Hello to the 997 folks who have signed up for the October 22nd TMC A-Mountain Events

Grab a chair and settle in to read this lengthy email with all the pre-event details you'll need for an enjoyable race weekend experience.

Below is information on packet pickup, the schedule, the race routes, public safety, awards, the weather, parking, and more. There is a list of participants at the very bottom.

For all event updates, see the race registration page here.

If you know anyone who wants to participate but not run, volunteer sign up is here! We still need lead bike riders, sag bike riders, and someone to wear the Fitz Roadrunner costume and run with the kids -- anyone interested?

Special thanks to all of you and to TMC, COX, the Running Shop, SAR, Rio Nuevo and our other event partners for making this possible -- check 'em out here!

We're pleased that this event raises funds for a number of local non-profits:

Finally, we've passed the deadline for deferrals, but if you want to change your distance, please email me before Wednesday at noon at randy@runtucson.net.

OK -- see you in a couple of days!

--Randy and Tia, plus the crew at Run Tucson and our friends at the Southern Arizona Roadrunners

randy@runtucson.net | tia@runtucson.net

Volunteer Here
Spaces Still Open -- Register Here

About You

Currently, there are 557 of you in the half-marathon, 305 in the 4-miler, and 136 in the Free COX/FitKidz Mile. While I was typing this, one person just signed up.

27 states but only one country are represented. The average age is 40.2. The youngest participant is Raphael L, listed as one years old. Joseph Lee is the elder of the group, checking in at 86.

58% of you checked "female" and 42% "male." No one has checked "non-binary," but three of you have listed neither your age nor your sex.

About 750 of you have done one of our events in the past, but about 250 of you are doing a Run Tucson event for the first time. Welcome!!

Packet Pickup and In-Person Registration

Thursday, October 19th: Pop-Up Packet Pickup and Registration at Petroglyphs

4:00-6:00 pm, at Petroglyphs, 160 South Avenida del Convento, near the MSA Annex

Petroglyphs is a long-standing Southwestern furniture and housewares emporium. They have graciously helped us put together the MSA Annex staging area, so we're happy to welcome the running community to their place for a pre pre-race packet pickup and registration. Come on by and get $10 off anything in his store . . . then swing over to Westbound and show 'em your number for a discounted drink at their bar and bottle-shop.

Yes: registration is still open. Folks can sign up with cash or check.

Yes: Shirt sizing is first come, first served. Shirts are in both "women's cut" and "unisex" cut. Late registrants may have to wait until after the race to get remaining goodies.

Saturday, October 21st: Registration and Packet Pickup

10:00 am - 1:00 pm, at The Running Shop, 3055 North Campbell Ave

Stop by the Run Tucson tent outside to get your race number and pins, then go inside the Running Shop to get your souvenir shirt and medal.

Yes: registration is still open. Folks can still sign up with cash or check. Late registrants may have to wait until after the race to get remaining goodies.

Yes: Shirt sizing is first come, first served. Shirts are in both "women's cut" and "unisex" cut.

  • Yes, it is often very crowded at 10:00 am. You may wish to wait and come later in the day.
  • Yes, you can pick up the number, medal, and shirt for other people; please be mindful of the crowds and don't block the lines. Shirt sizing is first-come, first-served.
  • All race bib numbers at packet pickup will be in alphabetical order, with the half-marathon and 4-mile events combined into one list. Please note there will be three lines for shirts corresponding to segments of the alphabet. Please find the correct line: A-G and H-P and then Q-Z.
  • If you want to change your distance, please tell the volunteers at packet pickup on Saturday or tell the timer before the events on Sunday.

YES, you should shop: Take some time to shop at the Running Shop -- check out their sale shoes, their race day nutrition, and other items you may want out on the course on Sunday.

Sunday's Packet Pickup and Schedule

Sunday, October 22nd, Race Morning Schedule

5:30 - 6:15 am Registration and Packet Pickup at the Mercado Annex, 267 South Avenida del Convento

  • All race numbers, medals, and shirts will be inside the Annex
  • Yes: You can pick up items for friends but please limit the number of packet pickups if it is crowded.
  • Yes: Shirt sizing is first come, first served. Shirts are in both "women's cut" and "unisex" cut.

6:30 am: Start for the TMC Half-Marathon and the TMC 4-Miler

  • Both events start at the same time at the corner of Cushing and Convento, facing A-Mountain.
  • Gun-time for all prize money awards, with chip time for all age-group awards.
  • See route details below.

NOTES: The half-marathon course closure time is 11:00 am, which gives participants 4.5 hours to complete the course.

  • TPD has determined that roadways need to be open by 11:00 am, so remaining runners/walkers will be asked move off roadway and will not receive an official time.
  • It may approach 90 degrees on race day -- if you think you will spend more than 4 hours in the half-marathon, please consider moving to the 4-mile event.

7:00 am: Approximate time for opening of Decibel, the Annex coffee shop

7:45 am: Approximate start time for Legion of Mario, the main stage band in the Annex 

8:00 am: Approximate time for opening of Westbound Bar and Bottle Shop, with discounted drinks for participants

8:30 am: Approximate start time for the free COX Family Mile and SAR FitKidz Mile at the starting line arch on Cushing

  • All FitKidz participants please visit the SAR tent in the Annex and snag your FitKidz number and put your number on the front of your shirt
  • All children under 12 will qualify for the SAR FitKidz awards
  • If you already have a FitKidz shirt, please wear it!
  • Course goes west on Cushing, then south on Grande, turning around by the Mission Garden -- see map below.
  • Parents and others can walk or run with children

10:00 am: Approximate start time for awards, courtesy of TMC and the Running Shop

11:00 am: Finish Line closes

Noon: The running event will be cleaned up and wrapped up, enabling preparations for 23 Miles of Mexican Food festival 

3:00pm- 7:00pm Separate Partner Event: You can buy tickets here to the 23 Miles of Mexican Food festival taking place at the Mercado Annex

Souvenir Shirts and Medals

Your shirts and medals will be available at both packet pick-up times, so be sure to snag your items either October 21st at The Running Shop or on event morning, October 22nd

If you have to miss race day, you can still pick up your items or send someone to pick them up for you on race weekend.

Post-race through November

Shirts and medals of registrants who cannot make race weekend will be available at The Running Shop, 3055 North Campbell through the end of November. T-shirt sizing first come, first served.

We will NOT mail race souvenirs.

We're super grateful to Lucas Tyler, Sharon Bart and the whole crew at The Running Shop for all the help with this event. In November, they'll be gearing up for their annual Thanksgiving Day Cross Country 5k -- you can sign up here.

Main Stage Finish Line Band: Legion of Mario

Shrimp Chaperone will be on top of A-Mountain

Miscellaneous Items

Race Number: Please use the provided safety pins to attach your bright yellow race number to the front of your race day shirt.

Timing: Greg Wenneborg of Roadrunner Race Timing will do the timing. All results, both live and after the race, will be available at www.roadrunnerracetiming.com.

Race Photography: World-famous realtor Damion Alexander will be on his bike capturing candids throughout the morning. We are excited to have John Harris (former Salpointe running standout and current UA student) stationed on A-Mountain.

Gabe Zimmerman Triple Crown: This is the 3rd and final leg of the 2023 Gabe Zimmerman Triple Crown, raising funds for BEYOND-Tucson. Special thanks to Ross Zimmerman and the Zimmerman family for being part of these events.

Running Shop/Mizuno SAR Grand Prix: The TMC Half-Marathon is on the Running Shop/Mizuno SAR Grand Prix. See www.runsar.org for details.

SKRATCH After the Race: Thanks to SKRATCH LABS for being on hand after the race with hydration and other goodies! Find 'em at the Annex courtyard.

Natural Foods: Thanks to Natural Foods for bringing out some great post-run treats -- check 'em out at the Natural Foods tent inside the Annex courtyard.

Snacks After the Race: Thanks to Tucson Medical Center, we will have individual servings of cookies, pretzels and granola bars, and other sweet and salty carbohydrates. Snag your snacks inside the Annex courtyard.

Social Media: Please tag @runtucson and @runsar and @rrca with any instagram posts -- you can use hashtags #tmctucson10k or #tucson10k or #gabezimmermantriplecrown or anything else you want . . .

Staging area PortoJohns: ACE Portables will place portojohns in the parking lots just north of the Annex. Remember, the lines go faster the closer you stand to the doors -- thus, make multiple lines that are right near the front of the units!

TMC A-Mountain Half-Marathon Race Route

red is the half; blue is the 4-miler, yellow is the 1-mile

TMC A-Mountain Half-Marathon Elevation Chart

Route Safety

Water on the Route:

  • For public health reasons, it is best if every runner brings their own hydrating beverage for their run.

NOTE: If you will be more than 2 hours, make sure to have sports drinks with electrolytes and sodium.

