The Union Church in Waban
Friday Updates, February 25, 2022
This Sunday
Last Sunday after the Epiphany
Hybrid Service (In-person and Online)
February 27th,10:00 a.m.
We will continue our series asking the question "Who Are We now?" On this Sunday, Pastor Wendy will lead us in meeting an interesting character in the Book of Acts - the Ethiopian eunuch. We will wonder together about coming alongside people on their spiritual journeys and how that shapes our ministry.

Sunday School with Olivia continues this Sunday for children and youth! Pastor Amy will be away. See below for details.

We look forward to seeing you on Zoom!

To join Sunday Worship at 10:00 a.m. on Zoom:  
Zoom Link: HERE
Meeting ID: 832 2059 8969
Passcode: 458322
Dial in only: 1 646 558 8656 

The bulletin is available HERE
To connect to Sunday Worship or to any of our online offerings,
you may also go to our website at  
Upcoming Sundays & Gatherings
Ash Wednesday, March 2nd from 5:00 - 7:00 p.m.
The season of Lent begins with quiet, intergenerational, worship practices in the Sanctuary. The Pastors will be available to distribute ashes starting at 6:00 p.m. You may come for self-guided moments and quiet community to begin this season of contemplation. We will have a packet of Lenten devotional cards available to pick up or arrange delivery for a daily practice during the 40 days of the season.
Sunday, March 6th - First Sunday in Lent - Communion - Hybrid
The season of Lent kicks off a series on the next question as part of our Transition journey - Who Is Our Neighbor? Pastor Amy will preach on the story of Saul and his life-changing experience on the road to Damascus. We will also celebrate communion.
Sunday, March 13th - Nicaragua Service - Hybrid
As a way to address the question, Who is our Neighbor? we will celebrate our ministry partners in Nicaragua. As most know, our church has a more than 20 year relationship with the community of San Juan del Sur. While we aren't able to travel this year to serve in-person, we will join them with Spirit, commitment, story, and prayer. Please join us for this special service.
Children, Youth & Families
How to Talk with your Children and Teens about the Russia-Ukraine Crisis
The news from Ukraine is heart-breaking and scary, and many of our children and teens have been hearing about it through the news, social media, or friends. Often kids may hear bits and pieces of the story, but have questions or misunderstandings. Some may have fears and anxieties about what this means for them and their own safety. Listening, and hearing their questions, worries, and anxieties, while correcting any misunderstandings and being a safe, reassuring presence is so important.

THIS ARTICLE (CLICK HERE) provides a helpful guide for parents, and links to accurate, age-appropriate, information.
Children and Sunday School - Looking Ahead to Lent
We are delighted that we are able to return to gathering in-person! Pastor Amy is away this weekend, but our Children's Ministry staff member Olivia will lead Sunday School, as we look ahead to the season of Lent. Weather permitting, we may spend time exploring outdoors, so please plan to bring warm layers!
The Lenten Journey for Families - Ash Wednesday & Beyond
Families are encouraged to come to our Ash Wednesday service (above) to share in the intergenerational prayer stations marking the start of our Lenten journey. We'll also have special devotional bags for families to use at home throughout the season. These will also be available on March 6th in Sunday School.
Exploring Our Faith Calendar
Next Meeting, March 6th, 6:30 p.m.
Exploring Our Faith students and mentors will gather on Sunday March 6th for their monthly meeting. We are also pleased to share an updated calendar for the coming months, which you can see by clicking below:
All High Schoolers - Join CityReach Service Trip on March 25th-26th !
All High Schoolers (Exploring Our Faith and older), and mentors are invited to join our CityReach service trip with the community of Common Cathedral. We'll learn from and serve with our unhoused siblings downtown. Please mark your calendars for Friday evening and Saturday and stay tuned for more information.
Advocates for Racial Justice
Coming Up! Film Night: 
Segregated by Design
You Are Invited! March 1st at 7:30 p.m.
(Please note: New time, different than previously posted)
Watch Segregated By Design together with a chance, after the film, to talk with each other about the surprising findings on government policies that segregated housing and denied economic opportunity. Houses of worship across Newton are doing the same. 

