May 12, 2022
Dear St. Martin's Parents,
We wanted to update you on the current status of our Covid-19 response. Cases have continued to decline significantly this week, after our outbreak early last week in the Lower School. We have not had a case reported in the Lower School since Sunday, May 8. We have two cases in Pre-K - not in the same class, and two cases in Middle School, one in 6th grade and one in 7th grade. Two faculty members are currently in quarantine through Friday and will return on Monday. Students that were in quarantine during the outbreak have already returned or are returning to school on Friday and Monday.
The Maryland State Department of Health has us on their Covid School dashboard this week, encompassing the numbers from last week. We should be clear on Friday, May 13, as our numbers have decreased enough that we are no longer considered in the moderate to high transmission phase. It is to be expected that we may continue to see sporadic cases until the end of the school year in June, but hopefully not of the magnitude during the passed recent outbreak.
St. Martin's Episopal School remains committed and dedicated to keeping the school population as healthy as possible with the variants and subvariants of Covid-19. The administration meets weekly, and sometimes daily if necessary, to ascertain where we are as a school in relation to the pandemic. We closely monitor the Covid-19 trends in the community, both at the scientific and state levels, and we are solely invested in keeping children safe while providing the absolute best learning environment possible for our Mustangs. We appreciate the invaluable assistance of our parent community and those of our faculty and staff to keep our campus thriving. We understand the frustrations of trying to raise your children during these unprecedented times and we appreciate your continued patience as we head toward the finish of what is turning out to be a wonderful school year.
Charlie Sachs
Interim Head of School