Announcing New Issue of JoSS
Peer Reviewed Articles
Investigation of Gamma and High Energy Electron Dose Effect on a MOEM Sun Sensor Developed for Micro Satellite Applications
S. P. Karanth, V. Shobha, Sumesh M. A., T. V. Sridevi, K. T. Manjunath, Beno Thomas, L. V. Prasad, and M. Viswanathan
JoSS, Vol. 06, No. 02 (Aug 2017)
A Europa CubeSat Concept Study for Measuring Atmospheric Density and Heavy Ion Flux
Alexander E. Thelen, Nancy Chanover, James Murphy, Kyle Rankin, and Steve Stochaj
JoSS, Vol. 06, No. 02 (Aug 2017)
A Study of the Small Satellite Community's Life-Cycle Activities
Bungo Shiotani and Norman G. Fitz-Coy
JoSS, Vol. 06, No. 02 (Aug 2017)
NASA's Cyclone Global Navigation Satellite System (CYGNSS) Wins AIAA/USU SmallSat Conference "Mission of the Year" Award
Winners of the 2017 Small Satellite Mission of the Year Award: CYGNSS team members Randy Rose (left) and Don Heihn (right) from Southwest Research Institute with Kerri Cahoy, representing the AIAA Small Satellite Technical Committee. Heihn is holding the 2017 trophy, which was designed and machined by MIT undergraduate Alexander Peraire-Bueno. Photographer, Jacob Given, USU Research Foundation. |
NASA's Cyclone Global Navigation Satellite System (CYGNSS) won the "Mission of the Year" award at the 31st Annual American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) and Utah State University Small Satellite Conference held in Logan, Utah on August 5-10, 2017. This award is presented annually to a mission that has demonstrated a significant improvement in the capability of small satellites. Over 1,200 small satellite enthusiasts voted for this year's ten small satellite nominees, which were selected by the experts on the AIAA SmallSat technical committee.
Randy Rose of Southwest Research Institute Receives the 2017 Award for CYGNSS, Don Heihn and Kerri Cahoy looking on.
CYGNSS, a constellation of eight microsatellite spacecraft built and operated by the University of Michigan (U-M) and Southwest Research Institute (SwRI), was launched into low-inclination, low-Earth orbit over the tropics in December 2016. CYGNSS is the first spaceborne NASA Earth Venture-class mission, part of NASA's Earth Science System Pathfinder program. "It is very rewarding that we were selected by such a large number of peers and colleagues in the smallsat community," said SwRI's Randy Rose, who accepted the award on behalf of the CYGNSS team and Principal Investigator Dr. Christopher Ruf. "I think we'll be seeing a paradigm shift toward more small satellite science constellations like CYGNSS in the future."
Read more about this exciting recognition
NASA's New
Small Spacecraft Systems Virtual Institute (S3VI) Hosted at Ames Research Center
In light of strong growth in the use of small spacecraft by US Government, academic, and industry partners, NASA is actively involved across its mission directorates and Centers in all aspects of small spacecraft missions, and is leveraging its capabilities to enable small spacecraft as new innovation tools to achieve Agency goals and objectives. Paramount in this endeavor is advancing clear communication, coordination, and consistent guidance regarding small spacecraft activities, and to provide the US research community access to mission enabling information.
To this end, the Small Spacecraft Systems Virtual Institute (S3VI) was established in January to enhance NASA internal integration and to provide a single point of contact to disseminate mission enabling information and streamlined development approaches for NASA and the research community.
Bruce Yost - S3VI Director, NASA Ames Research Center |
The S3VI is hosted at the Ames Research Center, under the leadership of Bruce Yost as the Director.
A project manager for Ames' early small spacecraft missions and a former Small Spacecraft Technology Program manager, Bruce and his team will work over the next year to establish both a physical and virtual presence for the S3VI within NASA and the small spacecraft community at large.
Read more about plans for upcoming S3VI releases and events here!
An Indian "Smart Village" Youth Team Builds a CubeSat
Prof. Solomon Darwin, Architect of Scalable Smart Villages
Through a series of meetings in 2016-2017, the concept of a "Village in Space" was advanced among Prof. Solomon Darwin, Executive Director, Garwood Center for Corporate Innovation (UC, Berkeley, HAAS School of Business), Greg Schmidt (NASA Ames Research Center), Joseph Minafra (NASA contractor Wyle/KBR), Prof. Bob Twiggs (Morehead State University), and JoSS (Dr. Adarsh Deepak, Managing Editor (ME) and Ravi Deepak, Assistant ME). The idea, as proposed by Ravi, was that under expert mentorship, village youth would build a small satellite, such as a CubeSat, that could be launched into space during a space flight, thereby achieving the distinction of being the "first village in space." The mechanism for accomplishing this was found in the Garwood Center's ongoing efforts to prototype a "Smart Village" in collaboration with the Government of India; through this project, in 2016, over 22 technology firms from around the world participated in prototyping a "smart" scalable village (Mori village being the first) to serve as a model for rest of the 650,000 Indian villages in India. Open innovation methods and strategies were employed to connect the villagers with technology firms such as Google, IBM, Qualcomm, Ericsson, Cisco, Microsoft, Tyco, and others. The work continued in Mori in 2017 for the building of a CubeSat by some of the village's youngest members. The "Open Innovation Forum - India 2017" acknowledged this achievement on August 31 on the KL University campus, Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh, near the Mori village, with the participation of
Prof. Darwin, Mr. Schmidt, and Mr. Minafra. The Forum will be chaired by Hon. Chandrababu Naidu, Chief Minister, Andhra Pradesh. In a commensurate gesture of support, the JoSS team (including Taksha Institute, www.taksha.org, an independent US not-for-profit education and research organization founded in 1976) is pleased to announce the co-sponsorship with Prof. Darwin of one of the two youths who built the CubeSat to visit the US for the August 2018 Small Satellite Conference at USU, Logan UT. Representing the JoSS team, Pat Deepak (JoSS Education Outreach Cordinator) will travel to Mori Village during the Innovation Forum to meet the girl-boy team that built the CubeSat.
SPACECOM: Space Commerce Conference
SpaceCom 2017, hosted in Houston, Texas on December 5-7, 2017, will present a show floor and programs to explore the nexus between space innovation and industry, with focus on advance manufacturing, agribusiness, energy, maritime, medical, and aerospace industries. This three-day event is an exciting opportunity to interact with NASA and the commercial space industry to provide technology that helps fulfill their missions, to discover how to access the International Space Station (ISS) to study and build new products and services for your industry, to learn how the use of data from space satellites can drive new global commercial markets, etc.
JoSS: Submit Your Article for Publication
As a unique scholarly technical journal dedicated to serving the Small Satellite Community, JoSS aims to publish online original high-quality, topical, peer-reviewed articles, legacy articles about contributions made by small satellites pioneers, and letters to the editor (LTEs). The publication of, and access to, these articles is offered FREE OF CHARGE to encourage students and entrepreneurs to expedite rapid publication of and access to their work.
To this end, we gladly accept original, creative, previously unpublished articles that address one or more of the JoSS technical Topic Areas. You may visit www.jossonline.com under "Information for Authors" for the list of Topic Areas and guidelines for preparing and submitting your papers for publication.
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