Upcoming Events & Programs in Shorewood

Fall Garage Sale

The Village-wide Fall Garage Sale is here! Happy shopping!

Click Here for a List of Participating Homes
Click Here for a Google Map of Participating Homes


The Shorewood OktoBREWfest is back! The event will be on Saturday, September 23rd, from 3:30 p.m. to 11:30 p.m. at Cene's Four Seasons Park.  Families are welcome from 3:30-8:00 p.m., then 21+ from 8:30 p.m. on!

Stop by to enjoy:

Live music

Masskrugstemmen contests

Amazing food


See you there!

Click Here for event details

Shred Day

Please join State Representative Larry Walsh, State Senator Meg Loughran Cappel, and Will County Executive Jennifer Bertino-Tarrant for their Shred Day at Shorewood Village Hall.


The Shred Day will take place on Friday, September 29th, from 10 a.m. to noon at Village Hall. 

This event is free and open to the public. Please note there will be a 2-box minimum. Residential shredding only.

Click Here for event details

Drive-Thru Shredding & Medication Disposal Event

Save the Date! Troy Township is partnering with the Shorewood Police Department for a drive-thru shredding and medication disposal event on Saturday, October 7th.

Proof of residency is required. 

Vehicles are limited to 4 grocery bags of documents to shred. This is a drive-thru event, so please prepare to stay in your car. Do not mix your medications with your papers.

Click Here to learn more about the event

September News

Notice: Ca-Crest Park Project to Begin the Week of September 18th

The Village Board approved a contract with George's Landscaping to reconstruct and update Ca-Crest Park near the intersection of Ridge and Ca-Crest. Construction is tentatively scheduled to begin Monday, September 18, 2023, depending on weather, with an anticipated completion date of late November 2023.

For everyone's safety, the park area will be closed to the public until construction is completed.


Questions or concerns regarding this work should be directed to the Public Works Department at 815-553-2321. 

Click Here to read the complete notice

September Meetings at a Glance

Grab your calendars and mark the upcoming meetings in September! The next Village Board meeting will be this Tuesday, September 26th, at 7:00 p.m.

Village Board meetings can be viewed on Shorewood Community Cable Television. SCCTV broadcast is on Comcast Channel 6 throughout Shorewood and AT&T U-verse Channel 99 throughout Will County.

Agendas and minutes for Village boards, committees, and commissions can be found on our website.

Click Here to view the agendas and and minutes archive

National Senior Center Month

The Village is joining the Illinois Department on Aging to celebrate National Senior Center Month this September.

Did you know Troy Township is one of the senior centers in Will County that the Shorewood community has access to? Troy Township Seniors is a great way to discover new activities, friendships, and event opportunities.

Click Here to learn more

Electronics Collection at A-Team Recyclers in Shorewood

Time to clean out the house and recycle all those old electronics in the basement, attic, crawlspace, and garage, collecting dust that you have not used, or have not worked in years!

Electronics ONLY will be accepted in the parking lot of A-Team Recyclers facility in Shorewood on Saturday, September 23, from 8 a.m. to noon. No appointment is necessary.

Click Here to learn more about the event

Shorewood Holiday Market Vendor Applications

Do you or someone you know make or sell items that would make a great gift? If so, consider becoming a vendor at the Shorewood Holiday Market from December 1st through the 3rd.

We are currently accepting applications for 10x10 tented vendor spaces that are available for $100 for the weekend.

Click Here to view the 2023 Holiday Market Vendor Guidelines and Regulations

Fall 2023 Shorewood Connection

The Fall 2023 Shorewood Connection is available now!

In it, you will find Village Updates & Reminders along with all of our great fall events and programs including OktoBREWfest and Autumn Fest!

Click Here to view the Fall 2023 Shorewood Connection

West Nile Virus Reported in Shorewood

Recently, West Nile Virus was detected in one of the traps the Will County Health Department collected in Shorewood.

Fight the Bite by practicing the 3 R's for protecting against mosquitos: Reduce, Repel, and Report.

Click Here for more information on the Village’s public health efforts regarding the mosquito population and prevention of West Nile Virus transmission

Use Leaves as a Resource!

The fall season is getting closer! As you start to see the leaves change and eventually cover your yard, don't forget that they can be used as a resource.

Mulching leaves can be a great way to take advantage of all the nutrients in leaves. This can be done by simply mowing them along with your grass and allowing the resulting material to work its way into the lawn. You can also collect the mulched leaves with your bag attachment on your lawn mower and either cover your flower beds and garden or store them in a compost bin for use next year.

Village of Shorewood | 815-725-2150 | Website
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