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The Retreat House Annual Appeal

You Help Grow Our Circles


Photo by Vonecia Carswell. Unsplash.com.

Dear friends,

May peace and grace be yours today.

It is that season when we pause and notice all of you who have made our journey over the last year so vast and rich. Your prayers and presence sustain us. We are so grateful. 

As the circles in which we gather expand and as new circles are formed, we stop and marvel at the grounding and growth that being together in this way can bring. There have been many times over the last year that longings have been expressed for belonging, for a place to seek peace, to just be. Each circle welcomes authentic connection, and often, with that connection comes healing. Your presence with us has created ripples of nourishment into the world. Thank you for being you and for making this kind of transformative community possible.

At this time, we ask for your financial support in addition to your prayers and presence. We thank you in advance for taking the time to consider making a gift.

We hope you enjoy this picture of the many circles we celebrate this year. We invite you to help us grow our circles by sharing your thoughts with us below: What new circles would you like to see? 

Please join us in an upcoming circle on the peaceful grounds of The Retreat House. We'd love to share with you in the festivities at our Retreat House 8th Anniversary Celebration on June 11th from 1:00 - 3:00 p.m.

with deep gratitude from our leadership circle,

Francie Thayer, Rodney Dean, 

    Rachel Field, and Heather Strang

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What new circles would you like to see? Please tell us here.
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