We want to correct an error in our recent Bulletin that went out earlier today—our HFES Volunteer of the Month feature included mismatched headshots. We’ve fixed it and are resending the corrected version. Thanks for your understanding!





January 30, 2025

Society News

Table of Contents

  • HFES President's Message
  • HFES Volunteers of the Month
  • Our Newest Corresponding Member: Ana Lucia Munera Sierra
  • Happening Today: ASPIRE Engagement Forum 
  • Register for the Titans of HFE Symposium
  • HFES Member Najmedin Meshkati Article Recommends Nonpartisan Study of Los Angeles Fires
  • Call for Submissions Deadline Approaching: ASPIRE—The 69th HFES International Annual Meeting
  • Accepting Nominations for HFES Fellows
  • Submit a Nomination for HFES Awards
  • Register Today: HFES Regional Meetings
  • 2025 International Symposium on Human Factors and Ergonomics in Health Care
  • Call for Papers
  • Call for Book Chapters: Human Factors and Ergonomics in Latin American Countries: Applications and Approaches
  • Upcoming Meetings and Activities
  • Community Updates

HFES President's Message

A New Year. 

Changes everywhere: January always brings in a new year and a chance as well to reflect on how the new year may be different (better or worse than the last). At HFES, there are some things happening in the new year that are very exciting.

Titans of HFES | Monday, February 3

Learn about the people who are references in your human factors and ergonomics textbooks

International Symposium on Human Factors and Ergonomics in Health Care | May 30 – April 2

The premier event on the integration of HF/E in health care

Regional Meetings | Friday, April 11

Pick the region most convenient for you, see what their programming is going to be, submit your work and be sure to be there!

ASPIRE—the 69th HFES International Annual Meeting | October 13 – 17

  • ErgoX: Invited speakers about all things physical ergonomics! (Oct. 13)
  • UX 2-day Mini Conference: Invited speakers and submitted sessions (Oct. 14-15)
  • Humans and AI Event (Oct. 17)

Be on the lookout for more!

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HFES Volunteers of the Month

HFES is exciting to share the volunteers of the month, nominated by committee chairs to recognize their efforts. Congratulations to the three volunteers for January.

Lillian Asiala, Sonalysts

Volunteer of the Training Technical Group

Lillian, a new member of the Training TG and current newsletter chair, has been working hard to compile content for upcoming newsletters. Over the Christmas break, she dedicated her time to preparing the first newsletter of the year, set to be released in mid-January.

Jing Chen, Associate Professor of Rice University

Volunteer of the Representatives and Liaisons/Outreach Division

Jing, a member of HFES and president of APA Division 21, applied experimental and engineering psychology, played a key role in organizing an APA information booth at ASPIRE 2024. Less than a month before the event, she recruited volunteers, secured materials, arranged booth setup and created a staffing schedule. Post-conference, she highlighted the HFES-APA collaboration in the Division 21 newsletter.

Lixiao Huang

TG Founder and Committee Member of HART

Dr. Lixiao Huang, founder of the HART TG, has successfully guided the group’s transition to new leadership. To support its continued growth, she authored a comprehensive HART TG operations guide and contributed to the TG’s reference repository. Dr. Huang also assisted in selecting new leadership, facilitated the handoff of roles and helped shape initial 2025 communications and plans.

Our Newest Corresponding Member: Ana Lucia Munera Sierra

The Foundation for Professional Ergonomics has initiated a program to sponsor HFES memberships for HF/E students and professionals residing outside the United States. We are very pleased to introduce a new HFES member from the second group of recipients. 

"I am a physiotherapist, specializing in occupational health, safety and ergonomics from Medellín, Colombia. I believe that access to the information and specialized resources that HFES offers would be of great value. As a professional dedicated to ergonomics and workplace well-being, I recognize the importance of having updated and reliable sources of information that support and amplify my knowledge in the field. My role as a teacher in this discipline leads me to have a commitment to constant updating, in order to transmit high-level knowledge to my students and foster in them a comprehensive and evidence-based vision.

Joining the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society represents a valuable opportunity to enrich my practice and continue to contribute to the promotion of healthy and safe work environments."

