TBC Connections Bulletin:

5785 High Holy Day Guide!

September 2024

28 Av - 27 Elul 5784

What's Inside

A Message From Cantor Dunkerley

A Message from June Mara, President

A Message from Sisterhood

A Message from Social Action

High Holy Day Worship Opportunities

Memorial Book

Michael Heft Food Drive and Miriam Messe Diaper Collection

High Holy Day Appeal

September Birthdays & August Donations


Cantor Harriet Dunkerley

Spiritual Leader/Director of Education

Denise Seccurra


Ellie Gluck

Assistant Education Director/Youth & Communications Coordinator

Executive Committee

President, June Mara

First Vice President, Joshua Friedman

Second Vice President, Elise Serby

Third Vice President, Stephen Davis

Treasurer, Simon Curtis

Secretary, Susan Farber

Past President, Cindy Tyler

Board of Trustees

Julia Saunders - Trustee at Large

Richard Lerner - Trustee at Large

Barbara Massy Bear - Trustee at Large

Dara Marceau - Trustee at Large

Committee Chairs

Adult Education Chair - Open

Stephen Davis - Communications Chair

Development Chair - Open

Allison Berger - Education Chair

Jessica Diskin - Finance Chair

Ezra Spilke - Governance Chair

Steve West-Rosenthal - House Chair

Susan Farber - Membership Chair

Ritual Chair - Open

Sisterhood Presidents - Pam Klem/Sharon Sobel

Social Action Chairs - Jane Alexander/Peggy Zamore

A Message from Cantor Dunkerley

High Holy Days 5785 – Together in Tradition, United in Community

When I think about the High Holy Days growing up, what I remember most, aside from the music of course – I am a Cantor after all – is the excitement and surge of joy I felt entering the synagogue, the sanctuary, and seeing everyone. All the hugs, the smiles and greetings after a long summer away from the community – it was THE best. I loved it; seeing the sanctuary overflowing and re-connecting with everyone filled me somehow just as the music and the liturgy did and left me feeling fully present to something sacred and holy...

Click Here to Read the Full Message!

A Message from June Mara, President

Our TBC community is about to gather to celebrate the High Holy Days together. This issue of Connections provides a High Holy Day Guide – not only to our services – but also to the range of activities TBC clergy and leadership have organized leading up to and during the holidays. We look forward to seeing each of you.

One big change from prior years is that you will receive your High Holy Day tickets by email. The email will list the family members for whom the ticket applies and include a calendar of events and service times. If you wish to purchase tickets for additional family members or friends, click here.

To RSVP, click here!

High Holy Day Worship Opportunities 5785


Saturday, 9/28/2024

S'lichot Service

7:00 PM

Taking Place at United Jewish Center of Danbury. Please bring a dessert to share at the Oneg following the service.

*Click Here for Directions

*Click Here to RSVP

Schedule for Rosh Hashanah

Wednesday, 10/2/2024

Erev Rosh Hashanah Service

7:30 PM

*Click Here for Zoom

Day 1 - Thursday, 10/3/2024

Family Service

9:00 AM

*Click Here for Zoom

Traditional Service

11:00 AM

*Click Here for Zoom

Tashlich Service

2:00 PM

Please join us at Merwin Meadows for a contemplative tashlich experience.

*Click Here for Directions

Day 2 - Friday, 10/4/2024

Traditional Service

10:00 AM

*Click Here for Zoom

Shabbat Shuvah Service

7:00 PM

*Click Here for Zoom

Schedule for Yom Kippur

Friday, 10/11/2024

Kol Nidre Service

7:30 PM

*Click Here for Zoom

Saturday, 10/12/2024

Family Service

9:00 AM

Don't miss the TBC Religious School players in their annual production of the Story of Jonah and the Whale!

*Click Here for Zoom

Traditional Service

11:00 AM

*Click Here for Zoom

Yom Kippur Study Session

2:00 PM

Afternoon Service

3:30 PM

*Click Here for Zoom

Yizkor & Ne'ilah Service

4:45 PM

*Click Here for Zoom

Yom Kippur Break Fast

7:15 PM

To RSVP for TBC's Yom Kippur Break Fast sponsored by Sisterhood, please click here!

Schedule for Sukkot & Simchat Torah

Friday, 10/18/2024

Sukkot Shabbat

5:30 PM

Please join us for a community-wide celebration of Sukkot as we welcome our local community neighbors to TBC! A light supper will be served followed by our Sukkot Shabbat service at 6:30 PM. The cost for dinner is $18.00 per person with a $54.00 max for families of 3 or more.

