 and 2022 seen lower #s.
- Flows beyond Shasta are heavily influenced by tributary inflow and run off.
- Coho rearing typically does not occur in the mainstem Klamath River, the tributaries are the critical and primary rearing habitat for coho. The conditions in the mainstem river are not conducive to having adequate overhead cover, does not have access to groundwater springs, the flows rates are too high (coho prefer flows at or below 0.5 feet per second), and there are no deep still-water pools as the preponderance of scientific literature has captured in on-site observations.
USFWS weighs in with observation science
Nicholas Som with USFWS claims 55 coho (assumed due to timing of creation) redds were identified in the mainstem Klamath River over the past two weeks. Craig Tucker claims over a few hundred coho made it into their critical habitat areas in the tributaries. Tucker claims drought conditions may have prevented coho from accessing the tributaries and identified sub-standard habitat in the mainstem.
Four of those redds were identified between Iron Gate Dam and the Shasta River confluence (the eastern most portion of the image below). The remaining redds were observed below the Shasta River confluence where water from Upper Klamath Lake has significantly less effect.
Nicholas states, "For the redd survey, a pre and post survey was requested from BOR. Right now, we only have the pre, and so it was decided to provide the preliminary update as an email. After the post flow-reduction survey, the full survey will be complete, and a written report will be produced."
How do we get accountability???
"Starting in the early 1990’s, as a result of state and federal laws, regulations, lawsuits, and decisions, (both by elected and unelected officials), reservoirs are not allowed to convey the water stored for the intended purposes, and instead a large percentage of water must now be sent to the ocean. Each year this problem is getting worse, and unelected government officials are allowed to divert more water away from homes, communities, and farms."
"People that are elected to represent us need to be the ones held accountable for decisions about how our most basic resources are managed and allocated. The laws need to be updated to rightly put the accountability for creating man-made droughts back on elected officials in an open and transparent fashion."
Jason Phillps, CEO of the Friant Water Authority tells the attendees of the 2023 Mid-Pacific Water Users Conference that they need to hold people accountable. It is unacceptable that unelected officials create rules that they do not put their names on, nor is it acceptable that they are not accountable for their actions nor the harm they cause.
Public Scoping Meetings
District Irrigation System Improvements
Klamath Irrigation District the Natural Resources Conservation Service, and Farmers Conservation Alliance are developing a Watershed Plan – Environmental Assessment to improve water delivery efficiency and help address regional water, fish, and wildlife concerns. Improvements under consideration may be partially funded through the Watershed Protection and Flood Prevention Act of 1954 (PL 83-566) and will address water conveyance and operation inefficiencies in District-operated infrastructure.
This scoping meeting to learn more about these proposed improvements. Participants will have an opportunity to submit their comments, ideas, and concerns.
Public Scoping Meeting
Date: Tuesday February 7, 2023
Time: 4 PM to 5 PM
Location: Merrill Civic Center, Walt Wilson Hall at 363 W Front St, Merrill, OR.
Comments may be submitted during the public scoping period starting January 23, 2023 and ending on March 9, 2023. Comments may be emailed to, submitted online at, voicemail at Farmers Conservation Alliance’s office number (541) 716-6085, or mailed to: Farmers Conservation Alliance, 102 State Street, Hood River, OR 97031.
Tulelake Irrigation District
Public Scoping Open House
Date: February 8, 2023
Time: 1:00 P.M.
Location: UC Davis Intermountain Research and Extension Center
2816 Havlina Rd, Tulelake, CA 96134
2023 Irrigation Season Update &
Political Issues Effecting Our Communities
Klamath Basin Area Office Temporary Operations Plan 2023
Hydrologic conditions currently exist in the Klamath Basin as Reclamation continues to release too much water over the Link River Dam. Reclamation proposed a Temporary Operating Procedure to address this problem. Review the TOP at the link.
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Yurok Tribe issues 60-day notice to bring litigation against Reclamation for thinking about an operations plan that would provide the most flexibility to all stakeholders.
The Yurok placed no claim to the waters in Upper Klamath Lake in the Klamath Adjudication and currently do not have any adjudicated water right to the water in Upper Klamath Lake. If the Yurok had a water right in Upper Klamath Lake, they could make a "call" on water with the Oregon Water Resources Department.
