It’s hard to believe the school year is half complete! Mid-terms are finished, the second semester has begun and things are moving quickly for the Mothers’ Club.
If you haven’t purchased your tickets yet, it’s not too late!! Plan on joining us February 9
Date with the Devil
, at the historic Belle Isle Casino! Dinner, dancing, silent and tin can auction items (hotel/casino packages, Shinola watches, entertainment packages, just to name a few) are just a sample of the things guaranteed to make the evening unforgettable.
The Senior All Night Party Chairs, Sara Fischer-Hodges and Helen Srebernak, are in need of many volunteers to make the event an amazing night for the Class of 2019. Look for information on the Class of 2019’s Facebook page (2019 GPSHS Senior Class) as well as weekly eblasts from Linda Schultz. You can register for the event, via PayPal on the Mothers’ Club website (
If you have a Senior interested in applying for a Mothers’ Club academic scholarship, applications are available on the Mothers’ Club website (
) as well as the Counseling Center, beginning February 1, 2019. The deadline to apply is March 8, 2019.
As we begin to look ahead at the 2019-2020 school year, if you, or anyone you know may be interested in serving on the Advisory Committee in any capacity, please speak to any of the current board members. We have opportunities to fit any schedule.
Please join us at our next General Membership meeting, which will be held on Wednesday, February 13, 2019 at 7pm in Cleminson Hall.
Wendy Bruetsch
2018-2019 Mothers' Club President
February 9
Date with the Devil
7:00 PM
Belle Isle Casino
February 13
Mothers' Club General Meeting
7:00 - 8:30 PM
Cleminson Hall
February 18 - February 22
Mid-Winter Break
Grosse Pointe South Mothers’ Club Scholarships
Each year the Mothers’ Club designates a one-third of its fundraising profits for need-based and
merit scholarships to graduating seniors. In 2018, the Mothers’ Club awarded over $56,200 in
scholarships. In addition to scholarships awarded directly from the Mothers' Club, some
scholarships are awarded from organizations and families in the Grosse Pointe community.
Any graduating senior continuing their education at a public or private college or university or
vocational school.
Merit Scholarship Applicants: minimum 3.3 cumulative GPA
Need-Based Applicants: minimum 2.5 cumulative GPA & completed/processes FAFSA form.
Applications will be available February 1, 2019.
Click on the link below for an application or one can be obtained in the Counseling Center
The application deadline is March 8, 2019.
Mothers’ Club Scholarship Awards Night is Thursday, May 2nd
Students submit both a written application and letter of recommendation. Applicants also
undergo an interview with the Mothers’ Club Scholarship and Enrichment Vice Presidents. All
applicants must demonstrate exceptional leadership, community service, involvement in
extracurricular activities and/or work experience.
If you have further questions, please contact
Paige George, Scholarship Chair at
Welcome to semester two! In our house a “half-way there” reference would immediately launch into some quality renditions of Jon Bon Jovi’s 1980s masterpiece, though I am sure there must be a more refined allusion (or at least more modern) that your student can offer. In any case, the new start means that we begin again with a fresh start in grades, attendance and classes. Hooray!
Freshman, Sophomore, Junior Parents:
(and over scheduling) Are you choosing your priorities or are they being chosen for you? As we all know, the demands on our time are great. This year as we kick off the course selection process for 2019-2020 with our Course Recommendation Day on January 30, please note the newer column to our form: Weekly Time Commitment. We want students to challenge themselves in their studies, but not overextend their academic commitments such that their lives are out of balance resulting in added stress and anxiety. Families should dedicate some time together for thoughtful discussion about the commitment the student is making in selecting these courses within the context of their other commitments to family, friends, faith, sports and activities. This planning session should include what the family and individual priorities are and how much time they will devote to prioritizing these activities. Our students are amazing and want to do
! It is our role as parents and educators to support them in building balance, making some hard choices about what is a wise selection and what is better to let pass. Families know their student best and need to play an active role.