Please contact us at info@ergofoundation.org to nominate a recipient or to donate to support this program.

Happening Today: ASPIRE Engagement Forum

HFES is committed to gathering input, receiving feedback and constructively engaging with everyone who contributes to organizing an outstanding ASPIRE—The 69th HFES International Annual Meeting. Your support and participation are greatly appreciated.           

ASPIRE Engagement Forum

Happening today, January 30, at 12:00 p.m. ET, this session will be dedicated to updating our valued members about ASPIRE 2025 and discussing HFES’s commitment to making your experience truly exceptional.

Whether you’re a new or long-time member, this is your opportunity to hear about what’s coming, ask questions and share any insights you have as we prepare for an impactful international annual meeting later this year in Chicago.

No pre-registration is required. Click the button below at 12:00 p.m. ET today to join.

Join the Forum

ASPIRE Office Hours

Join us each Friday at 12:00 p.m. ET for ASPIRE Office Hours and help us organize an outstanding HFES International Annual Meeting.

Technical Program Committee Monthly Meetings

Technical Program Chairs are encouraged to join us each month for in-depth discussions of the submission and review phases along with other important topics. These meetings are held from 7:30-8:30 p.m. ET on the first Wednesday of each month.

Learn More

Register for the Titans of HFE Symposium

Join us virtually on February 3, 2025, for the 2025 Titans of HFE Symposium. This event honors the legacies of influential figures in HF/E who have passed away, celebrating their contributions and exploring how their work continues to shape the field.

The full program features expert-led panels discussing foundational achievements and future directions in HF/E. Open to all, the Symposium offers complimentary registration for student affiliate members and discounted rates for HFES members.

Register Today

HFES Member Najmedin Meshkati Article Recommends Nonpartisan Study of Los Angeles Fires

The Los Angeles fires are a national disaster of epic proportions. City officials, California Gov. Gavin Newsom and President Donald Trump have traded accusations about what caused this crisis. But as an engineering professor who lives in Los Angeles and has studied extreme events and natural and human-caused disasters for over 40 years, I believe an event with so many lives lost and damages estimated at hundreds of billions of dollars demands a more substantive response.

Read the Full Article

Call for Submissions Deadline Approaching: ASPIRE—The HFES 69th HFES International Annual Meeting 

The deadline for the call for proposals for ASPIRE—The 69th HFES International Annual Meeting is approaching soon on February 13. Taking place October 13-17, at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in Chicago, IL, ASPIRE provides an unparalleled opportunity to share your latest work and network with fellow professionals in the field of HF/E. You can also become a reviewer – complete the reviewer interest form by February 14.

Submit a proposal for consideration of presentation at ASPIRE for the opportunity to establish yourself as a leader in the field by presenting your work to an international audience.

The deadline for submissions is Thursday, February 13. 

Submit Your Proposal

Accepting Nominations for HFES Fellows

Members of HFES are invited to submit applications for the HFES Fellow designation. A distinction bestowed by peers, election to a fellow recognizes great achievement, consistently superior professional performance, exceptional contributions, personal dedication to HFES and other meritorious achievements by members.

Applicants may be any full member in good standing for at least the five preceding years. A person may submit an application for fellow status on behalf of another.

Applications are due by Friday, February 28, 2025.

Learn More

Submit a Nomination for HFES Awards

HFES Full members and Fellows are invited to submit nominations for society awards to be presented at ASPIRE—the 69th HFES International Annual Meeting convening October 13-17 at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in Chicago.

Award nominations are invited for individuals whose contributions merit special recognition. The awards for which nominees are sought are:

  • Hal W. Hendrick Distinguished International Colleague Award
  • Paul M. Fitts Education Award
  • A.R. Lauer Safety Award
  • Alexander C. Williams, Jr., Design Award
  • Jack A. Kraft Innovator Award
  • HFES Inclusion Award
  • Oliver Keith Hansen Outreach Award
  • William C. Howell Young Investigator Award
  • Bentzi Karsh Early-Career Service Award

Some awards are available to nonmembers; however, only members of HFES may submit nominations.

The nominations submission deadline is 11:59 p.m. ET on Friday, May 2.