Klamath Tribe issues 60-day notice to bring litigation against Reclamation for failing to fill the lake for the 4th straight consecutive year.
The demanded lake levels are a tribal water right issued by the State of Oregon in the Klamath Adjudication. These rights are enforceable by Oregon Water Resources Department.
The Klamath Tribes have routinely placed "calls" on water in an attempt to raise the elevation of Upper Klamath Lake and the Rivers within its territory.
Yurok Tribe delivers another motion to the court
Yurok Tribes demand control of irrigation deliveries and the elimination of the Klamath Adjudication Water Rights for Klamath Project irrigators established under Oregon State Law
WHEREFORE, plaintiffs respectfully request that this Court:
A. Declare that the 2023 TOP violates Section 7 of the ESA because Reclamation has not completed formal consultation on operations of the Klamath Project that allow Klamath River flows to go below the mandatory minimum flows in the 2019 Plan, as amended by the IOP, and in the 2019 Biological Opinion;
B. Declare that implementation of the 2023 TOP is reasonably certain to cause the unlawful take of threatened SONCC Coho Salmon in violation of Section 9 of the ESA;
C. Declare that the 2023 TOP is arbitrary and capricious and violates Reclamation’s 2019 Plan as amended by the IOP, in violation of the Reclamation Act of 1905 and the APA, 5 U.S.C. § 706(2)(A);
D. Issue an injunction prohibiting Reclamation from allocating water for irrigation that would draw down UKL to levels that would prevent Reclamation from simultaneously meeting the needs of all ESA-listed species;
E. Order Reclamation, with the concurrence of NMFS, FWS, and Plaintiffs, and after consultation with affected Tribes, to provide a report to the Court within 10 days of the issuance of an injunction, describing how it will comply with the injunction;
F. Declare that Reclamation’s Supplemental EA and FONSI are arbitrary, capricious, and contrary to NEPA in violation of the APA, 5 U.S.C. § 706(2)(A);
G. Award plaintiffs their reasonable fees, expenses, costs, and disbursements, including attorneys’ fees associated with this litigation under the ESA, 16 U.S.C. § 1540(g)(4), and the Equal Access to Justice Act 28 U.S.C. § 2412; and
H. Grant plaintiffs such further and additional relief as the Court may deem just and proper.
Reclamation's Klamath Basin Planning Model Output for Upper Klamath Lake Elevations show the current conditions, forecast, and Temporary Operations Plan assumptions. Reclamation anticipates no water is anticipated to be available for non-ESA purposes through 1 June 2023. Yurok Vice-Chairman Myers suggests that Reclamation declare Klamath Project irrigators get no water in 2023 regardless of water right disputes.
In this chart, the solid purple lines represent the USFWS biological opinion minimum levels for C'waam spawning in Upper Klamath Lake. The dip in the dotted purple and green lines represent a full flushing flow and a reduced flushing flow release of stored water from Upper Klamath Lake (with no identified water right) to the river to mitigate perceived c-Shasta infections in Salmonoids.
The data in this chart assumes no agricultural diversions of any water until 1 June. Reclamation stated it is preparing to have discussions with water rights holders about operations soon.
Reclamation's prediction of Upper Klamath Lake Levels based upon the California National River Forecast Center do not project the elevation of Upper Klamath Lake will meet the opinion of the USFWS's biological opinion for endangered C'waam spawning through 30 May (4,142' above MSL). This will be the fourth year in a row that Klamath Tribes water rights claims for specific lake levels prescribed in the Klamath Adjudication are not met. Historically Reclamation has stipulated late starts to the irrigation season or full curtailment of irrigation water when these conditions exist on 1 April.
2023 Irrigation Season looks to be more challenging than 2020 or 2022 due to political factors. Impacts to the refuges remain dismal.
Klamath Project irrigators are again paying to have water stored in Upper Klamath Lake, and many of them are likely going to be denied access to their property again in 2023 by Federal bureaucrats. Excessive outflows from Upper Klamath Lake (well above what would have been naturally available, and only available because the Klamath Project irrigators pay for 100% of the Operation and Maintenance of the Link River Dam) continue to be released to support fabricated habitat for coho salmon. That is the primary reason Upper Klamath Lake is not projected to fill this year in violation of the Klamath Tribes water rights to have specific elevation targets met.
