September 2, 2021
Dear St. Martin’s Families,
I hope this message finds you and your children well and excited to start the new school year. I am happy to report that all our teachers and staff are getting everything ready and set to go into a great new St. Martin’s school year this coming Tuesday.
Please make sure that you have familiarized yourself with the drop-off and pick-up carline procedures before Tuesday. As returning families are aware, our line spills into our neighborhood and creates challenges for residents there. Please plan ahead to arrive at the appropriate times, display your name signs, pay attention to faculty traffic directors, and most of all be aware of small children who may be excited and insufficiently aware of traffic dangers.
Also I am writing to share the latest updates on our Covid guidelines. Last year, our lower student teacher ratio and caring, responsive culture allowed us to adapt well to the pandemic’s evolving challenges in a safe and healthy manner. Returning families will note that we currently intend to take a thoughtful approach to community safety similar to last year.  
Our delegating nurse and health care team continue to research, monitor, and adapt safety guidelines and protocols with recommendations from multiple sources: CDC, WHO, Association of Independent Maryland Schools, MSDE, the Episcopal Diocese of Maryland, and state and local agencies.
In addition, the following measures will be taken to provide a safe and healthy learning environment and to mitigate the potential spread of the virus at St. Martin’s:

  • This year all teachers, staff, clergy and administrators are required to be vaccinated.
  • All members of the St. Martin’s community must be masked indoors.
  • As much as possible, we have arranged for minimal congestion in corridors and classrooms during the school day as well as at arrival and dismissal times.
  • We have maximized interior space use to ensure social distancing in all three divisions.
  • We will provide individual supplies for students rather than shared supplies.
  • We will require hand-washing/sanitizing upon arrival and during the day at sanitizing stations throughout building.
  • Student-friendly health and safety reminders are evident everywhere in the building.
  • Except in inclement weather we will maximize outdoor time to learn, play, and eat.
  • An isolated space exists for anyone showing symptoms to wait for pick-up.
  • Staff and our cleaning company continue to provide enhanced daily cleaning with frequent wipe-down of high touch areas during the school day.
  • Without specific expressed approval during the school day, only students, staff and limited volunteers will be permitted in building. Other than the designated parent visitor times for Back-to-School and teacher conferences. To obtain building entry permission, prospective visitors should contact my office. 
  • Covid symptomatic students must return home, and parents are requested to retrieve those children from school as promptly as possible.
As you know, the Covid situation has been and no doubt will continue to be fluid. Further professional guidance and updates will evolve as we move through the school year. We appreciate all of our family's participation in keeping our school community safe by keeping your children home from school if they are symptomatic.
We thank you for your support as we eagerly prepare to welcome your children back to campus.
Best Regards,
Charlie Sachs
Interim Head of School