Jan. 5, 2025

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Building a Road

to Blue Candidates on Baldwin County Ballots

Top Five

News Stories of BCD

in 2024

1 Baldwin County Dems call and canvass to help elect Shomari Figures to U.S. Congress in the new Alabama Congressional District 2.

2 Baldwin County Democrats sell out the Nix Center in Fairhope, raising $13,000 at the Doug Jones fundraiser in May.

3 Baldwin County Democrats membership tops 2,000.

4 Baldwin County Dems, working with state party leaders for the Alabama Blue Tour, team up with the Pensacola Harris campaign to send more than 50 to knock on doors for Harris/Walz Presidential campaign.

5 South Baldwin Democrats spring and fall yard sales net about $7,000.

It's the biggest complaint Baldwin County Democratic leaders hear as we mingle with our membership.

"Why aren't there any Democratic candidates on the ballot?"

Great question! Here's our answer.

With most municipal seats across Baldwin County up for grabs in 2025, Democrats are mounting a major push to change that. Our goal is to get as many names on the ballot as we can. We're also ramping up our fundraising forces with a new money management team. We'll be both brainstorming new ways of raising cash, and looking at time-tested fundraising options as well, as we gear up to put our money where our mouths are when we say we plan to support our front-line Democratic fighters.

State party politicos say this is no time for candidates who have plans to run for office to be coy. With filing deadlines in June and elections in August, it's not too early to get names and faces in public eyes and ears. There is no time to lose in getting teams in place and getting in line for the financial support your county party is here to pledge.

This year, we must look at every Democratic name on the ballot as a win and every candidate as a political hero. These will be the soldiers who raise their hands to be among the few in recent history to give Baldwin County a real choice.

Right now we are looking for volunteers to research local races so we won't miss any school board, library board, or zoning and environmental commission. We are looking for volunteers to help organize fundraising events and to contact likely donors. Of course, we are on the edge of our seats to recognize the most important people in the party - our brave Democratic candidates.

Click Here to Inquire About Running for Office
Donate to 2025 Candidates Here



In solidarity with nationwide rallies scheduled just ahead of Inaugeration Day, Baldwin County Democrats are positioning to show a presence at the Women's Day March in Pensacola.

Some of the march organizers across the country are labeling their Jan. 18 events “The People’s March,” to signal inclusivity. The “Alabama March for Progress” on Jan. 19 in Montgomery is another incarnation of the same idea.


"This Women’s March is a starting point of the next four years, a call to fight back to destroy the capitalist, patriarchal system that keeps so many people tied down,” said Devin Cole with Strive Pensacola and the Women’s March Pensacola organizing team. “We have nothing to lose but our chains.”

People of all genders, races and ages are welcome at the Pensacola march, planners say. Speakers at the event will focus on issues including LGBTQ issues, women’s issues, climate change, immigration, and reproductive rights, current Florida laws, Project 2025 and how to protect ourselves.

The Pensacola march will coincide with the National Women’s March in Washington, D.C., and others throughout the U.S.

The march will start at 10 a.m. and include the march, speakers, poets, and musicians until 2 p.m.

Visit the Pensacola Women's March Facebook Page and sign up to go here.


Why March?

Answers from National people's March Organizers

We all march for different reasons, but we march for the same cause: to defend our rights and our future. 

If you believe that decisions about your body should remain yours, that books belong in libraries, not on bonfires, that healthcare is a right, not a privilege for the wealthy; if you believe in the power of free speech and protest to sustain democracy; or if you want an economy that works for the people who power it—then this march is for you.

The People’s March is about one thing: our power.

It’s a bold demonstration of the resilience of resistance:

  • We march to unite the people who’ve been the backbone of resistance for generations—and to welcome even more 
  • We march to remind civil servants they answer to us 
  • We march to inspire, energize, and drive change long after the day is done.

This is our moment to remind Washington elites — and Americans everywhere — where the power truly lives: with the people.

Sign up for ride sharing to the Pensacola Women's March here

Bringing the Message of the March Home to Baldwin County

State Democratic Party leaders say organizing highly-visible public gatherings like marches and rallies is an effective way to build local support for the party.

Especially in Red Districts like ours, it's important to show a public presence to let Democrats know they are not alone. We're in good company. Showing up in numbers is also one way to help embolden candidates to run for office. A procession of people enmasse is an empowering sight for those who might be looking to lead - but not sure who's around to follow.

Any time you can get out and be visible, that's a good thing for promoting Progressive causes and building a strong Democratic Party. That's the word from folks right now coming together to make the Alabama Democratic Party work again.

Initial efforts to stage our own Baldwin County People's March in Foley did not generate enough support to move forward. We envisioned a silent march through Heritage Park with signs. It was to be orderly and respectful.

We need an impressive number - say 100 - to turn out. A handful of supporters just makes us look pathetic. BCD boasts more than 2,000 members, so it seems like it ought to be do-able to get a tenth of us, 200, to take a quiet stroll through the park together on any given Saturday.

We'll try again in the spring. Please let us know if you're in - to march with us or to help organize the event.

Count me in for an upcoming BCD March


Time to get busy!

Join us for Eastern Shore Democrats' 2025 Organizational Meeting

Thursday, Jan 30

6:30-8:30 pm - social hour begins at 6 pm

Fairhope Unititarian Fellowship

1150 Fairhope Ave.

Help us shape our vision for this critically important year!

Hope to see you there!

Baldwin County Democrats Executive Committee Meeting

6 p.m. Monday, Jan. 20

By Zoom - look for Zoom link and agenda in an email to follow soon.

All Baldwin County Dems Welcome; Only Committee Members can vote.

BCDEC will continue to meet monthly this year to manage local elections.

We will meet the third Monday of the month.

Topics this month will focus on:

  • Cleaning up our Executive Committee roll
  • Fundraising

The Baldwin County Democrats Newsletter...

Comes out the first Sunday of every month in your inbox.

We encourage reader submissions and suggestions for content. Deadline for submissions of articles and event listings is the last Wednesday of the month.

Please send submissions, suggestions and comments to bcdchair@baldwindemocrats.org

Baldwin County Democrats

P.O. Box 2942

Gulf Shores, AL 36542

(251) 284-3947


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