This year we will kick off scheduling for next year’s courses on January 30 with Course Recommendation Day. On this date, all teachers will spend time in each class discussing individually with students their recommendation for future classes. Each core academic class will have a
Course Expectation Planning Guide
outlining the average time and activity commitment required for success in the course. This will also help students and families in course selection decisions. In the case of electives, teachers will discuss other electives available to students. Course selection forms will come home on the 30
with a majority of courses selected. On the back is a simple worksheet to sketch out other time commitments. After you have had a chance to meet as a family and discuss the selections, please sign this form and return it to the 3
hour teacher by February 6
at the latest. Counselors will be available for easy walk in consulting at lunch on Jan 31, Feb 1 and 4 in the library. When we return from Mid-Winter Break we will be meeting with students in small groups to review course selections for next year, input them on the computer, and complete the annual Educational Development Plan (EDP) review (see below for more discussion on EDP). If you have any lingering questions or concerns about course content and requirements, the
Program of Studies
is available on the school system website. We will be sending out a reminder towards the end of the school year of the classes that your student has selected. At this time, if there are any changes you will be welcome to make modifications. Things to consider include: the overall workload of the student, post high school plans, extracurricular demands and possible summer school classes that may replace grades in previous courses. As always, it’s all about balance.
We will also be completing the EDP at this time. The EDP uses the Naviance program to help students define their interests and match them to careers that best fit their skills and interests. It also takes the next steps to link students to college matches and even has a scholarship search engine. You can access this program from home by logging in directly from South’s homepage or
You can use your Parent Portal Password to sign in the first time.
PSAT results have been distributed. Use your access code to link your results to Khan Academy for FREE SAT tutoring customized to your student’s needs. What a great resource! Have you had a chance to check out the amazing tools available through PSAT’s
My College QuickStart
using the access code listed on the results? They also offer college matching and career matching.
Senior Parents
While the majority of seniors have applied for college for next fall, some have waited for the first semester senior year grades to be available before applying. Please encourage your senior to see their counselor immediately to discuss either their college application plans or employment, military service, travel or technical school plans. In addition, any senior who wishes to have their first semester of senior year grades sent to a college can request midyear grades to send online. Students will do this in a similar process to their college application requesting first through Naviance and then stopping in the College Resource Center to complete a short request.
If you haven’t already, now is the time to complete the
for next year’s college freshmen. Also, look to see if the prospective college or university requires the
CSS/Financial Aid Profile
Junior Parents:
Another reminder to make that Junior meeting for an uninterrupted hour of personalized college counseling with your student’s counselor. This is critical to understand the college application process at South as well as getting tips on research. Call the counseling center to make your appointment 432-3519.
It is an excellent plan for each junior who intends to apply for college admission to register for and take an additional ACT and/or SAT test beyond what they will take with us in April. Students can register online at
for the ACT and
for the SAT. Please encourage your student to pay attention to deadlines and not to put off registering until the last moment. Test center availability at nearby locations may be at a premium, especially for the April, May, and June tests.
Test Prep: We get the question so often about ways to prepare for the standardized tests. I want to point out a few of the free and convenient tools that we have available. For the SAT the easiest and most helpful online program is the free
Khan Academy
. Students can link their PSAT results and get a free customized test prep program. The Michigan Electronic Library (MEL) is a state resource available through our school library web page that offers free test prep. Mr. Spencer kindly created a video addressing how to access it at:
, accessible through our library web page has great online tutoring options. Our “magic word” when you sign up is “COLOSSAL” This is a free service thanks to the library and the Mother’s Club. We can also offer suggestions for private tutors or tutoring programs upon request.
AP Students:
If your student is taking an AP exam in May, be sure to register for the test via the
K12 store online
. Be sure to confirm with your son/daughter the specific test you should register for online. The deadline to register is March 15. Once registration is closed, you will not be able to order exams. If you have any questions feel free to contact Mrs. Williams in records. 313-432-3535 or
If your student is in need of financial assistance, please contact his/her counselor.
Upcoming Events
ADHD: From Childhood to Adulthood
. February 12, 2019 7:00 pm The Helm at the Boll Life Center. Register online at
or (313) 447.1374 FREE
This presentation of geared toward individuals with ADHD and their families, especially students in schools or young adults emerging into the career world. The focus will be on the impact that ADHD has on home life, work and school. Common challenges that individuals and families face with an ADHD diagnosis will be explored and actionable tips for overcoming those barriers will be offered.
