Connected NWI
NWI’s people have accessible, safe, and equal
opportunities for working, playing, living and learning.
For more information and resources in regard to COVID-19, please visit the
CARES Funding Keeping Transit Operational During a National Crisis

In the CARES Act, Congress signed a $2 trillion relief package to support Americans impacted by the COVID-19 crisis. While many aspects of the bill -- such as small business loans, individual relief supplements, and expanded unemployment benefits -- gained a lot of national attention, some critical parts of the bill receiving less attention are nevertheless having a direct and significant impact on transportation and mobility in the region.   

Of the $2 Trillion aid package, $25 billion has been distributed to transit operators impacted by the virus. The $25 billion in funding follows existing programming rules for 5307 and 53011 recipients with some exceptions, most notably that the funds cannot be used for expansion, and are not constrained by the TIP. 

Of the $25 billion transit aid package, $78,291,292 has been distributed to urbanized areas within Northwestern Indiana. CARES Act grants have been submitted and approved by FTA. Operators have begun to receive relief funding.

For more information about FTA’s CARES Act emergency funding click here.

For more information on how funds were distributed within Northwestern Indiana, please contact NIRPC’s Transit Planner, James Winters: [email protected]
Respond to the 2020 Census!

Have you taken the 2020 Census? It isn't too late, its quick and easy, and takes a few minutes. Your response matters!
NIRPC has designed and implemented an interactive COVID-19 dashboard onto its website, which you can find here. Track and observe how COVID-19 is impacting communities across Northwest Indiana.
Meetings are subject to change due to COVID-19 Protocol.

Funding Opportunity!
  •  Grants for the Indiana Volkswagen Environmental Mitigation Trust Program  for improving electric vehicle charging infrastructure are due September 23, 2020.
  • Contact South Shore Clean Cities at (219) 644-3690 for more information.

Funding Opportunity!
  • The Economic Development Administration (EDA) has CARES Act Recovery Assistance funds available to aid communities impacted by COVID 19.
  • To be eligible, applicants must explain how the proposed project would “prevent, prepare for, and respond to coronavirus” or respond to “economic injury as a result of coronavirus.”
  • See Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) 
  • Contact Gabrielle Biciunas at [email protected] or more information 
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