  • There will be a water stop at the top of A-Mountain, near the 2-mile mark

  • There will be a water stop at the 4.5 and 12 mile mark, as you enter The Loop riverpath.
  • There will be a water stop on The Loop, at approximately 7 and 10 mile mark.
  • Given that COVID-19 and variants are still highly contagious and spread primarily through respiratory droplets contained in heavy breathing, a cough, or a sneeze and the like -- please be mindful of the safety needs at the water station.

Safety on the Loop and the Roads

  • Although we have permits from the City of Tucson and Pima County, this course still traverses public streets and open multi-use paths -- please keep an eye out for vehicles and other potential hazards that are common to urban running, such as potholes, speedbumps, bikes, other pedestrians, and the like.

  • All runners are asked to stay to the right -- when heading up A-Mountain, stay to the right -- when heading down A-Mountain, stay to the right!

  • When you're on the Loop path heading south, stay to the right when possible. After the turn-around, continue north and stay to the right.

  • The Loop turn-around: we're planning on having a timing mat and an arch at the turn-around point, south of Irvington.

  • Those who don't go through the arch and around the turn-around sign at the timing mat will be disqualified.

  • When you're on the Loop, you can run on the dirt adjacent to the paved path -- however, do not use the dirt to cut the course. Cutting the course is grounds for disqualification. For example, in the photo below, cutting the corner by going through the trees would be grounds for disqualification.
  • Bicycles: We cannot close The Loop, so like in this photo above, there may be bike riders on the route-- please keep an eye out for our two-wheeled friends.

  • Strollers: Strollers are welcome -- but for safety's sake, please do not wear headphones while pushing a stroller and please be careful on the A-Mountain downhill!

  • Speed bumps: There are a number of speed bumps on the route, especially as you head towards A-Mountain. Please be mindful of these changes in terrain.

  • Pets: Leashed pets are allowed on City property at the event, but not on the course.

  • Headphones: We know people love headphones, but we ask that you don't wear them on the race course.

  • Bathrooms at Start/Finish: There will be portojohns in the parking lot immediately north of the Annex at the start/finish area.

  • Bathroom on the course: There will be a portjohn on route near the 4.5 and 1-mile marks, near the water stop, near Grande and the multi-use path.

Staging and Parking Info


There is plenty of nearby free street parking, but please do not block driveways, do not park in red zones, do not park in permitted spots, and be mindful of all traffic and parking laws -- we don't want you to get in the way of the neighbors and we don't want you to get a ticket! 


In terms of on-site parking, on October 11th we were told that the Mercado District will charge $5 per vehicle to park in the dirt lots adjacent to the Mercado. If you choose to park in the Mercado lots, please bring $5 and allow enough time to navigate parking and follow the instructions of Black Knight Security as they direct vehicles to the appropriate parking lanes. 

For additional Downtown parking resources, please see the interactive parking map here

Sun Link Streetcar

The staging area is a common pedestrian area, with many shops, stores, and housing nearby. Still, because the start/finish is near the Sun Link Streetcar, we had to do a formal training session with Sun Link. Note these items:

1) The Sun Link Streetcar will loop past the Mercado Annex on Sunday morning at approximately these times: 7:55; 8:20; 8:50; 9:20; 9:50; 10:10; 10:30; and onward every 20 minutes or so.

2) The Sun Link Streetcar is very quiet, so please watch for the 10-ton vehicle and be careful when cross the tracks near the start/finish.

3) Please watch your footing and don't trip or turn an ankle on the tracks.

4) Do not block the tracks.

Please Support Our Partners

Looking for work?

TMC is one of Southern Arizona's largest employers -- and they're looking to add to their roster of great staff. If you're interested in working at TMC, check out their various job postings at https://jobs.tmcaz.com. TMC invests in its employees, so not only will you have a great job, but you'll have a great colleagues and a great place to work! Whether in nursing, medtech, housekeeping, management or more, there's always something available at TMC. 


TMC GMT Prize Money in Half. Marathon: $100, $75, $50 for first three men and women; $50 to first man and woman 40+

Half Marathon Run Age Group Awards: Running Shop gift certificates to top three male and female: U19 through 80+, in 5-year increments, AG1-$25 gc, AG 2-$15 gc, AG 3-$10 gc 

Four Mile Walk/Run Awards: Running Shop gift certificates to Overall 1, 2, 3-$30, $25, $20 gc, Masters 1 $20 Age Groups: First Place in U10 through 70+ in ten-year increments, $15 gc 

All prize money is based on Gun Time. All Age Group awards based on Chip Timing.

All prize money winners are taken out of age group gift certificate awards.

Thanks to the Running Shop for all gift certificates.

NOTE: Participants registered in the "non-binary" division will receive placing in a Non-Binary Division. As of October 17, it looks like there are no non-binary entrants. There are no prizes planned for the Non-Binary Division.

HEAT ADVISORY: Watch the 4 H's

HEAT EXHAUSTION - The result of dehydration due to intense sweating.

Symptoms: pale face, nausea, vomiting, cool and moist skin, headache, cramps.

Treatment: drink water with electrolytes, eat high-energy foods (with fats and sugars), rest in the shade for 30-45 minutes, and cool the body by getting wet.

HEAT STROKE - A life-threatening emergency where the body's heat regulating mechanisms become overwhelmed by a combination of internal heat production and environmental demands. Your body loses its ability to cool itself. Untreated heat exhaustion can lead to heatstroke.

Symptoms: flushed face, dry skin, weak and rapid pulse, high core body temperature, confusion, poor judgment or inability to cope, unconsciousness, seizures.

Treatment: the heatstroke victim must be cooled immediately! Continuously pour water on the victim's head and torso, fan to create an evaporative cooling effect. Immerse the victim in cold water if possible. Move the victim to shade and remove excess clothing. The victim needs evacuation to a hospital. Someone should go for help while attempts to cool the victim continue.

HYPONATREMIA (water intoxication) - An illness that mimics the early symptoms of heat exhaustion. It is the result of low sodium in the blood caused by drinking too much water and losing too much salt through sweating.

Symptoms: nausea, vomiting, altered mental states, confusion, frequent urination. The victim may appear intoxicated. In extreme cases seizures may occur.

Treatment: have the victim eat salty foods, slowly drink sports drinks with electrolytes, and rest in the shade. If mental alertness decreases, seek immediate help!

AVOID HYPONATREMIA by drinking sports drinks with electrolytes and sodium; perhaps snack on salty foods while running (pretzels, gels and the like.

HYPOTHERMIA - You probably don't need to worry about this here in Tucson this weekend, but it's one of the H's. A life-threatening emergency where the body cannot keep itself warm, due to exhaustion and exposure to cold, wet, windy weather -- probably not a concern in Tucson in September, but in the event of freak weather, watch out for:

Symptoms: uncontrolled shivering, poor muscle control, careless attitude. Look for signs of the "umbles" - stumbling, mumbling, fumbling, grumbling.

Treatment: remove wet clothing and put on dry clothing, drink warm sugary liquids, warm victim by body contact with another person, protect from wind, rain, and cold.

Adapted from https://www.nps.gov/grca/planyourvisit/hike-smart.htm


* IMPACTS...Extreme heat will significantly increase the

potential for heat related illnesses, particularly for those

working or participating in outdoor activities.


Keep in mind you may need to adjust your plans based on the

latest health and safety guidelines from CDC and your local

officials. Cooling shelters may need to take your temperature or

ask questions about how you are feeling.

Drink plenty of fluids, stay in an air-conditioned room, stay out

of the sun, and check up on relatives and neighbors. Young

children and pets should never be left unattended in vehicles

under any circumstances.

Take extra precautions if you work or spend time outside. When

possible reschedule strenuous activities to early morning or

evening. Know the signs and symptoms of heat exhaustion and heat

stroke. Wear lightweight and loose fitting clothing when

possible. To reduce risk during outdoor work, the Occupational

Safety and Health Administration recommends scheduling frequent

rest breaks in shaded or air conditioned environments. Anyone

overcome by heat should be moved to a cool and shaded location.

Heat stroke is an emergency! Call 9 1 1.