Yes, this is the fourth year of lower-than-average precipitation. Yes, inflows from the Williamson River are setting record lows daily. Yes, the C'waam and Kaptu suckers are endangered and something must be done. Results from analysis of 22-years of data indicate Upper Klamath Lake adult sucker survival was not correlated with annual variation in water quality or lake surface elevation...what can we do to promote the species recovery? Read the study by clicking here...
However, the false narrative that coho are in desperate need of water from Upper Klamath Lake is highly exaggerated. Numerous studies show that coho are not rearing in the mainstem Klamath River; in fact, the high flows disrupt any habitat that could be found in the mainstem. The Hardy flow model is both flawed and biased. Read the facts here....
FACT: Unnaturally evacuating excessive amounts of water from the Klamath Valley into the Klamath River canyon is the direct cause of this crisis; not colonialism, not drought, not white privilege, not agricultural practices, not climate change, or any of the other opinions provided by those with agendas to promote. We are in this continual, non-stop crisis because unnaturally high amounts of water are being released into the Klamath River canyon based upon the opinion of a group of individuals who do not live in the Klamath Valley, who are not our neighbors, and are not truthful in their engagements with the people of the United States.
FACT: Under natural conditions, over 250,000 acre feet of water would have evaporated from Lower Klamath Lake each and every year over the past 4 years. The precipitation we received in January would have been captured by Lower Klamath Lake as it refilled. Claims that water diversions putting water back into the Lower Klamath Lake and Tule Lake areas are ignorant of both the natural state of the basin and oblivious to the ecological collapse occurring in our refuges. In 2021, only 30,000 acre feet of that water was returned to the former lake. In 2022, only 97,000 acre-feet was returned to the former lakes and marshlands. Continued dewatering of the Klamath Valley over the past 20 years has left the former lakes and marshes dry, our wildlife in peril, and has dramatically changed the weather cycles in the Klamath basin as the lakes no longer cool the hot summer days, the evaporation no longer creates rain showers in the late summer, and the ground water is not being recharged with the surface water that belongs on the former lakes and marshlands.
Oregon Water Resources Department anticipates NO emergency groundwater permits in the Klamath Project area in 2023
The Oregon Water Resources Department continues to carefully monitor hydrologic conditions and groundwater levels in the Klamath Basin in Oregon. Due to the pervasive drought and rapidly declining groundwater levels in the Klamath Project area, if a drought emergency is declared in the basin for 2023, it is unlikely OWRD will issue Emergency Use Permits for groundwater (commonly called drought permits). An exception may be made in cases where it is shown that groundwater levels are less impacted.
In making this decision, the Department reviewed groundwater level data, some as recent as January 2023, and climatic data from early 2023. Groundwater levels measured in and around the Klamath Project area declined approximately 20-30 feet over the past three years. In some parts of the Project area, groundwater levels have declined by over 40 feet since 2001. Because of the groundwater level declines, many domestic groundwater users have had wells go dry since 2020. OWRD continues to receive dry well complaints as recently as January 2023.
Please note that existing groundwater rights for irrigation and supplemental irrigation total ~55,000 acres in and around the Klamath Project area. These existing groundwater rights are not impacted by whether drought permits are issued. If a landowner applies for an emergency use permit, a portion of the application fees is non-refundable. If the Department evaluates a drought permit application and determines that a permit cannot be issued, the recording fee is refunded, and the Department retains the exam fee.
Ivan Gall
725 Summer Street NE, Suite A Salem, OR 97301 | Mobile 971-283-6010
Pronouns: he/him/his
Klamath River Dam Removal is likely to
effect Klamath Project Irrigators
Title transfer of 4 dams on the Klamath River from PacifiCorps to the Klamath River Renewal Corporation occurred in December 2022. PacifiCorps is now operating the dams through a contract with KRRC.
Drawdown and refilling the reservoirs is scheduled to happen several times as in-stream work is performed. Discussions to begin coordinating the timing and impact of these events occurred between KRRC, PacfiCorps, and Reclamation over the past 2 years.
