Wednesday, March 17, 2021 | 4 Nisan 5781
Updated: Virtual Passover 2021/5781
Virtual Passover 2021/5781
Several of the links have been updated since the previous email. Please make sure you are referencing this email as you experience Pesach with us!
Dear Peninsula Sinai Community,
It's hard to believe that it's been a year since we began our journey together, our modern-day Exodus of wandering through the Covid wilderness. Even if we still haven't quite reached the Promised Land, we have come a long way toward coming back together. We are emerging from the darkness and finding new ways to experience light in our lives.

As we prepare for Passover once again, we hope that the resources below will be helpful in guiding you.

Wishing you all a meaningful, joyous, and spiritually uplifting journey toward freedom.

Hodesh Tov, Shavua Tov and Hag Kasher V'Sameah and next year in person!

Rabbi Corey Helfand and the PSC Team
Pre-Passover Virtual Prep
A Near Anomaly: Preparing for a Saturday Night Seder
And other ways to enhance your virtual seder experience
Taught by Rabbi Corey Helfand *new date and time!

To help you prepare for the holiday, please consider starting with the Rabbinical Assembly's Passover Guide with additional resources here. Because ritual observances are more challenging this year, the Rabbinical Assembly has put together some thoughtful guidance about the use of technology for leading/hosting your seder as well as some other ways to help you prepare given limited shopping opportunities.

Ready to sell your hametz? Rabbi Helfand will make arrangements for you to do so. Just fill out this electronic form no later than Thursday, March 25 12:12pm.

Do you need help finding a virtual seder for the first night? Please fill out our virtual seder match form or email Rabbi Helfand at [email protected]. Need help getting food for Pesach? Please email [email protected]. Alternatively, contact Nathan Schmidt who is available for catering at 650-619-3580 or at [email protected]. We'll help make sure you have what you need to the best of our abilities.

Virtual PSC Seder & Experiences
Virtual Seder Match--Host or be Hosted

The first night of Passover begins on Saturday night, March 27. Consider hosting your own seder for friends and family, joining virtually with the people you regularly spend the holiday with or open your virtual table to guests. If you have room at your virtual seder or need a place to go, please fill out our virtual seder match form so that we can make sure that everyone has a seat around the table.

Second night, Virtual Family Seder
with the PJCC, PJ Library, and PTBE
Sunday, March 28 • 5:00 pm

Join us for a FREE playful, interactive and meaningful virtual Seder led by Rabbi Lavey Derby, Alison Faith Levy and Jeni Markowitz Clancy. Explore the Passover traditions with a family-friendly virtual haggadah, singing, puppetry and storytelling. This Seder is best for families with children ages 10 & under or those young at heart. All are welcome! Registration required.

"After Hours" Community Seder
Let All Who Are Hungry Zoom and Eat

Join Rabbi Helfand and Cantor Doron for a community seder at 7:30 pm on Sunday night, March 28. Together we will enjoy all of the traditional pieces, engage in thoughtful conversation, and sing the Passover songs "Top 40". Hope you can join us over Zoom. All are welcome. Click here to join.
Haggadot: What Should You Use?
Keeping Time: Virtually and Spiritually
Click Here for a List of Pesach Times

Thursday, March 25
7:30 am: Join us for Thursday Minyan and a Siyyum in honor of the
(Fast Begins at 5:42 am)

Thursday night, March 25
After 7:53 pm: Bedikat Hametz (search for bread)
DIY Kits: flashlights, compostable bag, wooden spoon

Friday morning, March 26
Sell your Hametz by 12:12 pm
12:12 pm: Bi'ur Hametz -BBQ your Bread (Create your own burning station at home using a BBQ grill)
7:21 pm: Candle Lighting
Finish all Passover and Shabbat prep before Shabbat begins
Eat hametz all day long!
Friday night services at 5 pm on Zoom

Saturday, March 27 (Shabbat HaGadol)
11:08 am: Finish eating Hammetz
Before 12:11 pm: Bittul Hametz: "Nullify" your hametz (we will do this together after services)
8:20 pm: Candle Lighting (from pre-existing flame)

Sunday, March 28
After 8:08 pm: Festival Candle Lighting
Remember to count the Omer after sundown
Monday, March 29
No evening minyan
Weekday Minyans
Tuesday, March 30, at 7:15 pm in person and on Zoom
Thursday, April 1, at 7:30 am on Zoom

Friday, April 2
No Friday night services
7:15 pm: Candle Lighting (Light a 25 hour candle)

Saturday, April 3
After 8:13 pm: Candle Lighting from a pre-existing flame (light Yizkor candle)

Sunday, April 4
11:15 am: Yizkor (Approximately)
8:14 pm: Passover Ends (Hametz "buy-back" at 8:45 pm)
Contact Us
Peninsula Sinai Congregation
650.349.2816 | Email | Website

PSC Clergy, Staff and Lay Leadership
Corey Helfand - Rabbi
Doron Shapira - Cantor
Alex Weisz - Dir. of Youth & Education
Cat Bernard - Office Manager
Jill Sosnick - Office Assistant
Adrienne Abrams - President
Irene Moff - Past President
Marv Goodman - Rabbi Emeritus
Stay Connected