COVID-19 Action Plan at Loudoun Hunger Relief
Thank you for your support of the work we do at Loudoun Hunger Relief.

With your partnership, we help the most vulnerable in our community with sufficient, nutritious food every day, AND in a crisis.

We'd like to take a few minutes of your time to update you on what we've done to be prepared as an organization and to serve our neighbors in need during the rapidly shifting situation in our county.

As a leader in Loudoun's emergency food system, we have emergency plans in place for many situations. Last week we began providing the families we serve with extra shelf-stable food to help keep their kitchens stocked. We're making sure we have food on hand at the pantry in anticipation of the potential need for the next several weeks. We're also making sure that we can staff the pantry and get the food to those who need it.

Loudoun Hunger Relief serves all of Loudoun County with emergency groceries. We served 8000 Loudoun residents last year with 1.6million pounds of food. 40% of those we serve are children under 18, and another 13% are senior adults. These families are among the most vulnerable to financial distress and income interruption, and we know that we are a critical resource to them, especially at times like these. We take our responsibility seriously.

Inside the pantry, we've increased our already stringent cleaning and disinfecting routines. We are well aware that we are a public facility, and we have taken all possible precautions.

We are also working closely with our County government and nonprofit partners to minimize the impact of COVID-19 on those we serve, and those who may need food if our region is heavily impacted.

So keep washing your hands, and keep doing what you can to reduce risk of disease transmission. Loudoun is a wonderful community, and we feel sure that we will all work together to support one another through the coming weeks.

At this time, we are asking for monetary donations to assist in our emergency response. You can also order food to be shipped directly to us from our Amazon Wish List . Please give if you can.