From: https://www.wunderground.com/severe/us/az/tucson/KAZTUCSO2626

Alphabetical List of Participants

First Name Last Name Gender Age City State Event

Alfonso G Abad M 6 Tucson AZ One Mile

Abbott Abbott M 62 Tuson AZ TMC Half

Steve Abbott M 54 Tucson AZ TMC Four-Miler

Tess Abbott F 54 Tucson AZ TMC Four-Miler

Jennifer Abraham F 47 Tucson AZ TMC Four-Miler

Tia Accetta F 48 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Hugo E. Aceves M 33 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Dalilah Aceves F 11 Tucson AZ One Mile

Dareli Aceves F 5 Tucson AZ One Mile

Dayana Aceves F 5 Tucson AZ One Mile

Cathy Adam F 68 Florence AZ TMC Four-Miler

Jasmine Adelberg F 21 Higganum CT TMC Half

Brittany Admire F 37 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Woody Alhaddad M 51 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Kendra Alvarez F 32 Tempe AZ TMC Half

Gregory Alvarez M 29 Tucson AZ One Mile

Addie Alvarez F 5 Tucson AZ One Mile

Callie Alvarez F 8 Tucson AZ One Mile

Angela Alvarez F 40 Tucson AZ One Mile

Alma Alvarez F 61 Tucson AZ One Mile

Alejandro Alvirde M 34 Sahuarita AZ TMC Half

Mateo Alvirde M 7 Sahuarita AZ One Mile

Akshay Amaraneni M 37 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Anastasia Amoiroglou F 29 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Brendan Andersen M 36 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Edwin Andrade M 29 Wheeling IL TMC Half

Nicole Angell F 35 Tucson AZ TMC Four-Miler

Samantha Ansinelli F 30 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Gian Apodaca M 33 Tucson AZ One Mile

Aurora Apodaca F 4 Tucson AZ One Mile

Santiago Apodaca M 6 Tucson AZ One Mile

Lawrence Araiza M 36 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Bob Arendt M 65 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Ricky Armenta M 44 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Pierre Arrouy M 36 Tucson AZ TMC Four-Miler

Katy Arvizu F 39 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Dustin Asher M 40 Tucson AZ One Mile

Olivia Asher F 7 Tucson AZ One Mile

Garrett Asher M 9 Tucson AZ One Mile

Peter Chidi Augustine M 29 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Michelle Baas F 40 Tucson AZ TMC Four-Miler

Karen Badinger F 58 Tucson AZ TMC Four-Miler

Lorayne Baker F 61 Tucson AZ TMC Four-Miler

Maddox Baker M 12 Tucson AZ One Mile

Maya Bakerman F 29 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Matthew Balanda M 33 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Jessica Balanda F 33 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Autumn Ball F 44 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Brandon Ball M 46 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Daniel Barajas M 38 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Karil Barbieux F 40 Oro Valley AZ TMC Half

Luis Barbuzon M 37 TUCSON AZ TMC Four-Miler

Gino Bardi Lola M 36 Douglas AZ TMC Four-Miler

Haylie Bardillon F 16 Tucson AZ One Mile

Cynthia Bardo F 35 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Noah Barker M 36 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Kathy Barlow F 67 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Amy Barrientos F 26 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Craig Barry M 46 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Felipe Bauer M 31 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Weilynd Beedy M 5 Tucson AZ One Mile

Spencer Beedy M 8 Tucson AZ One Mile

Aiden Beedy M 9 Tucson AZ One Mile

Nicholas Beedy M 32 Tucson AZ One Mile

Brandy Beedy F 29 Tucson AZ One Mile

Janet Bell F 65 Tucson AZ TMC Four-Miler

Jeffery Bender M 47 Vail AZ TMC Four-Miler

Kyle Benninghoff M 25 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Tom Benson M 72 Tucson AZ TMC Four-Miler

Edrick Beresford M 9 Hereford AZ One Mile

Adelyn Beresford F 10 Hereford AZ One Mile

Connor Beresford M 12 Hereford AZ One Mile


Beau Berger M 2 Tucson AZ One Mile

Lina Bergner F 43 Tucson AZ TMC Four-Miler

Ed Berkeley M 73 Tucson AZ TMC Four-Miler

Denise Bermudez F 37 Tucson AZ TMC Four-Miler

Margarita Bernal F 69 TucsonTucson AZ TMC Four-Miler

Kirstin Berson F 54 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Ramon Billy M 50 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Brian Blair M 51 TucsonTucson AZ TMC Half

Denise Boek F 61 Mesa AZ TMC Four-Miler

Heather Bohnke F 49 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Keith Borland M 39 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Shawn Boswell M 30 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Jennifer Bourdeau F 37 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Don Branaman M 85 Tucson AZ TMC Four-Miler

Blake Brasfield M 11 Tucson AZ One Mile

Beckett Brasfield M 9 Tucson AZ One Mile

Gary Brauchla M 79 Pearce AZ TMC Four-Miler

James Breitbach M 65 Scottsdale AZ TMC Half

Kristy Breitbach F 36 Scottsdale AZ TMC Half

Stephanie Brennan F 26 Rio Rico AZ TMC Four-Miler

RICHARD BRENNAN M 56 Nogales AZ TMC Four-Miler

Rachel Briggs F 39 Tucson AZ TMC Four-Miler

Alec Briones M 70 Sahuarita AZ TMC Half

Tim Brown M 57 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Jamison Brown M 48 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Leandro Brown M 3 Tucson AZ One Mile

Amara Brown F 6 Tucson AZ One Mile

Bob Broyles M 55 Vail AZ TMC Half

Tara Bruce F 36 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Douglas Bruss M 46 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Gabrielle Bruzda F 31 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Zoey Buchholz F 8 Tucson AZ One Mile

Kimberly Budenski F 60 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Taylor Buel M 31 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Michelle Buel F 32 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Ana Burgos F 39 Tucson AZ One Mile

Kenneth Burkett M 28 Parks AZ TMC Half


Jennifer Burros F 29 Vail AZ TMC Four-Miler

Deanne Bush F 57 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Andrea Buttrick F 47 Tucson AZ TMC Four-Miler

Sanlyn Buxner F 45 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Christopher Cabello M 42 Tucson AZ TMC Four-Miler

Aisling Campbell F 39 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Tyler Campbell M 31 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Amanda Campion F 43 Tucson AZ TMC Four-Miler

Kiera Caporale F 51 TMC Four-Miler

Chad Caporale M 49 Tucson AZ TMC Four-Miler

Sophie Cappozzo F 13 Oro Valley AZ TMC Half

Ivana Cardieri F 37 Tucson AZ TMC Four-Miler

Adolfo Carranza M 56 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Camille Carrasco F 42 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Jeremy Carroll M 30 Tucson AZ TMC Four-Miler

Adam Case M 47 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Cori Cashen F 60 Tucson AZ TMC Four-Miler

Frank Castillo M 63 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Mitchell Catling M 34 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Carla Catton F 54 Casa Grande AZ TMC Half

Jodi Cavanaugh F 56 Tucson AZ TMC Four-Miler

Hector Ceballos M 45 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Umran Cephanecioglu F 41 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Erika Cervantes F 39 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Justin Chasney M 42 Tucson AZ TMC Half

David Chavez M 49 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Mitzi Chiple F 43 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Lars Christensen M 53 Tucson AZ TMC Four-Miler

Veronica Chu F 44 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Erica Clark F 36 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Sawyer Clark F 2 Las Vegas NV One Mile

Sara Clements-Edgar F 35 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Amy Clifford F 52 Vail AZ TMC Four-Miler

Allison Cloward F 45 Tucson AZ TMC Four-Miler

Chris Coduto M 39 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Lindsey Cohen F 47 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Joshua Cohen M 36 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Andra Cole F 55 Kennewick WA TMC Half

Kendall Colell F 24 Tucson AZ TMC Four-Miler

Nadia Combs F 9 Tucson TMC Four-Miler

Jeremy Condiff M 48 Tucson AZ TMC Four-Miler

Tina Conlee F 65 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Rob Cook M 58 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Evonne Coonts F 42 Tucson AZ TMC Four-Miler

MELISSA COOPER F 47 Oro Valley AZ TMC Four-Miler

Bryan Cordova M 44 Tucson AZ TMC Four-Miler

Daniel Cormode M 49 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Christine Cornejo-Lopez F 48 Tucson AZ TMC Four-Miler

Curtis Cornelius M 45 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Coral Cornelius F 5 Tucson AZ One Mile

Ronald Cornett M 54 Tucson AZ TMC Four-Miler

Teri Cornett F 53 Tucson AZ TMC Four-Miler

Suzanne Corral F 58 Tucson AZ TMC Four-Miler

Steve Corral M 60 Tucson AZ TMC Four-Miler

Anthony Corrao M 34 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Vanessa Cota F 45 Tucson AZ TMC Four-Miler


Pete Covitz M 58 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Fiona Coyle F 39 Sahuarita AZ TMC Half

Kevin Coyle M 39 Sahuarita AZ TMC Half

HOPE CRAIG F 12 Tucson AZ One Mile

ISABELE CRAIG F 12 Tucson AZ One Mile

Adrienne Crawford F 41 Tucson AZ TMC Half

david Crawford M 42 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Guy Crawford M 69 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Kelsea Cronin F 29 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Baden Cruickshank M 20 Flagstaff AZ TMC Half

Maureen Cunningham F 68 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Janice Curtis F 49 Tucson AZ TMC Four-Miler

Darren Cusanovich M 42 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Talia Daggert F 49 Mesa AZ TMC Half

