Usui Master Intensives known as Usui One and Usui Two
The first Intensive was held in Germany in 1993. Paul and I had been practicing as masters since 1979. The world of Reiki was growing with increasing speed. This was exhilarating and, sometimes, scary. Interestingly, in looking back at this time in the world of Reiki as I knew it, the scary moments happened inside rather than outside. We went from one form to an abundance of forms. We went from knowing that there was stability in one form to wondering if there was a limitation to the effectiveness of Reiki as more and more changes were made to the system form. As a young innocent of energy work, I kept learning as I taught and practiced. Quickly! Many beliefs and understandings of how the world worked and how much control I had over it (none and all) changed constantly. How to find stability?
In 1993, Paul and I started on our journey of discovery. An adventure into our system of practice that we received from our Master, Hawayo Takata. Many things we did because "she said so." Sometimes it was what she didn't say that echoed in our beings. When starting to facilitate these Intensives, we didn't realize how much we held consciously....just below our conscious conversation. We realized how much knowledge we actually had received from her.
The Masters who attended the Intensives over the years, asked many questions, shared their own experiences and ideas adding to our collective knowledge. As the years went by, we grew to having 3 Usui One Intensives and sometimes 2 Usui Two Intensives a year in different parts of the world. From Australia to Canada, South America to Russia. For 25 years we were engaged in this continuing conversation based on the practice received by the circle of masters that Hawayo Takata left to carry on her work.
During this time, Paul and I had the opportunity to see how the practice engaged students on the level of mastery, the challenges of wanting to have a solid core of common practice with colleagues (if they also chose this) and all wanting to develop our individual paths. I believe the Usui Intensives allowed those who attended these seminars to find another level of understanding of the system, Usui Shiki Ryoho, a wider view of their own practice and how it affected the whole, and embracing the experience that the more we grew to understand, the more we stood in the mystery.
The strength of this practice developed along side the exponential growth of Reiki practices, forms and students in the world. Now I believe we have moved into a different stage of development. One in which this particular practice and the global Reiki community are moving towards reconciliation. A kind of maturity that comes from a certain level of compassion, surrender to what is, and the devoted studentship of the practice with the basis of trusting the natural guidance of Reiki.
It seems to be expressing in many ways, in many places. Paul and I have decided to close these offerings and be open to what is next on our own paths of development.
The Usui One in the UK (registration is closed at this time) in March is the last one we will offer. I will be the one representing the OGM with Laurence Fontaine as a supporter.
For those waiting for Usui Two, our last offering will be in Green Valley AZ in February 2019. Both Paul and I will be present. Information and Registration will be published in June 2017.