Klamath Project irrigators attempts to offset impacts to the Klamath Project irrigation season are hampered by reluctance by KRRC and PacificCorp to take a risk to help the endangered C'Waam spawning sites in Upper Klamath Lake. By drawing down the reservoir at COPCO #1 in May for needed pre-dam removal work, this would positively effect Upper Klamath Lake elevations as less water would need to be released at Link River Dam and thus maintaining lake levels during the C'waam spawning season.
However, PacifiCorps and KRRC's plan to dewater a portion of the reservoir for COPCO #1 is scheduled for a short period in June which may have an impact of July elevations for suckers.
PacifiCorps and KRRC claim fears that if they dewater in May, refilling reservoirs in June allowing COPCO #1 to bypass the powerhouse and spill over the dam will not occur and that, in effect, would result in an impact to the minimum flows to the Klamath River for the coho (see how this argument falls apart with the coho science). If the reservoirs are not full, KRRC claims dam removal will be delayed by a year, increasing costs and contracts.
KRRC has offered to provide additional pre-drawdown schedules and information to assist districts in preparing their 2023 operations plans.
Kiewit, the dam removal contractor for the Klamath River Renewal Corporation, has applied for a limited license to use water in the Klamath River for dust control purposes this fall when many Klamath Project irrigators are likely not to receive water in 2023
K.I.D. believes Reclamation will claim there will be no water available for many Project irrigators in the fall of 2023 and during the 2024 irrigation season given the current operation scheme utilizing flawed information in the biased Hardy flows model claimed as the best available science by NMFS and the Yurok Tribe. Based upon the Hardy model, there is not enough water to maintain lake elevations in most months in most years except for the wettest periods in the recorded history.
Kiewit has provided no contract nor similar agreement with Reclamation for water. Furthermore, Reclamation's IOP, heavily influenced by the Hardy flow model, will likely not make any water available to meet the elevation levels of Upper Klamath Lake prescribed by the Klamath Tribes water rights, nor enough storage to provide drops of water for its most senior contracts in 2023 and 2024. The only water available, according to NMFS, is to be dumped into the ocean for coho when the science clearly shows the coho are not in the Klamath mainstem.
Reclamation’s communication with the District has indicated that the service does not plan to store enough water in Upper Klamath Lake to meet all of its water year 2023 obligations and that all water released for live flow is required to meet Reclamation’s claim of obligations under the Endangered Species Act. Historical practices by Reclamation have resulted in harm to Project irrigators as Reclamation has routinely released stored water from Upper Klamath Lake for instream purposes without a water right to do so in order to appease downriver interests.
If only the farmers and the refuges could apply water to their lands in this manner, it would greatly reduce the dust and soil erosion anticipated to occur again this year while maintaining habitat for wildlife and waterfowl.
Many items discussed in this video address the challenges of dam removal, the need for excessive flows to move sediment, and the unknown condition of the natural reefs which may provide an impediment to the desire and feelings of many who believe salmon will migrate to Klamath Falls, over 250 miles and 4100 feet climb over some of the Nations toughest rapids and potentially 30' natural reefs. The video is an hour long, We encourage you to watch it all. There is nteresting commentary at 50:22.
Panel Discussion on Klamath Dam Removal Science and Monitoring
This video was filmed during a panel discussion on Klamath River Dam Removal Science and Monitoring at the Fall KBMP Meeting in Yreka on November 9th, 2022. Panelists included Dave Coffman (RES), Chauncey Anderson (USGS), Jennifer Curtis (USGS), Tommy Williams (NOAA),and Mike Belchik (Yurok Tribe). Panel Summary: The Panel Discussion on Klamath Dam Removal Science and Monitoring is an opportunity to frame some big-picture topics surrounding the collaboration and coordination of those studying dam removal on the Klamath River. With dam removal likely to begin in late 2023, this panel will provide a venue to learn about existing and potential collaborative efforts to identify scientific data gaps, talk about lessons learned from other dam removal efforts, and discuss ways to coordinate data collection, data sharing, and analysis related to dam removal. This panel also serves as a primer for a soon-to-be-announced multiday, Klamath Dam Removal Science Collaboration Workshop on January 10th and 11th at Cal Poly Humboldt in Arcata, CA.
