In solidarity with nationwide rallies scheduled just ahead of Inaugeration Day, Baldwin County Democrats are positioning to show a presence at the Women's Day March in Pensacola.
Some of the march organizers across the country are labeling their Jan. 18 events “The People’s March,” to signal inclusivity. The “Alabama March for Progress” on Jan. 19 in Montgomery is another incarnation of the same idea.
"This Women’s March is a starting point of the next four years, a call to fight back to destroy the capitalist, patriarchal system that keeps so many people tied down,” said Devin Cole with Strive Pensacola and the Women’s March Pensacola organizing team. “We have nothing to lose but our chains.”
People of all genders, races and ages are welcome at the Pensacola march, planners say. Speakers at the event will focus on issues including LGBTQ issues, women’s issues, climate change, immigration, and reproductive rights, current Florida laws, Project 2025 and how to protect ourselves.
The Pensacola march will coincide with the National Women’s March in Washington, D.C., and others throughout the U.S.
The march will start at 10 a.m. and include the march, speakers, poets, and musicians until 2 p.m.
Visit the Pensacola Women's March Facebook Page and sign up to go here.