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We Updated Our Resource Guides and

Support Group Guide

You can download the resource guides here

and the support group guide here.

Men's Health Month

Every June we take time to look at men's health, specifically mental health. This is a topic many men ignore because there is still a great deal of cultural stigma that makes men feel like they are weak or "not a man" if they discuss their feelings or struggle with depression. Ignoring mental health struggles only creates more problems. 

Did You Know...

  • Men die by suicide at a rate 4 TIMES HIGHER than women.
  • More than TWO TIMES as many men die by alcohol-related causes than women (62,000 men vs. 26,000 women).
  • Men are MORE LIKELY than women to use illicit drugs.


Click the graphics to the right for more statistics form Mental Health America.

Postpartum Depression in Men? Yes, It's Real and Can Happen!

As we explore mental health issues impacting men during the month of June, we are raising awareness about an issue that is often associated only with women -- postpartum depression. According to Postpartum Support International, 1 in 10 dads develop postpartum depression and up to 18% develop an anxiety disorder.

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Man Therapy | Men's Mental Health Resources

Man Therapy is a place where men can come to be men. So here, we won't be whining, complaining or moping about. No, we'll be getting off our keisters and form tackling feelings like anger, stress, sadness, substance use, and even suicidal thoughts head-on.

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Upcoming Events

Click the images to learn more and register.

Event is Today from 3 - 4 PM.

Not too late to register!

Why Dads June 16 2022 Forum.png

June 21st, 9 - 10:30 AM

Register Now.

Space is limited. If you're interested, act fast! 

Contact Jennifer to RSVP at

Pride Month Events & Resources

The Hub's Kaitlin Comet was at Westport’s Pride Celebration at Staples High School last weekend. The celebration featured a select group of community speakers, performers, local clergy as well as political leaders. Jen Tooker, Westport Selectwoman, issued a proclamation declaring June Pride Month in Westport.

Don't forget to check out our updated LGBTQIA+ Resource page

and download the PDF below.

LGBTQIA+ Resources from

The Hub CT

Local Resources & Support The Gender Diversity & Resilience Program serves transgender and gender expansive youth ages 12-18 and their families. Find Gay Straight Alliance contacts and resources on this website created by the LGBTQ+ Task Force Additional Resources

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Additional Resources & Opportunities

Education and Program Coordinator

Are you an energetic, flexible, team-driven person passionate about empowering youth, strengthening families and building community? Would you like a flexible work environment that emphasizes a healthy work-life balance and supporting each other to achieve our goals? CARES is looking for an Education and Program Coordinator who fits this description. This is a 25-hour-per-week, full-year position. Afternoon availability, as well as some evenings and weekends, is required. If interested, please send your resume with a cover letter that includes salary requirements to Applications will be accepted until the position is filled. Click here for the full job description.

Take the Prevention Workforce Survey hosted by TTASC

This is a brief survey to gather information from prevention professionals, staff and volunteers to determine current training needs and interests. Please take the short time to complete the survey yourselves and please forward to others you feel should also give feedback. The deadline for completion is July 31, 2022.

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The Hub: Behavioral Health Action Organization for Southwestern CT

A division of the Regional Youth Adult Social Action Partnership (RYASAP) 

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Newsletter designed and created in collaboration with Daydream Communications, LLC