Sediment movement after dam removal will require flushing flows with water stored for agricultural purposes in Upper Klamath Lake
Siskiyou County Water Users Association Klamath Dam Removal Segment 7 (01/11/2023)
Jerry Bacigalupi, Registered Civil Engineer, Member Board of Directors SCWUA discusses the engineering and sedimentary movement issues associated with dam removal. Watch this interview...
Rex Cozzalio provides his expert, life long observations of how the sediment will devastate the area and his property just downstream from Iron Gate Dam.
"The Klamath Project improves the downriver water quality from natural conditions"
Watch this video...
FERC DRAFT Environmental Impact Statement, February 2022 page 3-216, "Suspended sediment and turbidity can cause stress to Benthic Macroinvertebrates (BMI) populations through impaired respiration; reduced feeding, growth, and reproductive abilities; and reduce primary production. (Lemly, 1982, Vuori and Joensuu, 1996). BMIs are the primary food source for most freshwater fish species, and therefore, changes in abundance, distribution, or community structure can affect fish populations. For example, a diminished food supply can limit growth of salmonoids. Growth is critical to juvenile salmonoids because a larger size fish often has a survival advantage during the overwintering period, smolt outmigration, and ocean residence."
FERC DRAFT Environmental Impact Statement, February 2022 page 3-210 states "The effects of elevated (sediment) SSCs on migrating spring-run Chinook salmon in the Klamath River would be adverse, significant, and unavoidable."
FERC DRAFT Environmental Impact Statement, February 2022 page 3-209 states "the adverse effects on fall Chinook salmon spawning success in the drawdown year would be substantial."
FERC DRAFT Enviornmental Impact Statement, February 2022 page 3-511. "The deposition of reservoir sediment may result in changes in the character of soil along streambanks for up to 8 miles below Iron Gate Dam and could cause arsenic contamination."
Klamath River dam removal project faces lawsuit
The removal of four dams along the Klamath River near the Oregon-California state line, cheered by tribal, state and federal officials last month, is facing additional litigation. Siskiyou County Water Users Association board member Anthony...
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Congressman Cliff Bentz, our Oregon Representative of the people within the Klamath Project.
Congressman Doug LaMalfa, our California Representative of the people within the Klamath Project
Officials Fail to Respond to Congressman Bentz and LaMalfa's inquiries
In June and October 2022 Congressman Bentz and LaMalfa requested information missing from the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission's record. This request for information has gone unanswered.
"All of our questions for Secretary Haaland are sill pending. It is shocking and unacceptable that, over a dozen years after signing the dam removal agreement, the Department of the Interior has no information, or at least none that it will disclose to Congress, FERC, or the public on critical subjects. These include issues that pertain to also uncertain federal authorities and the outcomes of promised investigations of the implications of the Bureau of Reclamation taking title to Keno Dam, a FERC-licensed facility.
Your maintenance crews at work!
Klamath Irrigation District maintenance crews have been working diligently this fall and winter to address a number of priorities to prepare for the 2023 irrigation season.
F-4 Modernization Project: A WaterSMART grant project focused on piping and lining the F-4 lateral to eliminate seepage and minimize evaporation losses is more than 60% complete
Photo: K.I.D. maintenance crews installing pipe on the F-4 Modernization Project.
Bridge Repairs: Our fall inspection of the condition of over 100 bridges in the District resulted in several repairs to bridge decks and stringers this maintenance season. This year we did not identify any bridges that required complete rebuilds.
Photo: K.I.D. maintenance crew replacing stringers and decking on a bridge crossing the G Canal.
PHOTO: Miller Hill Pump inlet cleaning. While the Lost River Diversion Channel was dewatered this fall, K.I.D. took the opportunity to clean the inlet to the Miller Hill Pumping Station which should improve efficiencies at the pumps.
PHOTO: Jaxsen Sikorski, K.I.D. Director of Operations led Reclamation team members through an inspection of the A Canal tunnel, collecting data, and identifying future maintenance priorities.
PHOTO: Reclamation team moving scaffolding to gain better access for LIDAR measurements in the A Canal Tunnel.
