Since we sent out our NL, we received three important updates, which we are including here.
Ms Mette Morsing has been appointed at the new HEAD of PRME. Congratulations!
Claudio Senna Venzke created this Sound Meditation for us
Dear Leap-ers!
Have you ever imagined that the whole world could be impacted, in just a matter of weeks, by how we do everything? And I mean EVERYTHING?
We are lost and with no map for handling this pandemic. We experiment, act by trial and error, improvise, test our assumptions and do what we think is best. Who could imagine that there is not a single expert among the 7 billions of us who knows how to get the situation under control?
Our confidence in "technology" to solve anything is pierced like a balloon. Our proud sense of independence and autonomy is not only shattered, but to hold onto it puts our life in danger. Now we have to think of each other and accept our interdependence. Wealth, customs officers, guns and walls don't stop the virus. Our daily routines have all been forced to a halt, and we are pushed back into our homes. Consumption patterns have shifted and we have to define, understand and agree on the meaning of 'essentials'. Every day we are confronted by the connection between economy and health, and to establish which one is at the service of the other?
At the same time, confined our homes and quarantined, we are disoriented and have to reorganize how we spend our time. What are our priorities now? Some of us are finding we have to develop patience; other people are forced to slow down; many are becoming more reflective, and are finding wisdom emerging in unsuspected places. Some are sharing their talents with the world by sharing their gift of music, of poetry, of art and dance. Spirituality seems to be sprouting along with the acceptance we are all in this together, that we must make meaning out of the confusion, anxiety and pain.
Indeed, interesting times.
As the traffic of tourists stopped in Venice, the waters became clearer and more fish were seen. Swans were seen in Murano and wildlife walking across the tarmac in Israel, while the pollution has cleared in the skies of China, Paris and New York. We are all getting a lesson in Sustainability 101.
As we haltingly make our new way, we must also be open to seeking and discovering silver linings. As educators we will be able to build on this powerful experience and ensure that students notice the expressions of compassion, slowing down our accelerated pace of life, the increased social sensitivity, mindfulness as a practice and new consumption habits – even during this strange period. What if these new behaviors became a more permanent part of our collective mindset?
Like in the picture I selected for this letter, we are driving on a deserted highway into the dark, with the limited visibility of our headlights, but with the view of a crescent moon and a star of hope.
Enjoy reading where our colleagues in LEAP have been, and what they have been doing.
Our PDW for the AOM 2020 in Vancouver was accepted! The title is
Understanding the Contemporary World: Going Inside to Broaden our Sight,
and 13 colleagues from 11 countries will lead experiential exercises they use to develop insight and a sustainability mindset. So far the conference is on, but time will tell. Nothing takes away the joy of having been accepted!
Besides - isn't that exactly what is happening to us all now, we are going inside and broadeningo ur sight?!?
As the Chapter Chair of Academy of International Business US Northeast (AIB US NE),
Margaret Goralski attended the Special Joint Conference with the AIB Africa Chapter in Nairobi Kenya,
January 6-9 2020, at the United States International University – Africa (USIU-A), Chandaria School of Business (CSOB). She met there with our colleague
Amelia Naim from IPMI Indonesia.
In this pic, Margaret (left) and Amelia (R) visiting a tea plantation
7th Responsible Management Education Research Conference
Our Ambassador
Alec Wersun has been active promoting the Sustainability Mindset. His proposal for a Track on this topic was accepted for the RME Conference that will take place in Chur, Switzerland, October 18-21 2020.
If life goes back to what was normal, consider participating in this important research conference and submit a session for this track! Who is in better place to share thoughts or experiences about the Sustainability Mindset than us in this Working Group? See here the
Call for Papers. Deadline is early May, and even if the conference is postponed, you may have your paper accepted for the new date.
Ekaterina Ivanova and
Isabel Rimanoczy received over 20 contributions for the new book about Students shifting their Mindset. The authors represent 15 countries from all continents.
Aixa Ritz and
Isabel Rimanoczy are planning an edited volume on Sustainability Mindset in Leadership. You still have a chance to participate. But hurry up - the Call for abstracts is ending soon! Check it out
Isabel Rimanoczy
's new book about the 12 Sustainability Mindset Principles is no longer a project - but a finished manuscript, with Foreword by Chris Laszlo. Stay tuned!
Daniela Ortiz,
Deputy-Head at the Competence Center for Corporate Governance and Business Ethics at FHWien, Austria, designed a new module to teach the Sustainability Mindset and develop it with experiential exercises.
