ICF Georgia’s Update on COVID-19
Connection in a Time of Isolation
ICF Georgia Chapter’s focus for 2020 is Connection, and never has it been more critical for all of us to remain connected and supportive to one another and those we serve. We continue to monitor the rapidly changing events as the COVID-19 pandemic continues to impact our lives, families, friends, and, most importantly, our health. Due to the current circumstances and guidance from local and federal officials, we will suspend all in-person events through the end of April 2020. Your health and safety are always our first consideration and even more so now amid this international crisis. However, please know that we remain committed to providing you access to coaching development opportunities through our already thriving virtual meetings and events.

As many of you know, we began to host our 2020 Chapter meetings online and in-person.

In light of current circumstances, our April 8, 2020 Chapter meeting will now be online only. Be on the lookout for more information about this meeting and other upcoming events in our regular Thursday newsletters and know you will have access to attend from the comfort and safety of your own home.

Additionally, our connections here in Georgia expand to the world as we look to the efforts of ICF Global to help us all navigate these challenging times. As coaches, we spend so much time caring for our clients, but we also want to take time to practice self-care and stay connected to how the current environment is impacting us. ICF Global has created a COVID-19 resource page for coaches. This page will provide updates from official health organizations, wellness and hygiene information, and ideas for supporting your clients and businesses during this period of uncertainty.

You can access the ICF Global page at https://coachfederation.org/wecare .

ICF Georgia encourages you to continue to remain vigilant in keeping yourself and loved ones safe and healthy, both physically and emotionally. The changes to our everyday routines and movements can have a more significant impact than we may realize, which means we want to turn up the spotlight on our self-awareness, empathy, and compassion for the experiences of others.
In this time of physical isolation, please know you can still maintain meaningful personal connections to each other, ICF Georgia, and the world in virtual environments.

Blessings and health to you all!
Tonya Echols, PCC