G Canal Siphon inspection and repair. While the Lost River Diversion Channel was dewatered, Reclamation assisted the District in conducting an inspection of the LRDC outlet, immediate emergency repairs were conducted prior to Reclamation refilling the LRDC in December.
Photo: Ray Stacey, Chief of Maintenance supervises the installation of bulkheads on the G Canal headworks to facilitate inspection and repairs of the G Siphon structure.
Turnout Replacements: Following our fall inspections, K.I.D. prioritize a number of turnouts which were identified as needing replaced. The teams are currently working on these repairs.
Additional maintenance is on-going.
Scholarship Opportunity - Video Contest
The National Special Districts Coalition (NSDC) is promoting a scholarship contest for high school students designed to encourage young people to engage with local government to enhance their civics education. The scholarships are designed as...
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2023 Klamath Basin Salmon Restoration Request for Proposals
Klamath Basin Salmon 2023 RFP PDF Klamath Basin Salmon 2023 Tip Sheet Applicant Webinar Recording EasyGrants Instructional Webinar Applicant Webinar [Register here]: January 19, 2023 1:00 PM PST/4:00 PM EST Pre-Proposal Due Date: February 7, 2023 ...
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News Stories Impacting our Communities
Klamath Local News - Basin Life
The latest and most comprehensive coverage of local News, Sports, Business, and Community News stories in the Klamath Basin, Southern Oregon and...
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Vacancy on KCC Board of Directors following resignation
KLAMATH FALLS, Ore. - A vacated seat on the Klamath Community College Board of Directors will be open to candidates in the 2023 election following the recent resignation of District 7 Representative Jason Flowers. In an announcement late last...
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ODA recruiting for 55 commodity commissioner openings
The Oregon Department of Agriculture seeks applicants to fill 55 commissioner seats on 19 of the state’s agricultural and commercial fisheries commodity commissions. The deadline to apply is March 15, 2023. Please visit .
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Geneticists Light Up Debate on Salmon Conservation
To the Karuk Tribe, Ishi Pishi Falls on California's Klamath River is the center of the world. Every spring, the holy site is the location of the first of a set of ceremonies collectively called pikyávish, meaning "fix the world" in the local...
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New Restoration Project Kicks off on Scott River Tributary
As drought persists and future impacts of climate change threaten, salmonids across the state will increasingly seek out refuge from warming waters. Cold-water streams like Big Mill Creek, a tributary to the East Fork of the Scott River, offer...
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A Look Back at the "Best Ever" Mid-Pacific Water Users...
Photo credit: Aric Coppola, U.S. Bureau of Reclamation Dan Keppen Executive Director Family Farm Alliance It's that time of year, again. When Western farmers, ranchers, and water managers aren't doing their best to grow food and fiber for our...
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We welcome the opportunity to work with Don Gentry
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U.S. winter hay stocks lowest on record
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Illegal cannabis could disqualify Oregon farmland from...
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Judge Orrick From ND California Taking Senior Status -...
By James Arkin (January 20, 2023, 4:29 PM EST) -- Judge William H. Orrick III of the Northern District of California is taking senior status in May, giving President Joe Biden another vacancy to fill in the nation's most populous state.... In the ...
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Republican governors urge Biden to delay on WOTUS
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Drought forces cattle, sheep liquidation
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Oregon considers drought exemption to 'use it or lose...
SALEM - Oregon farmers who have to forgo irrigation due to drought won't endanger their water rights under legislation before the state Senate. Opponents, however, claim it is overly broad and unnecessary.
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Bipartisan Infrastructure Law Supports $580 Million...
Date: Thursday, February 2, 2023 Contact: WASHINGTON - The Department of the Interior today announced a nearly $580 million allocation to continue fulfilling settlements of Indian water rights claims using funding from...
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Drought continues to take toll on yields
Many farmers and ranchers across the West continue to deal with the impact of drought on their crops and livestock. In an effort to quantify the impacts, the American Farm Bureau Federation again surveyed its members in the West and Central...
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NW AG SHOW: Dairy farmer uses social media to fight for...
