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Update: Outcomes from a meeting of our Regional Board on September 26, 2022

Good afternoon! 

Many of you know that there was a Regional Board meeting last evening at the Merriam Christian Church that was well attended. Participants included an estimated 100 (or more) youth, adult camp sponsors, pastors, and lay leaders.

Input given by attendees included (but was not limited to) results of a quick campaign that raised $108,000 in pledges to support Tall Oaks, notice of grants for which Tall Oaks may be eligible, and encouragement of the Regional Board to reconsider the motion to sell the campus. 

Conversations included discussions about faith formation and growth, fiscal responsibility and financial position of our Region, expiration of the current contract with United Camps, Conferences, and Retreats on December 31, 2022 (unless extended), need for improved communications, and working together as the whole Regional church.

Major Outcomes:

        Approved a motion to postpone further action on the original motion from the Executive Committee of the Regional Board to sell Tall Oaks in 2023 until such time as a group of stakeholders can be formed to explore more concrete options for the future of Tall Oaks

·        Approved a motion to form a steering committee with stakeholders to begin that work. Leadership for that group will be appointed by the Moderator of the Regional Board.

Knowing the strong interest in the progress of work regarding Tall Oaks we will share updates as they become available.

·       Affirmation and celebration of the newest congregation-in-formation in our Region. Faith Community Christian Church is a Chuukese Disciples congregation nesting with the Park Hill Christian Church. Their pastor, Dayson Marar has completed the discernment process for new church planters and is already deeply invested with the North American Pacific/Asian Disciples of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in the United States and Canada. (NAPAD)

May God continue to bless you and your efforts in the work of the Church to be the living Body of Christ for such a time as this.

Bill Rose-Heim

Regional Minister and President