We continue to work around the clock with a coalition of animal rescuers to connect evacuees with their lost animal companions in the Palisades and Malibu. Many of you saw our successful effort to reunite Oreo the dog with his father, Casey Colvin - we are trying to replicate that story many times over as we engage with any family that reaches out to us for help.
Thankfully teams of rescuers have been successful in finding dogs, birds, fish, and now primarily, cats alive in the burn areas and reuniting them with their families, but more needs to be done.
Yesterday, Hailey Winslow of Fox 11 News, did a story highlighting the work of rescuers and the need for the City and County to step up their efforts to reunite pets with their families.
We strongly encourage you to watch the story, as it so eloquently captures what is happening at this moment in time.
We continue to run up against roadblocks where homeowners or renters are not able to reach their residences, burned or not, due to restrictions. The authorities are not allowing them back into the burn area to save their furry family members, which might be the only thing in the world they have left due to these fires.
We are advocating directly with local government to allow evacuees access to their homes with an authorized escort, but to no avail thus far.
Below: A picture captured just this past Saturday by one of the rescue cameras of Fernando prior to being trapped and reunited with his mother, Meg.