Scott Daggert M 49 Mesa AZ TMC Half

Ryan Dallago M 30 Tucson AZ TMC Half

amber damiani F 35 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Lyla Damiani F 2 Tucson AZ One Mile

Brayden Damiani M 6 Tucson AZ One Mile

Kylie Damiani F 17 Tucson AZ One Mile

Peter Damiani M 36 Tucson AZ One Mile

Silvia Damron F 46 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Kendall Davis F 28 Mesa AZ TMC Half

Denise Davis F 60 Abington MA TMC Four-Miler

Victoria Dearman F 44 Tucson AZ TMC Four-Miler

Henry Dearman M 5 Tucson AZ One Mile

Victoria Dearman F 44 Tucson AZ One Mile

Zohreh Decker F 4 Tucson AZ One Mile

Graeme Decker M 7 Tucson AZ One Mile

Taylor Deering F 36 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Grace DeJong F 21 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Raul del Bosque M 37 Tucson AZ TMC Half

MacKenna Chase DeLapp F 37 Oro Valley AZ TMC Half

Jose Delgado M 40 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Holly Delgado F 48 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Anna Marie Delgado F 51 Tucson AZ TMC Four-Miler

Christina Della Gatta F 57 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Jerene DeLosse F 48 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Orlando DeMasi M 40 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Paul Deneke M 48 Tucson AZ TMC Four-Miler

Samuel Dennis M 10 Tucson AZ TMC Four-Miler

Jessica Dennis F 35 Tucson AZ TMC Four-Miler

Rosemarie DeNogean F 43 Vail AZ TMC Half

Shelley DeVere F 48 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Jordan Devorak F 24 Tucson AZ TMC Four-Miler

Luis Diaz M 40 Tolleson AZ TMC Half

Jose Diaz M 36 Casa Grande AZ TMC Half

Angela Dietz F 54 Tucson AZ TMC Four-Miler

Maggie Dill F 32 Tucson AZ TMC Four-Miler

Cory Dillman M 38 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Dave Dixon M 53 Tucson AZ TMC Half

William Dobbs M 54 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Tom Dobosz M 67 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Neil Dockery M 34 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Caitlin Dockery F 33 Tucson AZ TMC Four-Miler

Nicole Dolack F 29 Allentown PA TMC Half

Steve Doniere M 57 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Melissa Donovan F 50 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Genevieve Dowling F 38 Tucson AZ TMC Half

John Downs M 46 Tucson AZ TMC Four-Miler

Sean Doyle M 61 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Catherine Dray F 35 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Maxwell Dray M 2 Tucson AZ One Mile

Alexis Dray F 5 Tucson AZ One Mile

Vera Dujmic F 40 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Susan Dumon F 46 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Maryn Dumon F 7 Tucson AZ One Mile

Meelee Duncan F 39 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Karli Dunton F 39 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Johanna Duran F 39 Tucson AZ TMC Four-Miler

Monica Durazo F 67 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Kate Durfee F 30 Tucson AZ TMC Four-Miler

Kate Early F 55 Tucson AZ TMC Half

John Eckert M 39 VaiL AZ TMC Half

Briana Elias F 30 Tucson AZ TMC Four-Miler

Zachary Empkey M 31 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Lauren Erdelyi F 32 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Oscar Escarcega M 61 Tucson AZ TMC Four-Miler

Chelsea Esposito F 35 Scottsdale AZ TMC Half

Ivan Estrella M 27 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Bethany Evans F 35 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Joie Evans F 38 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Andrea Evenson F 44 Tucson AZ TMC Four-Miler

Martha Everett F 46 Silver City NM TMC Half

Deborah Everett F 57 Beverly MA TMC Four-Miler

RJ Facelo M 43 Avondale AZ TMC Half

Ryan Fagan M 42 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Elizabeth Fallon F 42 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Jennifer Farber F 41 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Corbitt Farren M 43 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Joe Faulk M 60 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Cindy Feaman F TMC Half

Anissa Felix F 28 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Roman Felix M 39 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Cristina Fernandez F 32 Tucson AZ One Mile

Camilla Ferreira F 28 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Nadia Figueroa F 36 Tucson AZ TMC Four-Miler

Christine Filer F 34 Union City NJ TMC Half

Jessica Filon F 34 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Amber Findysz F 33 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Denzel Fisher M 79 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Kristin Fitzharris F 38 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Andy Flagg M 43 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Dale Flannery F 62 Tucson AZ TMC Four-Miler

Ross Foree M 34 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Tyler Foutch M 35 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Maria Frontain F 61 Tucson AZ TMC Four-Miler

Maria Frontain F 61 Tucson AZ TMC Four-Miler

Gregg Frostrom M 48 Vail AZ TMC Half

Nicole Fyffe F 46 Tucson AZ TMC Four-Miler

Leslie Gahagan F 35 Scottsdale AZ TMC Half

Juris Gaidelis M 69 Charlotte NC TMC Half

Alejandro Gaitan M 27 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Logan Gaither M 39 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Jori Galles F 28 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Stephanie Gandolph F 39 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Karina Garavito F 22 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Jeanette Garcia F 42 Tolleson AZ TMC Half

Rebecca Garcia F 42 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Amairani Garcia F 30 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Francisco Garcia M 60 Tucson AZ TMC Four-Miler

Loretta Gascoigne F 79 TMC Four-Miler

Melody Gastelum F 43 Nogales AZ TMC Four-Miler

Marissa Gatta F 36 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Hazel Gauthier F 36 El Paso TX TMC Four-Miler

Kyle Gayle M 36 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Hal Gensler M 77 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Stephanie George F 27 Phoenix AZ TMC Half

Grace Gephart F 22 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Benjamin Gerkin M 36 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Melissa Gerkin F 32 Tucson AZ TMC Four-Miler

Luca Gerkin M 2 Tucson AZ One Mile

Giovani Gerkin M 4 Tucson AZ One Mile

Del Germany M 38 tucson AZ TMC Half

Frank Giacalone M 35 Tucson AZ TMC Four-Miler

Cooper Giacalone M 4 Tucson AZ One Mile

Timothy Gilbert M 32 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Michael Gildea M 38 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Andy Gillette M 41 Cazadero CA TMC Half

Gilbert Gilmore M 49 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Louise Gilmore F 71 Ganado AZ TMC Half

Stefnie Gintz F 41 El Paso TX TMC Four-Miler


Tanya Glover F 72 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Tanya Glover F 72 Tucson AZ TMC Four-Miler

Kristen Gohlke F 38 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Pam Golden F 68 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Riley Goldsmith F 24 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Angelica Gomez F 54 Tucson AZ TMC Four-Miler

Maya Gomez McAndrews F 8 Tucson AZ One Mile


Tamara Gonzales F 49 Tucson AZ TMC Four-Miler

Barry Gonzalez M 70 Tucson AZ TMC Four-Miler

Jennifer Gooch F 53 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Michael Goodgame M 64 Pima AZ TMC Four-Miler

Billie Gormley F 46 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Michelle Gossen F 53 Tucson AZ TMC Four-Miler

Lynda Gough F 45 Tucson AZ TMC Four-Miler

Scott Gough M 49 Tucson AZ TMC Four-Miler

Lisa Graeme F 59 Sierra Vista AZ TMC Half

Liz Graham F 32 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Julie Graham F 55 Tucson AZ TMC Four-Miler

Gonzo Grasis M 9 Tucson AZ One Mile

Diego Grasis M 5 Tucson AZ One Mile

Veronica Grateron F 34 Tucson AZ TMC Four-Miler

Gabe Grateron M 39 Tucson AZ TMC Four-Miler

Ezra Green M 13 TMC Half

ABIGail Green F 43 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Alex Green M 43 Sahuarita AZ TMC Half

Keri Green F 46 Sahuarita AZ TMC Half

Valerie Greenhill F 54 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Courtney Gregory F 41 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Angela Greynolds F 39 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Rick Grimes M 42 Greenville MI TMC Half

Nigel Gruff M 51 Green Valley AZ TMC Half

Nigel Gruff M 51 Green Valley AZ TMC Half

Thomas Gulba M 47 Tucson AZ TMC Four-Miler

Arvind Gupta M 27 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Sotero Guzman M 29 Willcox AZ TMC Four-Miler

Sotero Guzman M 29 Willcox AZ TMC Four-Miler

Brianne Halbur F 28 Tucson AZ TMC Four-Miler

Caitlyn Hall F 31 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Ruth Halter F 63 Tucson AZ TMC Four-Miler

Anelis Hanessian F 37 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Kathleen Hanley F 73 Tucson AZ TMC Four-Miler

Claire Hans F 36 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Ray Hansen M 42 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Allison Hanzel F 32 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Kayla Harnist F 22 Flagstaff AZ TMC Half