Featuring Janice Abud, MAT, CTP-E & Gary Abud, Jr, MAT, Saga Educators and Amanda Be, LMSW, MBA, Supportive Counseling Services
Active Parenting Teens
. February 21, 2019, 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm Kennedy Middle School, St. Clair Shores. Register online at
or (313) 447.1374
A 6-week series includes communication and discipline skills as well as new emphasis on the hot topics of School Success, teen bullying, and Alcohol, Tobacco and other drugs. Class closed after 2nd night. Book provided Active Parenting Teens. Those parents who receive a Certificate of Completion at the last session will also receive a $10 Target gift card.
$5 per family **scholarships available if needed
#OneGP Parent Camp: Embracing Community
March 2, 2019, 8:30 am Parcells Middle School
This event is designed to empower parents with information and dialogue to support the children of our community. Potential topics include: social media, cultural competency, suicide prevention, anxiety, trauma, unconscious bias, vaping, special education, early intervention and more. For more information, email: Sara Delgado at or Lisa Rheaume at FREE
Presented by Grosse Pointe Public Schools with support from The Family Center, CARE of Southeastern Michigan, Beaumont and Healthy Grosse Pointe & Harper Woods
Through the Enrichment committee, the Mothers’ Club supports the educational experience of our students by funding in-class enhancements, extracurricular programs, and equipment and materials, which the district does not have the financial means to provide at the time. Each year, teachers and staff have two opportunities to request enrichment funds, one in October and another in February.
Thank you for your continued support of the Mothers' Club. It is through your support that we are able to continue to enrich the classroom and academic environment of our students.
Mothers' Club Alumni Membership
Do you someone who is a former South student or a parent/legal guardian
of a former South student with no current students at South?
Invite them to become an Alumni Member of The Mothers' Club.
Alumni Membership Dues support
for South. Alumni Members receive a copy of the student / alumni directory, invitations to Mothers’ Club events, a monthly email of the High Pointes Newsletter, and other emails showcasing what is happening at South. Alumni Members may attend and vote at monthly membership meetings.
To become an alumni member go to
(Alumni Membership information is at the bottom of the home page) or contact Julie Mathews Schuetze (
Class Officers
President: Jack M.
Vice Pres: Spencer R.
Treasurer: Jacklyn W.
Secretary: Kate B.
Eva M. & Keelin D.
Faculty Advisor
Todd Hecker
Parent Sponsors
Grant & Sue Gartrell
Roger & Isabelle Mason
Angela & John McBride
Tami & Todd Riley
David & Amanda Roraff
Tanya & Rob Rulison
Brian & Stephanie Schantz
Tracy & David Skupien
Elizabeth & Steve Tengler
Class Council Meetings are Wednesday mornings at 7:15 am in Room 174.
February 4 - Pre-Festival Band Concert @ Pierce 7 PM
February 12 - Pre-Festival Orchestra Concert @ South 7 PM
* All-School Musical: Beauty & the Beast
April 24-28 - Christian A. Fenton Performing Arts Center
The Academy Award-winning film comes to life in this romantic and beloved take on the classic fairytale. Tickets will be available at and at Duffey & Co.15120 Kercheval.
* That’s Entertainment 2019 Summer Workshop
Michigan’s Premier Show Choir & Vocal Jazz Camp - August 2019 (TBD)
Students in upcoming grades 6-12 can train with top music and dance clinicians in this fun-filled, collaborative workshop. The week-long camp ends with a high-energy performance that amazes audiences every year. Registration and information updated soon at
* New Choir Course Offered for 2019-20!
Announcing “Colla Voce,” a traditional concert choir for interested singers in grades 9-12. Select course #762 when selecting your classes for the 2019-20 school year.
* Broadway 2019!
Our Graduating Seniors’ Farewell Concert
May 23-24, 2019 - Christian A. Fenton Performing Arts Center
Don’t miss the final choir performance of the year featuring our graduating seniors! This concert promises a great variety of music provided by all the choirs and the much anticipated senior solos. Please join us to wish the seniors farewell and share in their joy and shining moment in the spotlight. Tickets available soon at and at Duffey & Co. 15120 Kercheval Ave.
High Pointes | Grosse Pointe South Mothers' Club |