Updated Guidance On PTA Meetings During the Pandemic
General Meetings

The Florida PTA Board of Directors, during a Special Meeting on April 14, 2020, authorized the following Emergency Florida PTA Bylaw Provision:

Due to COVID-19 and in accordance with Florida State Statutes, the Florida PTA Board of Directors authorizes the following emergency bylaw provision.

Local units and county councils may conduct general association business meetings by electronic media, as permitted by applicable law. Votes must be cast by electronic polling only and may not be cast by other text-based mediums such as email or texting.

This authorization expires June 30, 2020.

We recognize that conducting an electronic general association business meeting, where all members have the ability to fully partake in conducting the business of the association, including elections, will be challenging. Within the next week, we will be providing guidance on how local units and county councils may conduct general association business meetings by electronic media including potential electronic media platforms and polling tools.

This should be considered only as a last resort option as an in-person general meetings are still recommended as the most effective way to allow for members to fully participate and have their voices heard. Before scheduling an electronic general association business meeting, county councils and local units should carefully consider if the business to be transacted may be postponed to a later date as well as the complexity of conducting an electronic general association business meeting.

It is imperative that PTA leaders remember that protecting the rights of members is a key responsibility.

Executive Board and Committee meetings

As noted in previous Covid-19 related communications:

Our bylaws already allow for Executive Board and Committee meetings, including Nominating Committees, to be held via telephone or video conferencing as long as all of the members are able to hear and speak with each other.

Your Nominating Committee should continue to meet to produce the Slate of Officers, so that when you can meet, your PTA is ready to move forward with the annual meeting.