As you consider zoning policies you will want to know more about the MBTA Communities Zoning Bill.
(Sect 3A of MGL c. 40 A )

Segregated By Design, is a 17 minute animated documentary on the history of how government unconstitutionally segregated the United States through law and policy.
*If you are interested in attending please reach out to Nancy Zollers ([email protected] ) to be added to the participant contact list.
Greater Boston Interfaith Organization
Tuesday, March 8th at 5:30 PM
Thank you UCW for supporting the continuing work of GBIO! Currently, GBIO is forming action teams and getting to work on three major issues:

  • Reentry from incarceration. The Reentry Action Team has begun meeting and as of press time for the Friday Blast is hosting an action to lobby Mayor Wu for $1.9 million dollar expansion of the Boston Office of Returning Citizens! We have several UCW members on this action team. If you are interested in being more directly involved, click HERE to sign up.
  • Increased Access to Mental Health Services
  • Affordable Housing (home ownership, rental, public housing)
Core Team Forming
In addition, your GBIO Liaisons Kathy Malone ([email protected])  and Brita Gill-Austern ([email protected])  are forming a congregation-level Core Team to help make the work of GBIO more visible in the congregation and help turn out people for the major assemblies. We will meet only a few times a year. If you would like to join the UCW Core Team or be connected to GBIO’s action teams around reentry, mental health or affordable housing, please reach out to Kathy or Brita.
Adult Formation and Gatherings
UCW Book Group
Tuesday, March 29th at 7:30 p.m.
The Art of Living
Peace and Freedom in the Here and Now
by Thich Nhat Hann
Please join us on Tuesday, March 22nd at 7:30 p.m. for our next book group meeting. This month we will be reading The Art of Living: Peace and Freedom in the Here and Now by Thich Nhat Hann. You will find a zoom link and sign-in information below. If you have any questions, please reach out to Alan Cody ([email protected])

Zoom Link: HERE
Meeting ID: 832 4667 4155
Passcode: 431699
Dial in: 1 646 558 8656
Book Club Selection and Discussion for April:
“Tattoos on the Heart: The Power of Boundless Compassion" By Gregory Boyle
Tuesday, April 26th ,7:30PM

Mission & Service
Newton Freedge: Volunteers Needed!
Despite Newton’s image as an affluent suburb, too many of our neighbors struggle to put food on their tables. The Newton Freedge is one way we can help. A free, 24/7 outdoor refrigerator and pantry, the Freedge provides free food and personal supplies to anyone who needs them. We are in need of more volunteers to help on Saturdays.

Union Church Freedge Sign-up: HERE
Church Matters
Important Updates Phase Forward Team Updates
Hybrid Services (In-person and Streaming Online) have resumed at the The Union Church

We are so grateful to our Phase Forward Team for helping us navigate these challenging days. The Team met on February 1st and Council agreed with new recommendations on February 2nd.

Based on a sustained decline in Covid in our community and being sensitive to the significant mental health needs of children, youth, and adults, we will open up the church for in person small group meetings immediately with Zoom connection available for those who cannot attend
....more details HERE
Pastoral Care
Pastoral Care Connections
During this time of transition, please know that your church is here for you. Please don't hesitate to reach out to Revs. Wendy Vander Hart or Amy Clark Feldman for prayer or pastoral support:

  • Pastor Wendy's email is [email protected]g and her office phone is 617-965-3893
  • Pastor Amy's email is [email protected], and her cell phone for calls or texts is 617-938-8112.
Note: Both of our pastors take Mondays off as a day of rest and Sabbath. If you are in need of urgent pastoral support on this coming Monday,, you can reach out to Pastor Wendy, who will be available for emergencies.

Sunday Sign-Ups
Scripture Reader Sign-Up
If you are joining our Sunday worship, please consider signing up as a Scripture Reader for any of our upcoming services.

Scripture Reader Sign-up: HERE
Our Covenant

We, the members of The Union Church in Waban, true to our founding principle of being an inclusive church, covenant together to nourish and to sustain in our common life and practice a fully welcoming and affirming church for all persons. Welcoming all persons who seek to join with us in a commitment to love God and our neighbors, affirming the inclusive love of Jesus, we are open to all, without regard to race, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, nationality, ability or economic circumstance. We invite all to full participation in our worship, membership, leadership and life of this church.