Food for Thought Newsletter

Brought to you by Canadian Federation of Agriculture, representing over 200,000 farmers and farm families across Canada
An update from the Canadian Federation of Agriculture.

Welcome to the Food for Thought newsletter!

As part of our Food for Thought campaign, you signed up to receive further emails and updates on Canadian farmers and agriculture.

This is our 4th issue, giving an update on some serious issues such as how the war in Ukraine will affect Canadian agriculture and food and food prices in Canada.

We also have some fun educational pieces on broiler eggs, ornamental horticulture, dairy farmers reaching net-zero by 2050, seed genetics, Quebec agriculture, as well as some delicious recipes.

A French version of this newsletter will be released next week.
The War in Ukraine
Impacts on Global and Canadian Agriculture
Over the past several months, you may have seen a variety of articles detailing some of the effects that the war in Ukraine is having on agriculture in Canada and around the world. Ukraine and Russia are two of the world's “breadbaskets”, with both countries exporting a combined quarter of the world's wheat. Experts around the world have warned that there could be a looming global food crisis if the war impacts Ukrainian agriculture heavily. This is almost guaranteed to occur now that the war has been ongoing for over a month.

The events ongoing in Ukraine are tragic, and unfortunately for most there is little that the average person can do to affect the situation. Yet even across an ocean we can see the effects of the war, with rising food prices caused not only by shortages, but also due to other countries refusing to export their products to ensure they can feed their own population.

However, Canada is in a unique position to try and help with some of the global issues around agriculture products that can arise from the ongoing war.
Canadian Agriculture in 2022

Do you know what a broiler hatching egg is? | Food Freedom Day is February 8th, 2022 | Quebec - More than 400 years of agriculture! | Why certify seed genetics? | Ornamental Horticulture | Dairy Farmers - Net Zero by 2050 | Delicious recipes!
Canadian Hatching Egg Producers - Do you know what a broiler hatching egg is?

Our relationship with food is what brings us together. Not many things compare to a home cooked meal or having your favourite dish prepared just the way you like it at a restaurant. There is also a good chance that the protein of choice on your plate is chicken. Poultry is one of Canadians’ favorite proteins. In fact, statistics show that 84% of Canadians purchase fresh chicken on a regular basis.

But where does that chicken that you buy at the grocery store, local market, or order at your favorite restaurant come from?

Not many people know.
Food Freedom Day was February 8th, 2022!

Each year, CFA examines the proportion of income that Canadians spend on food as a way to explore year-over-year expenditure changes.

Canadians spent 10.7% of their disposable income on food in 2021, which is slightly lower than the 11% of disposable income spent on food in 2020. Due to this, Food Freedom Day is now one day earlier, landing on February 8th, 2022.

Food Freedom Day falling on an earlier date than the previous year will likely come as a surprise to many, especially in the light of rising food prices and overall inflation.
Why certify seed genetics? - The unnoticed international system for identity assurance and traceability

Seed genetics are the foundation of our food system. In fact, nine out of 10 bites of food start with seed. But how often do we think about seed genetics? When you're planting your backyard garden, do you think about how the seed itself may impact your final product ‐ whether fruit, vegetables, herbs or flowers?

For a tomato, you may pick a specific variety like cherry, roma, hothouse or heirloom seeds, but beyond that, you trust the tomato to grow and be what the packet says it is.

But for farmers planting, food processors buying, and international markets importing, this trust is paramount, and it goes far beyond looks.
Connecting Canadian Cities with the Ornamental Horticulture Industry

Canadians are experiencing the impacts of a changing climate and the extreme, unpredictable weather patterns that come along with it. The impact of climate change continues to be acutely felt as city populations expand, adding pressure on municipalities to find the resources to build towards healthy, livable urban environments. 

This means cities are getting more crowded, and those swelling populations are changing the figurative landscape of Canadian metropolitan areas. The literal landscape is where the solution can be found. Beautifying Canadian urban areas with quality landscapes yields amazing benefits. The impact of ornamental horticulture on a society's quality of life and its ability to adapt to climate change cannot be understated. 
Canadian dairy farmers commit to net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050

Building on a long history of environmental stewardship, Dairy Farmers of Canada (DFC) recently committed to a goal of net-zero greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from farm-level dairy production by the year 2050. This net-zero emissions goal sends a clear message to Canadians, consumers, stakeholders and governments alike that dairy farmers are leaders, and we are part of the solution!

The dairy sector will reach net-zero through a combination of emissions reduction initiatives and GHG removal offsets. By forming partnerships with like-minded organizations and leveraging government programs, DFC will provide tools and support to farmers across the country. The organization is also working with dairy farmers themselves to develop a ‘basket of initiatives’ they can choose from to help achieve this important objective.
Quebec – More than 400 years of agriculture! 

In 1617, the Parisian apothecary Louis Hébert, his wife Marie Rollet and their three children accepted the invitation of the father of New France, Samuel de Champlain, and settled in Quebec. In doing so, they became the first European settlers to make their family's livelihood from the land. More than 400 years later, agriculture is still an exceptional economic driver for Quebec.

With some 29,000 businesses, 57,000 jobs and revenues of $11.1 billion (2021), it is the largest activity in the primary sector, even if only 2% of the territory is reserved for it, as well as a major economic player, particularly in rural communities
Recipe - Maple Taffy

A classic Canadian treat, learn how to make this tasty snack at home, at any time of the year!
Recipe - Pu’erh & Spices Milk Tea

Make your tea with milk for a delicious nutrition boost! Milk contains 15 essential nutrients such as calcium, vitamin D, magnesium, potassium, protein and vitamin B12.
Recipe - Milk Bread Rolls

The perfect side dish for any meal, these heavenly dinner rolls made with Canadian Milk are soft, tender and buttery.
Upcoming Events in Canadian Agriculture
Federal-Provincial-Territorial (FPT) Agriculture Ministers Meeting and Roundtable

In late July, CFA and other agriculture groups will have the opportunity to present their shared priorities to FPT Ministers at the FPT Roundtable. This event is an important opportunity for farm leaders to meet with key government officials to present a united front for Canadian agriculture.