Dear Friends,

We want to assure you that we take the health and well-being of our community, and associates very seriously. Like you, we are learning to navigate this quarantine safely and productively. We have worked hard through this time to continue to deliver high-quality education about the issues impacting our health. Please read here about our upcoming events and join us as we continue to grow and make progress on the ongoing issues of health and our environment!

Every Tuesday at 8 p.m. be sure to watch Better Path Coalition's new webinar series,  Better Path Presents ! The Better Path Coalition turned two on April 13th under circumstances we would never have imagined at our kickoff rally in 2018. We decided to organize weekly webinars to help us stay connected, stay informed, figure out together how to be activists, advocates, and organizers who must work at a safe distance from each other and our targets, and make plans for how we can help shape the new normal. Each webinar will include information about current actions and events and how you can participate.  Better Path Presents  is livestreamed on  Facebook  and registration for the Zoom call can be found at the  Better Path Presents website  each week.
On May 21 at 12p.m., Pennsylvania Physicians for Social Responsibility and the Environmental Health Project will be co-sponsoring a Frackland Tour: Virtual Edition.
Presenters include:
*Matthew Mehalik, Breathe Project
*Ned, Ketyer,  Philadelphia Physicians for Social Responsibility and the Environmental Health Project
*Lois Bjorson, Clean Air Council
*Leann Leiter, Earthworks
*Impacted Pennsylvania residents
Following the presentation, there will be a live Q&A. This presentation can be viewed on EHP's Facebook at , EHP's website at , or the Breathe Project's YouTube page at .
On May 27th at 6:30 Pennsylvania Physicians for Social Responsibility is partnering with ProtectPT and Halt the Harm Network for a talk with author Eliza Griswold. During the discussion, Eliza Griswold will confer the impact of her locally sourced book: Amity and Prosperity: One Family and the Fracturing of America. Questions are encouraged and we aim to have a lively discourse.
Register  here .
On May 28th at 7:30 p.m., Pennsylvania Physicians for Social Responsibility will host a film-screening of  Triple Divide {Redacted}  with directors Melissa Troutman and Josh Pribanic. TRIPLE DIVIDE [REDACTED] covers five years (2011 - 2016) of cradle-to-grave investigations revealing how regulators and industry cover up water contamination. Register  here  and we will send you the information of how to join us as we virtually screen the film.  

Tammy Murphy, M.A., LL.M.
Medical Advocacy Director 
Physicians for Social Responsibility - Pennsylvania
1501 Cherry Street, Philadelphia, PA 19102

Register for the  Pennsylvania Health Check-Up Series !  
Support the work of  PSR Pennsylvania !