To: All Faculty and Staff
March 13, 2025
Dear Faculty and Staff,
We write to share next steps in budget reduction planning for the coming fiscal year. We would like to extend our gratitude to all who participated thus far. We acknowledge this is a challenge and that the uncertainty of how budget changes may impact what we do and how we do it can be unsettling. We thank you for your efforts to think hard about what is most important as we work toward fiscal sustainability and remaining a nationally ranked research university serving the Valley for many years to come.
As part of budget planning, leadership have embarked on a listening tour with various campus constituency groups including CAPRA, the Senate Chair, ASUCM, Graduate Student Association, Staff Assembly, and Non-Senate Academics Council to hear their top-of-mind concerns and feedback. We appreciate these groups creating the time to share their thoughts with us. These engagements will inform final decisions regarding budget reductions.
The next step in our budget planning process will be a meeting of vice chancellors and deans later this month to review each division’s plan for their budget reduction and to discuss budget scenarios and priorities. Preliminary recommendations will be shared with the Senate Chair and the chair of CAPRA for consultation and discussion in April. Final recommendations will be provided to Chancellor in early May, and shared with administrative leaders, academic leaders, and leaders of constituency groups. Based on those recommendations, the Governor’s May Budget Revision, and enrollment projections, Chancellor Muñoz will review the recommendations and make the final determination on the fiscal year 2025-26 (FY 2026) budget reductions.
We will share the final recommendations prior to the start of the new academic year through a series of campus communications and a town hall. In the meantime, please submit your questions and comments via our Ask DFA form and we will post FAQs to the budget reduction planning website as they are answered.
Thank you once again for your collaboration and dedication to the longevity of our mission.
Elizabeth R. Dumont, Ph.D.
Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost
Kurt Schnier, Ph.D.
Vice Chancellor and Chief Financial Officer