Monday, January 13, 2025!

We need the City and County of

Los Angeles to get organized!

Judie Mancuso was on The Mark Thompson Show today discussing our coalition's rescue efforts and some of the obstacles faced by the local residents who were evacuated and rescue teams. You can watch the show on Mark Thompson's YouTube Channel! Judie's segment starts at the 19:25 minute mark of the video.

Judie will also appear on Mark's show on KFI AM 640 tomorrow, Tuesday, at 11:35 AM. You can listen live on the radio or stream online at:


We have been working with a network of rescue groups in Los Angeles and Pasadena Humane Society, and have heard and seen, firsthand, what the evacuees have been going through as it pertains to their beloved animals. Many were at work during the evacuation order or chose to leave their animals behind.

Since that time there has been no way for them to go back and retrieve them. We have been working with nonprofit groups who have lists of these individuals in Altadena, Pasadena, and L.A. City and County who need help getting to their pets. We have been coordinating rescuers on the ground to get to these addresses and either rescue the animals, verify their death, or in the absence of any animal - leaving food and water behind.

Due to looting and other public safety issues the National Guard has tanks in front of most streets. It has been increasingly difficult to help. It is imperative for the local jurisdictions to get organized to ensure a streamlined and effective response, we need to immediately implement a centralized disaster database system, such as the Shelterly. This system, recently put into use by the Pasadena Humane Society, includes dispatch and tracking tools specifically designed for disaster situations.

We have filed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with the City and County in an effort to get our FEMA certified rescuers, veterinarians, and other mutual aid to assist with evacuations, enter burn areas to rescue pets left behind, and provide care for injured wildlife.

But, we are frustrated by the lack of coordination, communication, and overall organization coming from the City and County.

****The only help or guidance from the City is a number just released for those looking for their pets in the Palisades fire: 888-452-7381

In addition, we have 180 fosters signed up in our system. Thank you so much! And we have four groups willing to transport many animals to Northern California and out of state.

Based on the knowledge we have now, here is what you need to know in this current disaster, which is so widespread and continuing:

Guidelines for Animal Safety During Disasters

1. If You Evacuate, Take Every Animal With You!

  • Never leave any behind – not even if you think it will be for a short time.
  • Ask yourself: If this house burns down, will I feel okay leaving my animals behind?
  • If you go, they go!

2. LA City & County Animal Control Needs Help:

  • Disasters of this magnitude are overwhelming for local animal control.
  • They must immediately authorize approved animal disaster responders and mutual aid.
  • These teams can assist with evacuations and search-and-rescue efforts for animals left behind in evacuated areas.

3. If Your Animal is Trapped and You Can’t Get Back In:

  • Call every resource you can – animal control, rescue groups, and community networks.
  • Post on all social media platforms for help.
  • Do not give up! Persistence saves lives.

4. Don’t Forget About Wildlife!

  • Wildlife suffers greatly during disasters.
  • Put basins of water outside and provide food for birds and other displaced animals.
  • We need the state and city to take bold action to support wildlife, similar to Australia’s response after their fires.

Take Action:

Contact Mayor Bass and the County Supervisors to demand:

  1. Approval for Animal Disaster Responders and mutual aid.
  2. Immediate action to assist with evacuations, search, and rescue for animals.
  3. Go to www.socialcompassion.org to help. 

Together, we can protect the animals – both domestic and wild – who rely on us in times of crisis.

On behalf of the Social Compassion and SCIL teams and all the animals, we thank you for your support in this time of desperate need! Our hearts our broken for all of the tragic loss.

Judie Mancuso, founder/CEO/president

Social Compassion in Legislation


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