March 30, 2023 | Research Business Operations
Update to Sponsored Research Finance Office Operations
Dear Colleagues,
A global email was sent to the Manne Research Institute on February 7, announcing our engagement with Point Consulting and our project goals. I would like to provide an update and next steps. Meetings have been conducted, including meetings with several Principal Investigators to solicit feedback on how the Sponsored Research Finance Office (SRFO) can provide better customer service. We are on track to meet the objectives of this project; however, there is an urgent need to address immediatelygetting awards and transactions processed on active awards.
I’m sponsoring a “catch-up” project that will be led by Amanda Schall, Assistant Director of the Research Support Office (RSO), to complete pending award actions and transactions so that active sponsored awards are up to date. This will include a series of working meetings with team members from SRFO, RSO, the Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP), and the respective divisions to execute these actions and then determine the future meeting schedule to keep sponsored awards portfolios current.
This project will require us to cancel any scheduled meetings with Principal Investigators in April and May unless your award has a financial deliverable due.
We are confident this focused time and targeted project scope will produce the results needed. Please let me know if you have any questions or if you have any concerns with this approach.


Melissa Gentile
Melissa Gentile, CPA, CRA 
Senior Director Research Business Operations
Stanley Manne Children’s Research Institute
Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children’s Hospital of Chicago 
T 312.503.7062 | F 312.503.7059 | |
225 East Chicago Avenue, Box 205, Chicago, Illinois 60611-2991 
Sent by the Office of Research Development, Communications: Email | Web
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