Learn More

Register Today: HFES Regional Meetings

On Friday, April 11, HFES is launching an exciting new initiative: Regional Meetings. These concurrent, one-day, in-person gatherings are designed to bring HF/E professionals together for impactful programming and networking opportunities closer to home. These meetings will take place in key regions across the U.S., allowing for greater accessibility to the benefits of face-to-face collaboration, typically found only at the HFES Annual Meeting.

Register to Attend

2025 International Symposium on Human Factors and Ergonomics in Health Care

Join us in Toronto, on March 30-April 2, 2025, for the 2025 International Symposium on Human Factors and Ergonomics in Health Care. This event will bring together health care professionals, researchers and industry leaders to explore innovative HF/E solutions for improving patient safety and health care outcomes.

You can enhance your experience by adding workshops or attending the Healthcare Robotics Summit, where you’ll get an in-depth look at the latest advancements in the field.

The early discounted registration rate has been extended through Friday, January 31.

Register Today

Sponsorship and Exhibit Opportunities

Position your brand at the Symposium to showcase your products and services to a global audience of industry leaders, researchers and professionals. Gain unmatched visibility among the experts shaping the future of the field. 

Become a sponsor or exhibitor today.

Call for Papers

Special Issue in Human Factors: Lessons Learned From COVID-19


This proposed special issue invites submissions of original theoretical and empirical works related to the COVID-19 pandemic from the perspective of all HF/E domains.

All submissions must explicitly demonstrate knowledge that yields design principles; enhances training, selection and communication; and ultimately improves human-system interfaces and sociotechnical systems that lead to safer and more effective outcomes.

The deadline for submissions is January 31, 2025.

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Special Issue of the Journal of Cognitive Engineering and Decision Making

The Journal of Cognitive Engineering and Decision Making invites submissions for a special issue addressing the ethical and performance challenges associated with AI-enabled systems across all domains, with special emphasis on high-consequence environments such as health care, aviation, military operations, driving and others.

This issue seeks to explore how AI technologies can be designed and implemented in ways that allow for seamless integration with human operators, while incorporating ethical principles such as lawfulness, traceability, transparency, reliability and bias mitigation.

The deadline for submissions is March 1, 2025.

Learn More

Special Section of Human Factors on Studying Vigilance: Methodological Issues in Sustained Attention Research

The Human Factors journal invites submissions for a special section on methodological challenges in vigilance research. This section explores methodological advances in measuring and applying vigilance research to real-world settings. Topics include theoretical and practical challenges, innovative laboratory and field methods and diverse approaches such as behavioral, neuroergonomic and computational techniques.

Please contact Jason McCarley for more information or questions.

The deadline for submissions is July 1, 2025.

Learn More

Call for Book Chapters: Human Factors and Ergonomics in Latin American Countries: Applications and Approaches

This book offers a comprehensive overview of how critical issues impacting Latin American countries can be addressed and resolved through HF/E approach. Currently, there is no publication that consolidates the experiences, applications and advancements in HF/E within the context of Latin America.

The book addresses topics relevant to a wide range of professions and disciplines, making it appealing to a broad and diverse audience. Key topics, but not limited to these, include industry 4.0, HF/E in health care systems, emerging technologies, managing work-related stress, mental workload and fatigue in manufacturing, HF/E approaches to public health challenges, the role of HF/E in supporting vulnerable populations and organizational management strategies aimed at improving performance and well-being.

Learn More

Upcoming Meetings and Activities


Attention chapters, technical groups, affinity groups and beyond: HFES is pleased to post information concerning upcoming meetings, webinars or other events you wish to raise awareness about on our events listing page. We also will post meetings of allied societies provided they do not occur close to any HFES-organized activity.


Let us know about your meetings and other events. Email us at info@hfes.org.

Event Schedule

Community Updates

HFES wants to promote the important achievements of our members in the biweekly Bulletin. Appropriate topics include research milestones or other significant achievements, professional accolades, awards or recognitions, promotions or new positions and similar professionally oriented topics.

Submission Form


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Human Factors and Ergonomics Society

Tel.: +1 (202) 367-1114, Monday-Friday: 9 a.m.-5 p.m. ET | Fax: +1 (202) 367-2114 | E: info@hfes.org