Becky Harper F 70 Tucson AZ TMC Four-Miler

Clarence Harper M 69 Tucson AZ TMC Four-Miler

Angela Harris F 42 Vail AZ TMC Half

Jacob Hartmann M 31 Oro Valley AZ TMC Half

Julia Hartmann F 62 Cincinnati OH TMC Half

Emily Hartmann F 28 Cincinnati OH TMC Four-Miler

Richard Hartmann M 66 Cincinnati OH TMC Four-Miler

Kyle Harvey M 29 Albuquerque NM TMC Half

Christopher Hastings M 22 Tucson AZ TMC Four-Miler

Joel Hauff M 53 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Meryl Hebets F 27 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Mark Helfrick M 39 Marana AZ TMC Half

Matthew Helms M 42 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Damon Hemphill M 46 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Noel Hennessey F 37 Tucson AZ TMC Four-Miler

Santiago Heraldez M 12 Tucson AZ One Mile

David Heraldez M 10 Tucson AZ One Mile

Jose Carlos Hernandez M 28 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Rogelio Hernandez M 53 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Nancy Hernandez F 38 Tucson AZ TMC Four-Miler

Haydee Hernandez F 53 Green Valley AZ TMC Four-Miler

Lupita Hernandez F 49 Tucson AZ TMC Four-Miler

LUPITA Hernandez F 49 Tucson AZ TMC Four-Miler

Teresa Hernandez F 66 Tucson AZ TMC Four-Miler


Chrissy Herrington F 44 Hattiesburg MS TMC Four-Miler

Joshua Hester M 29 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Shirley Hester F 80 Tucson AZ TMC Four-Miler

Rachel Hilgeford F 61 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Gregorio Hinojos M 36 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Sarah Hitterman Hitterman F 43 Vail AZ TMC Half

Loretta Hobbs F 68 Ganado AZ TMC Half

Anne Hoff F 62 Tucson AZ TMC Four-Miler

Jovita Holguin F 46 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Krystle Holladay F 37 Tucson AZ TMC Four-Miler

Kathryn Honda F 63 Hereford AZ TMC Half

Junie Hostetler F 72 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Canyon Howard M 28 Phoenix AZ TMC Half

Robert Howard M 65 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Kimberly Huffman F 57 Tucson AZ TMC Four-Miler

Elaine Iiams F 46 Marana AZ TMC Four-Miler

Paul Iiams M 47 Marana AZ TMC Four-Miler

Jeff Imig M 51 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Jan Ince F 69 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Fonda Insley F 62 Tucson AZ TMC Four-Miler

Jonathan Isabelle M 53 Tucson AZ TMC Four-Miler

Caren Jablonsky F 60 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Ben Jackson M 27 Tucson AZ TMC Four-Miler

Kristen Jackson F 25 Tucson AZ TMC Four-Miler

Danube Jacobs F 49 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Antonio Jaimes-Leal M 26 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Kate James F 38 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Linda James F 65 Phoenix AZ TMC Four-Miler

Brock Jameson M 25 Scottsdale AZ TMC Half

Mara Janezic F 8 Tucson AZ One Mile

Christopher Jansmann M 51 Green Valley AZ TMC Four-Miler

Paula Jansmann F 70 Green Valley AZ TMC Four-Miler

Judith Janson F 78 Tucson AZ TMC Four-Miler

Don Jennings M 51 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Laura Jensen F 42 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Christie Jensen F 56 Hereford AZ TMC Four-Miler

Allie Jepson F 23 Anchorage AK TMC Four-Miler

Thomas Jepson M 56 Marana AZ TMC Four-Miler

Jennifer Jepson F 54 Marana AZ TMC Four-Miler

James Jhollister@outlook.com M 26 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Aaron Johnson M 47 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Luke Johnson M 49 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Matthew Johnson M 36 Tucson AZ TMC Four-Miler

Finley Johnson F 11 Tucson AZ One Mile

Arabella Johnson F 13 Tucson AZ One Mile

David Jopke M 44 TMC Four-Miler

Erin Jopke F 42 TucsonTucson AZ TMC Four-Miler

Robin Kalne 25 Lancaster CA TMC Half

Moanikeala Kanae F 36 Tucson AZ TMC Four-Miler

Jo Anne Kane F 65 Tucson AZ TMC Four-Miler

Michelle Kaseler F 47 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Sarah Katvala F 33 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Eddie Keaveny M 38 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Karen Keller F 56 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Dusty Kennedy F 42 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Chelsea Kephart F 35 Tucson AZ TMC Four-Miler

Floramae Kerr F 51 Hereford AZ TMC Half

Sara Kerstein F 48 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Sophia Ketchum F 10 Tucson AZ One Mile

Sarah Ketchum F 46 Tucson AZ One Mile

Joel Kinnunen M 57 Marana AZ TMC Half

Holly Kirchberger F 38 Sahuarita AZ TMC Half

Lisa Kiser F 58 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Mary Klaehn F 60 Tucson AZ TMC Four-Miler

Cortnie Klink F 34 Marana AZ TMC Half

Robin Kloth F 51 Tucson AZ TMC Four-Miler

Michael Kloth M 52 Tucson AZ TMC Four-Miler

Lindsay Kohler F 42 Sahuarita AZ TMC Half

Ken Kohler M 37 Sahuarita AZ TMC Four-Miler

Ginny Koogler F 47 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Matthew Korcheck M 32 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Jenny Korcheck F 39 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Emily Kose F 43 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Melanie Koskey F 41 Sahuarita AZ TMC Half

Liam Kovatch M 24 Tucson AZ TMC Four-Miler

Ann Kozachik F 67 Tucson AZ TMC Four-Miler

Roberta Krakauer F 67 Tucson AZ TMC Four-Miler

Bryan Krause M 31 Tucson AZ TMC Four-Miler

Beth Krischke F 64 Lake Zurich IL TMC Four-Miler

Thomas Kuhn M 71 Marana AZ TMC Half

Heidi Kurgat F 39 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Geoff Kusel M 53 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Karen López F 50 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Megan LaBelle F 37 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Grace LaBelle F 4 Tucson AZ One Mile

Olivia LaBelle F 7 Tucson AZ One Mile

Emmersyn LaBelle F 9 Tucson AZ One Mile

Whitney LaCombe F 36 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Nathan Landavaso M 29 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Derek Langley M 39 Vail AZ TMC Half

Shanna Langley F 34 Vail AZ TMC Half

Michelle Lankhaar F 49 Tucson AZ TMC Four-Miler

Matthew Lapierre M 48 Tucson AZ TMC Four-Miler

Anny Larios F 21 Tucson AZ One Mile

Judith Larios F 53 Tucson AZ One Mile

Daniel Larrivas M 58 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Daniel Latt M 54 Tucson AZ TMC Four-Miler

Jacob Lauderdale M 45 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Line Lauritsen F 41 Oakland MD TMC Four-Miler

Mary Lawrence F 68 Tucson AZ TMC Four-Miler


Alyssa Layton F 29 Tucson AZ TMC Half

ATLAS LAZOS M 6 tucson AZ One Mile

Elizabeth Leadon F 45 Sahuarita AZ TMC Half

Steve Lee M 57 Green Valley AZ TMC Half

Sherri Lee F 56 Green Valley AZ TMC Half

Jeff Lee M 33 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Joey Lee M 20 Beaverton OR TMC Half

Gayle Lee F 74 Tucson AZ TMC Four-Miler

Joseph Lee M 86 Tucson AZ TMC Four-Miler

Samantha Lefforge F 5 Tucson AZ One Mile

Audrey Lefforge F 8 Tucson AZ One Mile

Caleb Lefforge M 10 Tucson AZ One Mile

Isabelle Lefforge F 12 Tucson AZ One Mile

Adam Lehman M 59 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Cassandra Leith F 32 Las Vegas NV TMC Half

Brian Leroy M 47 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Jonathan Levy M 55 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Benjamin Levy M 25 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Amanda Lewis F 42 Vail AZ TMC Four-Miler

Stephanie Lewis F 53 Tucson AZ TMC Four-Miler

Brandon Liabenow M 39 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Jenny Liabenow F 38 Tucson AZ TMC Four-Miler

Lucy Lightle F 26 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Josue Limon M 46 Green Valley AZ TMC Half

Robert Lipsy M 71 Tucson AZ TMC Four-Miler

Laurita Lipsy F 70 Tucson AZ TMC Four-Miler

Leif Litten M 23 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Bri Livingood F 39 Vaili AZ TMC Half

Jake Livingood M 8 Vaili AZ One Mile

Gwen Livingood F 9 Vaili AZ One Mile

Daniel Livingston M 69 Tucson AZ TMC Four-Miler

Daniel Livingston M 69 Tucson AZ TMC Four-Miler

Erica Lockwood F 50 Tucson AZ TMC Four-Miler

Kathleen Lokale F 42 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Constance J. Lopez F 73 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Joe Lopez M 37 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Javier Lopez M 52 Sahuarita AZ TMC Half

