Update on MassDOT Projects in Our District

State Rep. Kate Hogan, 3rd Middlesex District

Bolton Hudson Maynard Stow

August, 2023

Dear Friends,

I met recently with representatives from the Massachusetts Department of Transportation (MassDOT) to discuss important projects in our towns and region and their impacts on our daily life.

These projects will make roads in our area safer, faster and more efficient -- with the result being good for drivers, good for business and good for our state's economic development. Details on these projects are available below.

If you have any questions about this work, please don't hesitate to contact me.

Kate Hogan
State Representative
Third Middlesex District
(617) 722-2600

Pictured above (l-r):

Rep. Kate Hogan and Barry Lorion, MA Highway Director - District 3 

The Central Massachusetts Transportation Center for MassDOT District 3, a new net-zero building

MassDOT Highway Projects

for the Third Middlesex District

Gleasondale Road Bridge (Stow)

The new structure will include one travel lane in each direction, a bicycle- accommodating shoulder in each direction, and a sidewalk on both sides of the bridge. New bridge railings are also being incorporated.

When complete, the new bridge will allow two-way traffic without the need for the temporary traffic light currently controlling traffic on the existing, weight- limited structure.

A construction contract in the amount of $4.3 million was awarded to the Kodiak Corp. on December 9, 2020 to reconstruct the bridge in the same footprint as the existing span.

As of Summer 2023, new beams for the bridge's western side have been set by the contractor and work on reconstructing the western side to restore two-way traffic across the bridge is underway.

The contractor poured the deck for the western side of the bridge on July 13. Pavement, sidewalk, curb, and guardrail work will continue through the summer.

The current schedule shows that the contractor will reopen the Gleasondale Road Bridge to Full Beneficial Use by fall 2023, restoring two-way traffic across the bridge with sidewalks on both sides, as well as new bicycle-accommodating shoulders.

No additional full closures are anticipated at this time. Details on current construction status are available online here.

Expected completion date: Fall, 2023

Florida Road over Assabet River (Maynard)

This is a functional replacement of the existing bridge and work will include reconstruction of the approaches and related safety improvements.

A construction contract in the amount of $3.4 million was awarded to the Tully Construction Corp. on September 13, 2021. The bridge will remain closed until fall 2023 in order to facilitate bridge construction operations. Weather permitting, the contractor has the deck pour scheduled for July 25, 2023.

Expected completion date: October, 2023

Marlborough/Hudson I-495 Southbound ramp to I-290 Westbound

The project builds off Phase 1 improvements that were completed in Fall 2019. It widens Ramp B to two lanes and improves ramp geometry, i.e. it will reduce the curve so that more cars can travel faster (45 MPH design speed). Low-speed travel lane on I-495 SB will allow drivers to continue on I-495 SB or exit towards I-290 and there will be an additional lane on I-290 WB to allow acceleration.

The project was advertised for construction on July 30, 2022 and a $5.5 million contract award was made on September 22, 2022 to J.H. Lynch and Sons Inc. Construction is now underway.

The contractor has completed lane markings to shift traffic on the ramp from 495 SB to 290 WB, and a temporary barrier was installed. Construction of two different retaining walls has also been completed. Full depth construction for the proposed ramp widening area is ongoing and is expected to be completed in April, 2024.

Once completed, delays on I-495 SB will be reduced by 97%. The queue entering the onramp, which is in the 95th percentile, will be reduced by 99%. The reduction in congestion will eliminate many of the rear-end type crashes on I-495 southbound.

Expected completion date: April, 2024

I-495 Resurfacing Projects

Bolton, Boxborough, Harvard-Pavement Preservation and Related Work (Including 6 Bridges) along a Section of Interstate 495

A project contact award was made to P.J. Keating and Co. on May 20, 2021 in the amount of $10 million. The project is currently 70% complete and contract completion is anticipated to be finished by the end of 2023.

Milford- Hopkinton- Westborough- Southborough- Marlboro- Hudson- Berlin on I-495

This $19 million project consists of resurfacing I-495 in Milford, Hopkinton, Westborough, Southborough, Marlborough, Hudson, and Berlin. The work start date was June 13, 2022 and the contract will be completed during the 2024 construction season. The project contractor is Holcim-Ner Inc.

The majority of work is being completed at night due to traffic volumes. 

Reconstruction of I-90/I-495 Interchange  (Hopkinton- Westborough)

 This $394 million Design-Build project is to provide a safe and efficient interchange with:

• Improved merging lanes

• Auxiliary lane from I-495 NB to Route 9

• Direct connection ramps from I-90 WB to I-495 NB and I-495 NB to I- 90 EB

• 3 new bridges:

• Fruit Street Bridge

• I-495 bridge over I-90

• I-495 bridge over the rail lines

Construction is underway and will continue through 2027. Details on current construction status are available online here.

Projects under development

(Maynard) Bridge Replacement, M-10-004, Route 62 (Main Street) over the Assabet River

The purpose of this project is to replace the bridge carrying Main Street (Route 62) over the Assabet River in the Town of Maynard.

  • The proposed bridge curb-to-curb width will remain the same.
  • The $4.9 million project is in the preliminary design phase and $1.6 million for construction funding has been programed on the 2025 Boston MPO TIP.
  • The current advertisement date is March 1, 2025.

(Stow) Bridge Replacement, S-29-011, Box Mill Road over Elizabeth Brook

The full replacement will include new substructure, steel beams and concrete deck. One sidewalk will be added to the structure.

  • The project is at the final design phase and is scheduled to be advertised for construction in September, 2023 and is listed on the Boston MPO 2024 TIP.
  • Construction is anticipated to run from spring 2024 to the fall of 2025.
  • The total estimated project cost is $4.2 million.

(Stow) Shared Use Path Construction on Track Road along Assabet River Rail Trail

The proposed project consists of construction of a shared use path along a section of the Assabet River Rail Trail (ARRT). The proposed cross-section will provide a safe path of travel for pedestrians and bicycles, while maintaining a path of travel for vehicles accessing the Crow Island Airpark. Completion of this section will close a gap in the existing rail trail system.

  • The $2.2 million project is at the preliminary design phase and construction funding has not been identified.
  • The District and HQ Project Management have been working with the community and their design consultant to put an agreement in place for the design, utilizing Federally earmarked funding identified in the 2022 Appropriations Act

Got a pothole?

Report a pothole or problem with a state roadway:

Call Massachusetts Department of Transportation: (857) 368-4636

or toll free: (877) 623-6846

Lines are open 9 a.m. – 5 p.m., M-F

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