Shirley Yeung created a project with 8
secondary school students who joined Gratia Christian College's School of Business pilot on gastrotourism business. The purpose: to address SDGs 3, 4,8,9,17. She was also
Best Professor in Business Studies
, World Education Congress. Well deserved,and Congratulations!
Tay Keong Tan, Director of International Studies at Radford University, USA, started a new project to create a Repository of Pedagogical Tools and Resources about the Sustainability Mindset. We invite you all to contribute exercises,
readings, videos!
Contact Isabel
Kent Fairfield shares with us his photogallery of
Faces of Immigration. Congratulations to our artistic and talented colleague!.
Who are you thinking of?
Do you have a colleague that you think might enjoy participating in this Working Group?Make a quick email introduction
to Isabel
, and she will follow up! Expand the reach of this learning community!
New Atelier on the Sustainability Mindset Principles
The new Atelier is running for the second time. This time, we have 9 participants that couldn't be more diverse: they are coming from USA, Russia-Austria, Italy-Germany, Philippines, Egypt, UK-Netherlands, Korea-USA, Russia-France, and Brazil! Oh, and me (Isabel) from Argentina-USA!
Our Storytelling Circles are much valued spaces of dialogue.
In February, we had
Alexander Nuer
from Ghana. In March, new member
Michael Lee
Make a note for the Upcoming Storytellers:
April 20:
Matt Polsky,
Off-Site Ph.D. program in Sustainability at Erasmus University in the Netherlands. Topic:
The Sustainability Mindset and Mindset Barriers to Sustainability Transformation.
May 18:
Margaret A. Goralski, Ph.D., Quinnipiac University, Entrepreneurship & Strategy
June 15:
Claudio Boechat, Fundação Dom Cabral, Nova Lima, Brazil
Thank you Amelia Naim for sharing this inspiring story about the power of one person to make a difference.
A 17 year old Ukranian invents a system to collect garbage from the rivers.
Tools, Thought Provokers and Inspiration
Have you explored the SDG Knowledge Hub? Lots of valuable resources for your classes. Check it out
The Economy of Francesco is an invitation to young people to
envision and create a new economic model. Based on the philosophy of St Francis of Assisi, and led by Pope Francis. Check it our
Contributions from Members
Miguel Cordova Espinoza from Pacifica Univ. Catolica del Peru sends us a short and creative essay about
Teaching without “trade-offs”: Turning a sacrifice mindset into a sustainability one. Read it
Kirpal Singh, from Sinpapore, shares with us a poem he wrote inspired by the confusing pandemia times we are living, titled "These Covid Days".
We are very grateful to our members who send us videos, stories, news, updates, and other contributions. That is what makes this Newsletter cool! If you haven't done so, please consider sending us your contributions too!
A Little Gift to smile and enjoy
Thanks Mary Grace Neville for sharing this fun moment!
Don't Miss the Next LEAP Cafe!
Monday April 6 we will have a special Cafe, exchanging confusions, feelings and stories from the weird times we are living - going online.
Give yourself a break and stop by!
Sign up and find the Login in this Doodle
OPEN SPACE - Unique opportunity
When asked what he would like to see in this Working Group,
Tom Long said to have exchanges with colleagues about a topic of his interest, that others may be interested in too. That gave us the idea to create
a one time OPEN SPACE session for all members.
What? A time to discuss, exchange and explore a topic of YOUR personal interest.
April 16 2020, 9 to 10 30 am NY Time.
Sign up
here and mark your calendar!
- Meet at LEAP CAFÉ - First Monday of each month - 8 am and 4 pm EDT (New York Time)
- Join the LEAP STORYTELLING CIRCLE - Third Monday of each month - 8 am EDT
- Share OFFERS AND REQUESTS – Participate or post in the Discussions on our group Linked-in
- Read and add to the NEWSLETTER - Your contribution is always welcome - Share your experiences and successes
You are invited to post offers and requests or start discussions:
: @LEAPmindset can be reached through LEAPit! We encourage everyone to become a follower of LEAP and refer to LEAP in their sustainability related tweets
We want to hear from you! THIS IS YOUR NEWSLETTER!!! How is the Sustainability Mindset impacting your thinking, your work, your dreams? This is an invitation to get back to me in the next couple of days and let me know about what is going on for you. Successes, promotions, new postings, graduations, conference attended, research or papers published.... And if you have a photo, that would be lovely too.
end us an email
Editors: I.Rimanoczy - Martine Marie.