Lorraine Lopez M 55 Tucson AZ TMC Four-Miler

Erica Lopez F 33 Tucson AZ One Mile

Rubi Lopez F 4 Tucson AZ One Mile

Rafael Lopez M 1 Tucson AZ One Mile

Maite Lopez F 6 Tucson AZ One Mile

Eric Lopez M 8 Tucson AZ One Mile

Marissa Lopez-Schultz F 32 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Eileen Loughrey F 69 Tucson AZ TMC Four-Miler

Elizabeth Lubis F 67 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Benjamin Lucas M 34 Sahuarita AZ TMC Half

Laura Lucas F 34 Sahuarita AZ TMC Half

Shawn Lucas M 50 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Megan Lucin F 34 Marana AZ TMC Half

Gabrielle Lugo F 37 Tiffin IA TMC Four-Miler

Justin Lukasewicz M 39 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Kiley Lynn M 24 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Jessica Lyon F 47 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Gina Macaluso F 62 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Miyabi Machado F 8 Vail AZ One Mile

Carmen Machado F 12 Vail AZ One Mile

Tammy Maestas F 49 Oracle AZ TMC Four-Miler

Marjanne Magana F 46 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Marjanne Magana F 46 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Jana Maiuri F 41 Tucson AZ TMC Four-Miler

Hazel Maiuri F 4 Tucson AZ One Mile

Jana Maiuri F 41 Tucson AZ One Mile

Lori Malangone F 41 tucson AZ TMC Half

Danny Mandel M 44 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Audrey Mandel F 9 Tucson AZ One Mile

Margaret Elizabeth Mander F 68 Casa Grande AZ TMC Half

Andrea Marafino F 44 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Theodore Marin M 40 Tucson AZ TMC Four-Miler

Thom Martin M 46 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Charlee Martin F 29 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Jennifer Martin F 46 Tucson AZ TMC Four-Miler

Anna Martin F Tucson AZ TMC Four-Miler

Robin Martin F 5 Tucson AZ One Mile

Graham Martin M 10 Tucson AZ One Mile

Cooper Martin M 8 Tucson AZ One Mile

Alfredo Martinez M 48 Tucson AZ TMC Half

David Martinez M 31 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Joe Martinez M 48 Rio Rico AZ TMC Half

Antoinette Martinez F 49 Sierra Vista AZ TMC Four-Miler

Nancy Martinez F 35 Vail AZ TMC Four-Miler

Amber Mathewson F 58 Sahuarita AZ TMC Four-Miler

Andrew Matiatos M 23 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Shannon Maxon F 29 Tucson AZ TMC Four-Miler

Linda Mazik F 74 Tucson AZ TMC Four-Miler

Christopher Mazzarella M 42 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Regina McCain F 50 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Craig McCarthy M 64 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Craig McCaskill M 49 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Landree McClure F 20 Golden CO TMC Half

Natalie McConnell F 47 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Ben McCormick M 49 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Christina McCormick F 32 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Dan McCormick M 37 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Liam McCormick M 4 Tucson AZ One Mile

Eric McEntaffer M 44 Tucson AZ TMC Four-Miler

Natalie McEntaffer F 41 Tucson AZ TMC Four-Miler

Erin McGinnis F 77 Green Valley AZ TMC Four-Miler

Anita McGuire F 49 Tucson AZ TMC Four-Miler

Isaiah McIntyre M 4 MARANA AZ One Mile

Gideon McIntyre M 6 MARANA AZ One Mile

Caitlin McKenna F 27 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Maria McKoy F 39 Mesa AZ One Mile

Mattie Mclean F 37 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Arlis McLean F 68 Tucson AZ TMC Four-Miler

David McWilliams M 58 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Eric Meder M 38 Union City NJ TMC Half

Emily Medina F 14 TucsonTucson AZ TMC Half

Fernando Medina M 49 TucsonTucson AZ TMC Half

Annemarie Medina F 65 Tucson AZ TMC Four-Miler

David Mello M 47 Tucson AZ TMC Four-Miler

Kelly Anne Melsted F 40 Tucson AZ TMC Four-Miler

Meghan Mensack F 44 Vadnais Heights MN TMC Four-Miler

Adam Mercier M 48 Sahuarita AZ TMC Four-Miler

Shirley Mercier F 49 Sahuarita AZ TMC Four-Miler

Jim Mergel M 58 Tucson AZ TMC Four-Miler


Doris Elizabeth Meunier F 75 Tucson AZ One Mile

Billie Meuschke F 51 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Brian Meyer M 41 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Damaris Meyer F 38 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Kiel Michaud M 39 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Barbara Michaud F 70 Tucson AZ TMC Four-Miler

Marty Michelson M 77 Gilbert AZ TMC Half

Michael Miller M 49 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Shana Miller F 65 Tucson AZ TMC Four-Miler

Craig Mills M 40 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Noemi Mills F 39 Tucson AZ TMC Four-Miler

Jesse Minyard M 38 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Joy Mockbee F 53 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Alexis Molander F 12 Mason City IA One Mile

Elisa Molina F 26 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Levi Moltz-Hohmann M 24 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Barb Monroe F 73 Clarkston WA TMC Four-Miler

Ander Monson M 48 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Alexander Montanaro M 34 Red Rock AZ TMC Half

Brianna Montejano F 16 Tucson AZ One Mile

Hali Montes F 26 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Ivan Montes M 28 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Bridget Montoya F 42 Tucson AZ TMC Four-Miler

Michael Montoya M 6 Tucson AZ One Mile

Elisabeth Morales F 28 Gilbert AZ TMC Half

David Morden M 63 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Gwen Morris F 26 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Paige Morris F 26 Wichita Falls TX TMC Half

Sophie Morris F 23 Missoula MT TMC Half

Audra Mortensen F 5 Hereford AZ One Mile

Russell Mott M 70 Tucson AZ TMC Four-Miler

Michael Moynihan M 70 TucsonTucson AZ TMC Four-Miler

Debbie Moynihan F 67 TucsonTucson AZ TMC Four-Miler

Jason Mullins M 53 Tucson AZ TMC Four-Miler

Ronnie Mullins F 54 Tucson AZ TMC Four-Miler

Clarissa Munoz F 32 Tucson AZ TMC Four-Miler

Marco Murillo M 30 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Maril Murphy M 66 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Thomas Murray M 47 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Jesse Navarro M 40 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Nicole Needleman F 52 Horseshoe Bay TX TMC Half

Clyde Neiman M 8 Tucson AZ One Mile

Carrie Nelson F 34 Tucson AZ TMC Four-Miler

Mariella Newton F 51 Palm Desert CA TMC Half

Clarisa Nido F 44 Tucson AZ TMC Four-Miler

Leonora Nissen F 2 Tucson AZ One Mile

Oliver Nissen M 5 Tucson AZ One Mile

Jan Nordmeyer F 70 Tucson AZ TMC Four-Miler

Evan Novak M 5 Tucson AZ One Mile

Ava Novak F 6 Tucson AZ One Mile

Loren O'Brien M 50 Sierra Vista AZ TMC Half

Timothy O'Brien M 49 Vail AZ TMC Half

Elsa O'Callaghan F 35 Tucson AZ TMC Four-Miler

ANN O'CONNOR F 63 Tucson AZ TMC Four-Miler

PATRICK O'CONNOR M 65 Tucson AZ TMC Four-Miler

Midge Ochart F 76 Tucson AZ TMC Four-Miler

Aaron Ochoa M 28 Sahuarita AZ TMC Half

Danny Ochoa M 64 Sahuarita AZ TMC Half

Daniel Ochoa M 33 Sahuarita AZ TMC Half

Leslie Ojeda F 24 Tucson AZ TMC Four-Miler

Mirko Oliveros M 41 TUCSON AZ TMC Half

Jacob Ontiveros M 25 Sahuarita AZ TMC Four-Miler

Samantha Oppel F 31 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Oliver Orkand M 20 Seattle WA TMC Half

Adam Orkand M 54 Seattle WA TMC Four-Miler

William Ornelas M 38 Sahuarita AZ TMC Half

Alicia Ornelas F 44 Tucson AZ TMC Four-Miler

Christina Orosco F 47 tucson AZ TMC Four-Miler

Devan Ortega F 30 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Robert Oved M 48 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Shawnee Parens F 50 Madison WI TMC Half

James Parens M 52 Madison WI TMC Half

Lewis Parkhill M 79 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Chandler Parkinson M 33 Queen Creek AZ TMC Half

Ankita Patel F 26 Tempe AZ TMC Half

Margaret Patten F 74 Tucson AZ One Mile

Claire Pavlikowski F 31 Tucson AZ TMC Four-Miler

Jeff Pavlikowski M 32 Tucson AZ TMC Four-Miler

Jesus Perez M 40 Nogales AZ TMC Half

Eliezer Perez M 29 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Jesus Perez M 40 Nogales AZ TMC Half