SALEM - Though he's amassed nearly 1 million followers on social media, Derrick Josi insists he is not special. Josi, a fourth- generation dairy farmer in Tillamook, Ore., began posting blogs and videos online in 2016 to fight back against what...
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Dairy demand remains strong despite higher prices,...
Domestic demand for dairy products has held up surprisingly well in the face of inflation, but that may be difficult to maintain, an expert predicts. In the first 11 months of 2022, domestic consumers spent about 22% more on dairy purchases...
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Bentz Named Chairman of Water, Wildlife, and Fisheries...
WASHINGTON, D.C. - Today, Rep. Cliff Bentz (OR-02) announced that he has been named Chairman of the Natural Resources Subcommittee on Water, Wildlife, and Fisheries. "It is an honor to be selected as Chairman of the Water, Wildlife, and Fisheries ...
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Fuel from the farm: Dairy farms a growing source of...
Cows in southeastern South Dakota are powering vehicles in California. The process of turning manure into fuel is nothing new, but government incentives for curbing greenhouse gases have caused a boom in such projects, especially at dairy farms....
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Central Oregon county declares drought emergency for...
PRINEVILLE, Ore. - Crook County has declared a state of drought emergency for the fourth consecutive year. The measure was taken so that its residents can tap into state funds to alleviate the financial burden brought on by the exceptionally dry...
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Community groups to discuss Rogue River Basin water...
The Water Action Community event is being organized by the Cave Junction-based Water League and volunteer group Southern Oregon Pachamama Alliance. The event will cover themes including water rights and water law; equity between domestic,...
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Family Farm Alliance | Preserving Western Irrigated...
Western agriculture has long wrestled with its ability to communicate with the people who take for granted that food will always be plentiful and available. The Alliance and California Farm Water Coalition (CFWC) teamed up with the Klamath...
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Master Gardener Trivia: Being Fruitful: Managing orchard ...
This month's trivia topic is Being Fruitful: Managing orchard and small fruit challenges Covers pruning, insect and disease programs, reasons for poor fruit set and more. Open to Master Gardeners throughout Oregon, join us online for an evening...
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Recent Story Map Projects
Preparing the Klamath Basin for Dam Removal
A StoryMap Spotlighting Collaborative Efforts to Enhance Fish Passage in the Klamath River Basin in Honor of World Fish Migration Day 2020 with a moderate amount of misinformation.
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The Klamath River - A Tribal Perspective
The purpose of this story map is to explore the perception of damage that dams have done to the native culture and river's ecosystem.
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South Suburban Sanitary District - Finance Director
Posted: 12/30/2022 Salary: $75,000 - $98,000 DOE Location: Klamath Falls, OR Application deadline: Open until filled Description: Under the general supervision of the District Manager, the Finance Director is responsible for all areas related to...
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Klamath Irrigation District is hiring
We are currently recruiting for 2 (two) relief ditch riders and an (one) Assistant Operations / Safety Officer.
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Keno RFPD - Fire Chief
Posted: 1/13/2023 Salary: $85,000 - $95,000 plus a competitive benefit package. Location: Keno, OR The Keno Fire District is seeking qualified candidates for the position of Fire Chief. Keno Fire District provides fire and EMS emergency response...
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CURRENT OPENING: General Manager - Indian Wells Valley...
The Indian Wells Valley Water District is seeking a General Manager. The General Manager (GM) will receive policy direction from the Directors and shall be responsible for implementing the Board's policies including the planning and design of...
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The mission of Klamath Irrigation District is to acquire, maintain, assure, and deliver an adequate water supply for beneficial use on qualified land with the Klamath Project. We represent our Patrons before government agencies, the legislature, Congress, and in such forms as appropriate for the perfection and protection of their water rights.
We defend the District from actions which would diminish our effectiveness and function.
We further promote the conservation of water, soil, and other natural resources.
The Klamath Irrigation District is a quasi-municipal corporation (special purpose local government) formed and operating pursuant to Oregon Revised Statute Chapter 545. The District was established by "Order Declaring Result of Election" entered in the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Klamath on 10 December 1917 and subsequently absorbed the responsibilities of the Klamath Water Users Association established in 1905. The District is governed by a five member board of directors which is elected by patrons of the District.
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