Missions - Nepal
Walter & Nina
Walter and Nina Zygarewicz, Founders
Pastor w Bike
Pastor receiving his Bicycle
Oxygen Machine in Use
Oxygen Machine - Nepal
Food Distribution
Food Distribution
Food distribution
Food for the needy in Nepal
Baptism in Nepal
New Church
New Church Plant
Walter ministering
Walter Teaching in Nepal
Village receiving water
Village where we provided water pump
Prayer for America
Prayer for America & the Nations
Receiving Food

Thank you
to all who responded to our urgent plea earlier this year for the needs in Nepal.
The nation was overwhelmed by the pandemic. To make matters worse the Delta outbreak spilled over from India into Nepal, followed by a large earthquake and then flooding, leaving many people without food. Through your kindness and generosity we were able to supply several oxygen generators to villages that had no access to oxygen equipment. We were able to buy and distribute rice and other staples to many poor and destitute people. 

While all this was going on, we launched a great evangelistic effort to reach the unreached by training pastors and evangelists and supporting 14 new church plants in Nepal and North India. We have been able to also provide bicycles for many pastors as well as literature for evangelism and rugs for people to sit on in the new churches.

Please continue to pray for the pastors and churches in Nepal and India. Pray for the salvation of many souls as people are searching for answers. Ask God what you can do. With $30 you can feed a needy family for 2 weeks. For $125 you can provide a bicycle for a pastor or missionary. For $140 you can provide a large rug for people to sit on in a church.
Please continue to pray for us as we reach the nations with the Gospel. Look for future updates on Ukraine and Cuba.

You can send your support by mail to:
Global Vision Ministries
PO Box 5377, El Dorado Hills, CA 95762, USA
or you can give online by using Givelify or PayPal at

Many are being reached around the world through our daily Prayer Broadcasts in English, Russian and Spanish. Subscribe to our YouTube Chanel for free access to teaching and all prayer broadcasts. Send us your prayer requests. Many testimonies are coming in of answer to prayer.

Join us on our live broadcasts Mondays, Wednesday and Thursdays in English, Tuesdays in Russian and Fridays in Spanish Live on Facebook and on YouTube PRAYER FOR AMERICA and the NATIONS YouTube Channel - Walter Zygarewicz ( also posted on Global Vision ( You will be blessed by the many messages & prayer broadcasts.

God richly bless you,

Walter and Nina
Walter and Nina Zygarewicz
Global Vision Ministries
PO BOX 5377
El Dorado Hills, CA 95762