Cindy Petersen F 61 Tucson AZ TMC Four-Miler

Mickey Petersen M 55 Tucson AZ TMC Four-Miler

Karl Peterson M 32 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Rachael Peterson F 31 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Erik Peterson M 49 Florence AZ TMC Four-Miler

Rebecca Pferdeort F 36 Tucson AZ TMC Four-Miler

Ian Philabaum M 44 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Chris Phillips M 51 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Melena Pimentel F 24 Tucson AZ TMC Four-Miler

Allison Pohlmeyer F 6 Marana AZ One Mile

Lauren Pohlmeyer F 8 Marana AZ One Mile

Donna Poole F 63 Arlington TN TMC Half

Courtney Powell F 39 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Nick Prevenas M 41 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Kelly Prevenas F 39 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Andrew Prevenas M 8 Tucson AZ One Mile

Lucy Prevenas F 5 Tucson AZ One Mile

Whitney Price F 38 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Susan Proebsting F 58 TMC Half

Susan Proebsting F 58 Tucson TMC Half

Jennifer Pruitt F 48 Marana AZ TMC Half

Annmarie Pryor F 28 Tucson AZ TMC Half

jaclyn pryor F 38 Tucson AZ TMC Four-Miler

Amy Pugliese F 52 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Cheryl Putrament F 40 Tucson AZ TMC Four-Miler

Andrew Quamme M 40 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Lenny Queriapa M 36 SahuaritaSahuarita AZ TMC Half

Derek Quezada M 42 TucsonTucson AZ TMC Half

Alicia Quezada F 40 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Karen Quinlan F 32 Marana AZ TMC Four-Miler

Demetrio Quintero III M 48 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Felix Ramirez M 32 TucsonTucson AZ TMC Half

Jane Ramirez F 38 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Laurie Ramirez F 62 Tucson AZ TMC Four-Miler

Soleanna Ramirez F 14 Tucson AZ One Mile

Gianni Ramirez M 15 Tucson AZ One Mile

Madison Ramirez F 11 Tucson AZ One Mile

Amy Ramsey F 46 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Julia Ramsey F 40 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Shobhit Rana M 46 Sunnyvale CA TMC Half

Oliver Randol M 11 Tucson AZ TMC Four-Miler

David Rasmussen M 56 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Melissa Rasmussen F 54 Tucson AZ TMC Four-Miler

Erica Ratzlaff F 41 Marana AZ TMC Four-Miler

Eve Rayner 19 Denver CO TMC Half

Pattie Reaves F 38 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Dan Reavis M 38 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Shaina Reddinger F 28 Pittsburgh PA TMC Four-Miler

Anita Redford F 58 Tucson AZ TMC Four-Miler

Peter Reiners M 54 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Michele Renteria F 36 El Paso TX TMC Four-Miler

Layra Reza F 40 Vail AZ TMC Half

Robert Rezetko M 55 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Grace Riccardi F 11 TucsonTucson AZ One Mile

Elizabeth Richardson F 64 Oro valley AZ TMC Four-Miler

Elizabeth Richardson F 64 Oro valley AZ TMC Four-Miler

Allison Richter F 51 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Lisa Riley F 51 Tucson AZ TMC Four-Miler

Evelyn Rios F 36 Tucson AZ TMC Four-Miler

Stephanie Rister F 46 Tucson AZ TMC Four-Miler

Steve Rivera M 29 Tucson AZ TMC Four-Miler

Dani Rivera F 20 Seattle WA TMC Four-Miler

Greg Roberts M 50 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Michael Robertson M 35 Tucson AZ TMC Four-Miler

Marianne Robertson F 64 Vail AZ TMC Four-Miler

Aura Robledo F 34 Tucson AZ TMC Four-Miler

Marielis Robles F 30 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Matthew Rodecker M 33 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Maria Rodriguez F 38 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Eduardo Rodriguez M 24 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Alexander Rodriguez M 50 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Martha Rodriguez F 64 Tucson AZ TMC Four-Miler

Erika Rodriguez F 42 Tucson AZ One Mile

Brittany Rodriquez F 31 El Paso TX TMC Four-Miler

Sam Roehrich M 26 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Joanie Rogucki F 70 Green Valley AZ TMC Half

Kcire Romandia M 19 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Carly Romej F 28 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Marina Romero F 55 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Ariella Romero F 46 Marana AZ TMC Four-Miler

Alma Romero F 23 Tucson AZ One Mile

Becky Ronconi F 37 Oro Valley AZ TMC Half

James Rosenberger M 53 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Michelle Ross F 46 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Grant Rowe M 58 Tucson AZ TMC Four-Miler

Chris Royko M 39 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Matthew Rubcic M 46 Vail AZ TMC Half

Andres G. Ruiz M 11 Tucson AZ TMC Four-Miler

Andres Ruiz M 39 Tucson AZ TMC Four-Miler

Abram Ruiz F 9 Tucson AZ One Mile

Dustin Runkel M 26 Tucson AZ TMC Four-Miler

Brichelle Saarloos F 34 Tucson AZ TMC Four-Miler

Eleanor Safford F 8 Tucson AZ One Mile

Jane Sage F 70 Tucson AZ TMC Four-Miler

David Salafsky M 48 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Yissel Salafsky F 44 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Claudia Salmoni F 56 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Karessa Samaiel F 34 Tucson AZ TMC Four-Miler

Serena Samaniego F 39 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Victor Sammond M 30 Marana AZ TMC Half

Eduardo Sanchez M 28 Sierra Vista AZ TMC Half

Victor Sanchez M 38 Marana AZ TMC Half

Nicole Sanchez F 38 Marana AZ TMC Half

Fernando Sanchez Malave M 29 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Michelle Sandberg F 48 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Conrad Sanders M 29 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Wayne Satten M 64 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Michelle Saucedo F 27 Tucson AZ TMC Four-Miler

Michael Saunders M 36 Sahuarita AZ TMC Half

Christopher Savoy M 50 Chandler AZ TMC Half

Ronnie Scarboro M 24 Tucson AZ TMC Four-Miler

Jennifer Schlax F 51 TucsonTucson AZ TMC Four-Miler

Cristina Schuster F 53 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Tammy Schwartz-Strobel F 62 Tucson AZ TMC Four-Miler

Celia Scott F 39 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Remy Scott M 6 Tucson AZ One Mile

Bill Seeberg M 29 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Emma Seeberg F 27 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Liz Seely F 37 Marana AZ TMC Half

Corey Seemiller F 50 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Shane Seibert M 37 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Michelle Nolen Senner F 46 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Luke Senner M 11 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Krystal Serfine F 30 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Alejandro Serrano M 36 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Jaqueline Serrano-Garcia F 31 Red Rock AZ TMC Half

Bradley Shane M 32 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Monica Shannon F 47 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Charles Shannon M 59 Tucson AZ TMC Four-Miler

Judith Shaw F 55 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Tom Shaw M 60 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Steve Sheldon M 58 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Katie Shellenbarger F 32 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Beth Shelton F 48 Tucson AZ TMC Four-Miler

Jeannine Shively F 42 San Diego CA TMC Half

Angelica Sierra F 24 Tucson AZ TMC Four-Miler

Sharon Silvas F 55 Marana AZ TMC Half

Mary Silverwind F 64 Sierra Vista AZ TMC Half

Julio Silvestre M 20 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Bradley Simmons M 35 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Sandra Simms F 49 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Matt Simons M 29 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Penny Simpson F 49 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Julie Sipe F 32 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Cooper Siuciak M 24 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Jean Slama F 70 Tucson AZ TMC Four-Miler

Rayna Sloane F 51 Tucson AZ TMC Four-Miler

Mike Smejkal M 48 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Melissa Smith F 38 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Faith Smith F 34 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Dustin Smith M 38 Marana AZ TMC Half

Douglas Smith M 43 Silver City NM TMC Half

Janet Smith F 61 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Alice Smith F 46 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Ryan Smith M 24 Tucson AZ TMC Four-Miler

Andrea Smith F 46 Tucson AZ TMC Four-Miler

Ila Smith F 42 Tucson AZ TMC Four-Miler

Amy Smith F 47 Tucson AZ One Mile

Alma Smith F 9 Tucson AZ One Mile

Sue Smoth F 83 Tucson AZ TMC Four-Miler

Donald Smutny M 59 Vail AZ TMC Four-Miler

Kara Snyder F 50 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Ariel Snyder F 24 Tucson AZ TMC Four-Miler

Anita Sobey F 46 Tucson AZ TMC Four-Miler

Vanessa Sobik F 41 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Maricris Socito F 38 Sahuarita AZ TMC Half

Randy Sookoo M 48 Vail AZ TMC Half

Claudia Sosa F 37 Tucson AZ One Mile

Bella Sotelo F 9 Sahuarita AZ One Mile

Axel Sotelo M 11 Sahuarita AZ One Mile

Celina Soto F 39 Tucson AZ TMC Four-Miler

Rosa Soto F 40 Tucson AZ TMC Four-Miler

Allison Soucy F 25 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Eileen Spear F 55 Boston MA TMC Four-Miler

