Sharing the love of Jesus Christ through building sustainable communities around the world...
Sharing the love of Jesus Christ through building
sustainable communities around the world.
June 14, 2021

Not by Accident

Incredible ministry continues to take place in both Galette Chambon and Thoman, Haiti. This life-changing work is not happening by accident.

In Galette Chambon, Tony and Mickie West continue to do an extraordinary job from here in the States. Hopefully, the day will come when the civil unrest and the gang behavior has calmed down to where they can return to Haiti. For now, on a daily basis, they deal with countless issues such as the Hope Center staff, child sponsorships, our 3 schools in Galette Chambon, our new professional school, the medical clinic, the outpatient malnutrition clinic, business development, patient advocacy, ministry plans, and approximately one million other things.

If you have had any dealings with Haiti, you know how complicated things can get. Wading through all the complexities of Haiti is extremely challenging and not for the faint of heart. Tony and Mickie continue to do amazing work, communicating daily with our many Haitian team members through What's App, Facebook Messenger, texting, phone calls, emails, and other means of communication. Please continue to pray for the Wests. Their work has not lessened. It's just gotten more complicated by having to do it from the States.
Please pray for Tony West as he had extensive shoulder surgery last week.
Help for the Children

When things are more normal in Haiti, we have mission teams throughout the year and especially during the summer months. During those times, the children are out of school, and we typically hold VBS-type events. Without teams, we have been unable to do so.

But, we have an idea. We are asking churches or Sunday School classes that have traditionally gone to Galette Chambon and held VBS to consider sponsoring a VBS and let the Haitian leadership actually conduct the VBS. The Haitian leadership agrees to take pictures and video of the event and share these with BGM so that these can be shared by the sponsoring group.

The cost for a week-long sponsorship of VBS in Galette Chambon is $1,270 and includes the following:

200 Waters per day for 4 days – $50
200 pates (food) per day for 4 days – $800
Pay for Elysee to come do music for four days - $80
Pay for leadership conducting the VBS - $40 each ($240 total)
Supplies: $100

This would not involve shipping any supplies at all. The Haitian leadership would purchase all materials plus supplies for the kids to do a craft of some sort.

If you are interested in sponsoring a week of VBS, please contact our office at 601-983-1179 and speak with Annette.
One of countless VBS weeks held over the years
Help for the Mothers

One of the best things we have done over the years in Haiti is to conduct week-long Motherhood Seminars for pregnant women. For many of the women, this is their first pregnancy, and they are nervous about the entire process. These Motherhood Seminars have provided vital information, support, and encouragement. The ladies are taught important information about their pregnancy, giving birth, and care of their newborn child.

In the past, our mission teams have been the ones to sponsor and conduct the Motherhood Seminars. Without teams in Haiti, we have not held the Seminars. But now, we have a proposal to once again host them.

We are asking churches or other groups to sponsor a Motherhood Seminar that will be conducted solely by Haitians. The sponsoring group would provide $1,000 for supplies to be purchased in Haiti. Those supplies and expenses include:

  • Snacks and waters for each day, including 30 pates - $120
  • 8 – 5 gallon jugs for ladies to have water - $40
  • Motherhood bags with items purchased in Haiti:
25 – Lodani’s All Things New hygiene kits - $188
50 – Lodani’s All Things New diapers (25 small, 25 medium) - $200
25 – Marie Claude’s Moringa soap - $175
  • 4 professional presenters pay for each day - $200 ($50 per teacher per day)
  • Tap tap money for trip to Maternity Hospital - $50

In addition, the sponsoring group would ship the following items to Haiti in the same way we ship sponsorship gifts:

  • cloth diapers
  • baby shampoo and lotion
  • bibs
  • gender neutral onesie
  • teether
  • rattle
  • plastic bowl and spoon
  • nipple cream
  • baby powder
  • baby blanket

Our staff in Galette Chambon says we now have enough pregnant women in the village to host TWO Motherhood Seminars!

If you are interested in sponsoring a Motherhood Seminar, please contact Mickie West at
One of the many Motherhood Seminars held in the past
Professional School

We are thrilled to announce that registration for our Professional School in Galette Chambon, Haiti will be from June 19-23. The first 6-month session will start on July 1.

In Haiti, a professional school is what we might call a Vocational School. In our case, we will be offering five courses:

  • plumbing
  • tiling/tile laying
  • construction/electrical
  • cosmetology
  • English

The school will meet on Saturdays in the morning and Sundays in the afternoon, three hours each day. All classes will meet in our new school next to the Hope Center.
Do Yourself a Favor

The following link is a recently conducted video interview with Nate Grabill, the man who has given extraordinary leadership to our Mobile Medical Unit in Thoman, Haiti.

With God's grace and guidance, Nate birthed the idea, did an enormous amount of research and work, and got the whole thing started.

In this video, Nate explains how the Mobile Medical Unit came to be, what motivated him to be involved in this way, and what the future may look like.

Do yourself a favor and watch this interview. You will be inspired and encouraged. You'll be amazed at how God has used this man to do great and mighty things in Haiti.

It's best to watch the entire interview. However, if you don't have much time, be sure and watch 15:53-19:54 and 28:56-31:17. You'll be so glad you did!

Here's the LINK.
Nate Grabill
Went to medical school at age 47 in 2017
Starts surgery residency this week in Georgia
Husband of 32 years
Father of 3 adult children
Grandfather to 5 grandchildren
Loves Haiti
Child of the King
Graduation in the Mississippi Delta

I was blessed to attend our Montessori graduation a few weeks ago in Jonestown, MS. These little children are now ready to start first grade. They won't be behind. They won't struggle. They'll be ahead of the curve and off to a great start!
Teams in the Delta

We are once again hosting mission teams in the Mississippi Delta. Last week, an amazing team from Colonial Hills Baptist Church of Hernando, MS blessed us greatly. Al Ainsworth provided tremendous leadership for the team.
Installing a new fence
This team brought heavy machinery!
Putting in desperately needed gravel in the Montessori parking lot
The team installed new flooring in the kitchen of the Montessori school.
Working on the playground at the Montessori school
Worshiping with Pastor Bennie on Sunday
Our special 10th anniversary celebration for BGM will be on September 16, 2021 at First Baptist Madison, MS. We plan to have many of our Haitian friends in attendance as well as current and former missionaries.

More information to come, but for now, SAVE THE DATE!

As you know, all of this work takes a great deal of resources. If you are in a position to give, you can give a gift online HERE or send a check to: But God Ministries, 404 Fontaine Place, Suite 104, Ridgeland, MS, 39157.

In addition, I ask for your prayers for wisdom and energy for our Haitian staff, our Delta staff, our American staff in Haiti and the U.S., and our Board of Directors.

Can't Wait To See What God Does Next,

Stan Buckley
Executive Director
Visit our website to stay up to date on our most recent developments. Browse our quick facts or learn more about taking trip to Haiti or the Miss. Delta!
Stan Buckley
Executive Director