*Click Here to RSVP!

*Click Here for Zoom

Friday, 10/25/2024

Simchat Torah Shabbat

6:30 PM

Please join us for dancing and rejoicing with our beloved Torah scrolls, roll out the entire Torah and listen to Cantor Harriet chant the very last last line and the very first line of Torah all in one breath! This joyous evening will conclude with a festive Oneg in the Social Hall!

*Click Here to sponsor the Oneg!

A Message from Sisterhood

The Sisterhood of Temple B’nai Chaim has enjoyed an active and engaging partnership

in all aspects of synagogue life for over forty years. Our calendar has traditionally been a very complete one, including activities for almost every month of the year, providing a diversity of experiences, and satisfying a wide range of interests. Some of our events, such as the High Holiday Honey Sale, sponsorship of the Yom Kippur Break Fast, Shalach Manot greetings, and the Tu B’Shevat Seder, are long-standing successes, as have been programs in collaboration with other sisterhoods and community organizations...

Click Here to Read the Full Sisterhood Message!

Sisterhood Honey Sale

Sustain TBC with Sweet Bee Love - Send Rosh Hashanah tidings to TBC friends and staff! As Rosh Hashanah approaches, it is time to send honey and sweet new year greetings to your TBC friends and loved ones. The ordering deadline is September 18. Don't miss out on the opportunity!

To place an order, please click here!

Memorial Book

TBC will again publish an online Memorial Book with the names of all loved ones whom you wish to memorialize at the Yizkor Service on Yom Kippur. The names of your loved ones that you listed on your membership renewal form will be shown on screen during the Yizkor Service. A PDF version of the Memorial Book will be available to anyone who contacts the office to request one at officeadmin@templebnaichaim.org.

A Message from Social Action

Co-Chairs: Jane Alexander and Peggy Zamore

Tikkun Olam- Repairing the World

In this most challenging time - We all need to pitch in!

Check out Chailites for upcoming calls to action.

The desire to take action to make the world a better place is the only requirement for participation in the Social Action Committee.  From the smallest job to the most complex, each act of kindness and caring makes a huge impact on achieving social justice and equity. This year we will work on policies at all levels that would help repair the world.

Click Here to Learn More About TBC's Social Action!

Michael Heft Food Drive and Miriam Messe Diaper Collection

A list of items will be online and handed out at Rosh Hashanah services. Please bring the bags to Erev Yom Kippur and morning services. If you are able to help sort and repack food Yom Kippur morning, and/or deliver the items after services, please contact Jane Alexander at Jane@nodhill.net.

Click Here to View the List of Items Needed

High Holy Day Appeal

Temple B’nai Chaim is where we come together to pray, to learn, to find comfort and community. It is a place where we celebrate our joys and support each other in times of sorrow. It is a place that holds a special and sacred space in our hearts.

But maintaining TBC is not without its costs. From salaries, utilities, maintenance, programming and more, there are many expenses that must be met to keep our doors open and our community thriving. That is why I am humbly asking for your financial support.

Your contributions, no matter how big or small, play a crucial role in ensuring that TBC remains a vibrant and welcoming place for all who seek solace and connection. Your generosity allows us to continue to provide meaningful services, educational programs, and community events that enrich the lives of our members and strengthen the bonds of our community.

I know that we all face our own financial challenges and uncertainties. But I also know that when we come together as a community, when we support each other and our shared ideals, we are capable of doing great things. Your donation, no matter how big or small, has the power to make a real and lasting impact on our synagogue and the lives of those who call it their spiritual home.

Please consider making a donation to the Future of TBC Fund or contributing toward the extra expenses we incur for the High Holy Days by clicking here. May we all be inscribed in the Book of Life for a year of health, happiness, and prosperity.

Shanah Tova!

Steven Zamore

Kathy Gordon

David Sanderson

Rachael DiPietro

Kimberly Pia

Evelyn Rosenfeld

Valerie West-Rosenthal

Ryan Sanderson

Jennifer Siegel

Richard Lerner

Terry Ullman

Jaden Brandt

Andrew Pia

Ronald Pepin

Rachel Sanderson

Peggy Zamore

Jocelyn Furtado

David Felton

Ariel Friedman

Barbara Massy Bear

Beth Brown

Russ Prince

Lyla Harrison

Lindsey Harrison

Ava Rabinowitz

To view the list of August 2024 donations, please click here!

Please see our weekly Chailites for news on upcoming events and happenings at TBC or go to our website for detailed information!

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