Alexander Spei M 42 Holt MI TMC Half

Michelle Spohn F 62 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Michelle Spohn F 62 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Mia Sponseller F 19 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Johnny Stacewicz M 31 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Aaron Steele M 39 Tucson AZ TMC Half


Elle Steiner F 49 Tucson AZ TMC Four-Miler

Zachary Stewart M 29 Oro Valley AZ TMC Half

Austin Stone M 32 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Emma Stonemark F 25 Tucson AZ TMC Four-Miler

Amy Straus F 42 Tucson AZ TMC Four-Miler

Emily Streeter F 47 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Eric Striegel M 36 Rockledge FL TMC Half

Angie Striegel F 36 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Janet Striegel F 62 Palm Harbor FL One Mile

Ezra Striegel M 7 Oro Valley AZ One Mile

Deacon Striegel M 8 Tucson AZ One Mile

Zachary Stubbs M 39 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Torian Styles M 27 Tucson AZ TMC Four-Miler

Karen Sullivan F 61 Tucson AZ TMC Four-Miler

Jeffrey Sumner M 58 Tucson AZ TMC Half

David Sutherland M 37 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Gabby Suydam F 9 Tucson AZ One Mile

Matt Swanson M 42 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Danielle Swartz F 34 Oro Valley AZ TMC Four-Miler

Christian Syson M 28 Sierra Vista AZ TMC Half

Paul Syson M 61 Sierra Vista AZ TMC Half

Claudia Syson F 53 Sierra Vista AZ TMC Half

Jason Tackett M 45 Marana AZ TMC Half

Steve Taggart M 61 Tucson AZ TMC Four-Miler

Matei Tarail M 51 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Joseph Tate M 59 Tucson AZ One Mile

Gerlie Tate F 38 Tucson AZ One Mile

Anna Taylor F 22 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Christine Teale F 57 Tucson AZ TMC Four-Miler

Stephanie Terry F 37 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Lindsay Teunissen F 39 Tucson AZ TMC Four-Miler

Valerie Thaler F 32 Tucson AZ TMC Four-Miler

Mitchell Thaler M 35 Tucson AZ TMC Four-Miler

Anne Theisen F 50 Seattle WA TMC Half

Eric Thomas M 31 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Benji Thomas M 21 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Joe Thomas M 53 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Andy Thomas M 43 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Stacey Thomas F 55 Tucson AZ TMC Four-Miler

Kiral Thompson M 62 Tucson AZ TMC Four-Miler

Abigail Thornton F 21 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Kelly Thrush M 44 Vail AZ TMC Half

Thomas Todd M 54 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Susy Torgerson F 71 Tucson AZ TMC Four-Miler

Gena Toumey F 52 Tucson AZ TMC Four-Miler

Dayton Trinkle M 40 Sahuarita AZ TMC Half

Emily Truong F 45 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Katie Trushell F 41 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Ian Trushell M 40 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Kevin Tuck M 67 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Madison Tuohy F 21 East Northport NY TMC Half

Samantha Turner F 33 Tucson AZ TMC Four-Miler

Ashley Ubbelohde F 32 Tucson AZ TMC Four-Miler

Jim Uomoto M 46 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Gabrielle Urbano-Styles F 26 Tucson AZ TMC Four-Miler

Josie Urenda F 39 TucsonTucson AZ TMC Four-Miler

Irene Urenda F 64 Tucson AZ TMC Four-Miler

Jill Utecht F 59 Tubac AZ TMC Half

Adrianna Valdez F 52 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Traycee Valentin F 55 Sierra Vista AZ TMC Four-Miler

Paul Valentin M 57 Sierra Vista AZ TMC Four-Miler

Tonya Valenzuela F 26 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Sherry Van De Ven F 55 Tucson AZ TMC Four-Miler

Sheena Van Wagenen F 46 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Myriam Vela Ortiz F 36 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Stephanie Ventura F 32 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Franklin Ventura M 33 Tucson AZ TMC Four-Miler

Cristina Verdugo F 50 Marana AZ TMC Half

Katie Vidal F 31 TucsonOro Valley AZ TMC Half

Laura Vigil F 59 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Sydney Vincent F 24 Tucson AZ TMC Four-Miler

Dasa Vo F 37 Houston TX TMC Four-Miler

Karen Volpendesta F 41 Marana AZ One Mile

Andrew Volpendesta M 41 Tucson AZ One Mile

Lorenzo Volpendesta M 8 Marana AZ One Mile

Centino Volpendesta M 5 Marana AZ One Mile

Colin Voveris M 56 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Bridget Wade Radcliff F 45 Tucson AZ TMC Four-Miler


Glenna Walker F 41 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Dillon Walker M 29 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Ivy Walker F 52 TUCSON AZ TMC Half

Matthew Walley M 49 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Michele Walsh F 59 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Murphie Walsh F 8 Tucson AZ One Mile

Kylie Walzak F 45 Tucson AZ TMC Four-Miler

Le Wang F 49 Vail AZ TMC Half

Kari Warner F 40 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Maylani Wejbe F 4 Tucson AZ One Mile

John Wells M 40 Tucson AZ TMC Four-Miler

Michelle Wences F 36 TucsonTucson AZ TMC Half

Cerys White F 18 Rapid City SD TMC Half

Susan White F 65 Tucson AZ TMC Four-Miler

Susan White F 65 Tucson AZ TMC Four-Miler

Debbie White-Black F 60 Tucson AZ TMC Four-Miler

Alice Whittington-Gulba F 48 Tucson AZ TMC Four-Miler

David Whittman M 55 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Alana Wiesing F 30 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Betsy Wilkening F 62 Tucson AZ TMC Four-Miler

Joan Will F 57 TucsonTucson AZ TMC Four-Miler

John Will M 57 Tucson AZ TMC Four-Miler

Thomas Williams M 41 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Cassie Williams F 36 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Nick Williams M 38 Willcox AZ TMC Four-Miler

Michael Wilson M 32 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Danny Wilson M 38 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Kathy Wilson F 49 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Benjamin Wilson M 41 Willcox AZ TMC Four-Miler

Charles Wolgemuth M 50 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Breeanna Wolkerstorfer F 22 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Sarah Wood F 38 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Chase Woodall M 13 Oro Valley AZ TMC Half

Stephen Woodall M 45 Oro Valley AZ TMC Half

Janet Wooddancer-Fisher F 75 Tucson AZ TMC Four-Miler

Linda Wright F 73 Tombstone AZ TMC Half

Aaron Wright 46 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Bob YAN M 51 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Alyssa Yanez F 27 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Allison Yarne F 49 Morro Bay CA TMC Half

Shunto Yasui M 5 TucsonTucson AZ One Mile

Ayato Yasui M 8 TucsonTucson AZ One Mile

Kanae Yasui F 11 Tucson AZ One Mile

Paulette Yates F 33 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Paulina Yates F 37 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Adele Youmans F 70 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Brian Zacher M 48 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Barbara Zacher F 75 Tucson AZ TMC Four-Miler

Maureen Zagel F 57 Colorado Springs CO TMC Half

Baxter Zentack M 6 Tucson AZ One Mile

Gayl Zhao F 42 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Melanie Zibrat F 29 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Ross Zimmerman M 70 Tucson AZ TMC Half

Ashlee Zucker F 36 Show Low AZ TMC Four-Miler

Esteban Zuniga M 38 Tucson AZ TMC Four-Miler

Margaret Zuniga F 40 Tucson AZ TMC Four-Miler

Who Sends These?
Run Tucson (www.RunTucson.net) produces dynamic running and walking events in Arizona. We partner with Tucson Medical Center, the Southern Arizona Roadrunners, the Running Shop, the KGUN Morning Blend, Cox Communications, Downtown Tucson Partnership, Grand Canyon Chamber of Commerce, and more. 

Run Tucson is proud to coach The Workout Group, now in its 25th season of coaching runners in Tucson and around the nation.

Over the years, Run Tucson has raised over $300,000 for organizations such as BEYOND-Tucson, Cox Charities, the Children's Museum Tucson, Educational Enrichment Foundation, Greater Tucson Leadership, the Humane Society, Team Hoyt, the Southern Arizona Roadrunners, and more.
Why Am I on This List? You've participated in one of the events we've produced, either one of our charity running events in Tucson, or as part of Meet Me at Maynard's, Meet Me Wednesday's, Meet Me Downtown PHX.
How Do I Get Off This List? You can hit the "unsubscribe" button below or you can email us at randy@runtucson.net.
For information about our events, the RRCA, and The Workout Group, contact Randy Accetta
(520) 991-0733
For information about in-person, online, or group coaching, contact contact Tia Accetta.
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