Touring the Green Mountain State Since 1986!
We’re all feeling the effects of the Covid-19 fallout and it's a real downer that the Green Mountain Region Board had to cancel our May 2 tour and spring meeting and to postpone the June 13th tour to August. Despite the cancellation and postponement, the Board did discuss the possibility of a “scaled down” tour on June 20 if government restrictions are sufficiently lifted and a volunteer can be identified to lead the tour. If you are interested in leading such an event please reach out to Duffy Miller, Events Chair, at
or by replying to this newsletter.
Please see below for the latest tour lineup for the rest of 2020. We
get on the road!
Of particular note to the membership, our club president, Carl Wulfestieg, is temporarily relinquishing his responsibilities to Vice President Dave Whittall for the next couple of months. Carl is scheduled to undergo major cardiac surgery at Tufts Hospital in Boston tomorrow, June 1. He expects to get behind the wheel of his Porsche 911E after approximately 2 months of recuperation. If you would like to call or text Carl, he can be reached on his mobile at
We all wish Carl the best and look forward to seeing him back on the road in his purple1971 911E this fall.
Sandy Gilmour
Communications Chair/ Board Member
Message from Acting President Dave Whittall
As Sandy notes, our hard working president Carl Wulfestieg is in the shop for some repair work, and on behalf of all the members of the Green Mountain Region, I want to wish him all the best with his surgery and for a speedy recovery!
As we await Carl's return, the weather has improved and is perfect for a tour with our Porsche brothers and sisters. But, here we are in the middle of a pandemic and a “stay at home” order from the governor. Okay, I have pulled the Boxster S out of hibernation and have gone for a couple of short loops around the “neighborhood”. Grafton is so small that two times equals a loop. I am looking forward to seeing the other members of the GMR and having a proper tour with beautiful cars and nice people. Be sure to read these newsletters and regularly check the website for updates to the 2020 tour schedule.
All the best.
Remember it's not just the cars -- it's the people
Save the Dates! Here is your updated GMR Porsche Club 2020
Tour and Meeting Schedule!
Updated Summer Tour Schedule
During its meeting on May 20, the Board made further revisions to the 2020 summer tour schedule in response to the ongoing Covid-19 situation. The changes, while still tentative and subject to government directives, were made reluctantly but with the highest regard for the safety of our members.
As of the date of this newsletter, the schedule is as follows; be sure to check the GMR website and the Mountaineer often for updates.
- June 12/13 – Postponed – This overnight event has been moved to August 14/15. See below for details.
- June 20 -- Depending on modifications to the government restrictions, it is possible a simple tour may be arranged on this date. However, in order to do so a tour leader must be identified; if you are interested in volunteering to plan and lead a tour please email Duffy Miller, Events Chair, at or reply to this newsletter.
- July 11 – A Windsor County tour is being put together that will include lunch at the Windsor Station along with a visit to the American Precision Museum.
- August 14/15 – A Southern Vermont tour on Saturday, August 15th is planned with overnight accommodations available at the Grey Ghost Inn in West Dover on Friday, August 14th and /or August 15.
- September 19 – Tour to be announced.
- October 10 – Fall Foliage Tour & Membership Meeting
- December 5 – Holiday dinner and party
Other events that may be of interest to GMR PCA club members. Please note that the following events are not sponsored by Green Mountain Region:
- October 2-4 – Chester VT “Wheels in the Field” event features classic Porsches and Scottish Trials on BMW GS Motorcycles, held at the Pinnacle Recreation Area. For information click here.
Note: While the schedule settles, the Events Committee needs help and would like to hear from you if you are interested in leading one of the tours. If you can help out, or have questions or other suggestions, please contact events chair Duffy
Miller at
Welcome New PCA Members!
Info updated May 31, 2020
Please say hello to the following new Green Mountain Region Porsche Club members who have joined PCA here, or moved and changed regions, since our last newsletter, according to monthly data supplied us by national PCA. Note: if a member lets his or her membership lapse and then signs up again, they will appear as a "new member." In which case, welcome back!
Jack Smith, Transfer from Darien (CT), Gray 2013 Panamera
William Shearer, Shelburne, 1964 356, (color not listed)
Name Tags:
We recommend that new members and their spouses or partners purchase "official" Green Mountain Club name tags for wearing at all GMR events. Please email our treasure
Christina McCaffrey
, to r
equest them for you and your spouse or partner, and she will try to get them for you in time for the next event. The cost is $15.00 per name tag.
If you have any comments or suggestions on the website, please contact our Webmeister,
Al Iuppa
Your Green Mountain Region Club Officers
Carl Wulfestieg
Dave Whittall
Vice President
(802) 843-2482
Christina McCaffrey
Peggy Larson Secretary
Sandy Gilmour
Communications Chair
Alessandro Iuppa
Don Jones
(802) 359-3606
Albert "Duffy" Miller
Events Chair
(802) 613-3169
Bill Root
Immediate Past President
Brad Kennison
Membership Chair
About These Email Communications:
Replies to these GMT PCA emails come to me (Sandy Gilmour), not the entire membership; however, I can forward to President Carl Wulfestieg and other board members if needed. I always welcome any comments on any ways we can improve communications with GMT PCA members.
Join GMR PCA --
If you are receiving this email as a "friend of Green Mountain Porsche Club," please consider joining
. You get a great magazine, Panorama, and membership in Green Mountain Region is included in the annual dues of $45 a year. Go online at
, or simply call headquarters in Maryland at
(410) 381-0911.
We welcome any submissions to this newsletter and to our website by members who have some fun experiences, photos, tech stuff and other adventures to share! Email me at
Remember also, it's a volunteer organization. Any help you can provide -- especially with event planning -- is most appreciated by all!
~ Sandy
Sandy Gilmour ('99 Boxster)
Communications Manager
Green Mountain Region
Porsche Club of America
- For other communications related to the Green Mountain Region website, such as the submission of photos, link suggestions, general interest Porsche stories, Porsche history items, commentary or other material of interest for the GMT Membership or this site, please contact webmeister Alessandro Iuppa.