Head To The Polls With The FarmPAC Voter Guide
The Alabama Farmers Federation takes revisions and amendments to the Alabama Constitution seriously and has long favored an article-by-article revision rather than a full-scale re-write.
However, the Federation is supportive of the recompilation of the Constitution of Alabama of 2022 and Amendment 10. Together these efforts will update, organize and uphold the principles of our state constitution.
Members are encouraged to vote "YES" on the ballot question and "YES" on Amendment 10. Election Day is Nov. 8.
New County Presidents Gather For Training
The Alabama Farmers Federation hosted 10 new county Federation presidents at the home office in Montgomery Nov. 1-2 for orientation.
Over the course of two days, county presidents learned the outs-and-ins of the Federation. The individuals toured departments; received media training from Federation Communications Outreach Director Mary Wilson and Broadcast Relations Director Kevin Worthington; developed knowledge of Alfa Insurance; and more.
This group of leaders is now better equipped to serve their county members. The Alabama Farmers Federation is proud to have their leadership within the organization.
The Federation welcomed the following county presidents:
- Bibb County - Jeff James
- Chambers County - Jason McKay
- Clay County - Chris Upchurch
- Cullman County - Lee Haynes
- Coosa County - Jerry Fielding
- Lowndes County - Darren Hammonds
- Marshall County - John Bevel
- Monroe County- Scott Saucer
- Russell County - Becky Martin
- Perry County - Cooper Holmes
Alabama Landowners Rooted In Growth During Annual Conference
Over 200 forest landowners and industry professionals met in Columbiana at the Alabama 4-H Center Oct. 27-28 for the Alabama Landowners Conference, a joint meeting of the Alabama TREASURE Forest Association (ATFA), Alabama Tree Farm Committee and Alabama Natural Resources Council (ANRC). ATFA is a partner organization of the Alabama Farmers Federation.
Bird Is The Word: Poultry Technology Helps Farmers Grow
In a joint effort between the Alabama Farmers Federation, Alabama Poultry and Egg Association (APEA) and National Poultry Technology Center (NPTC), almost 50 poultry growers stepped away from the farm and gathered in Auburn Oct. 25 to finetune tricks of the trade.
The major focus of the meeting was to encourage producers to understand, analyze and prepare their equipment – and teach cost-effective methods to help farmers stay in business.
Alfa Health Yields Big Savings For Families
A welcome relief. That’s how Kristen Wiggins of Andalusia described Alfa Health, a program that helps Alabama Farmers Federation members secure quality, affordable health insurance.
With six kids, insurance they can count on is a must for Kristen and her husband, Russell, a third-generation Covington County farmer and longtime Federation member.
Federation members may qualify for Blue Cross Blue Shield (BCBS) of Alabama health insurance plans at substantially lower rates through Alfa Health, including subsidies for farmers, self-employed individuals and employees who aren’t offered coverage by an employer group plan. Alfa Health also sells BCBS dental plans, as well as Medicare supplement and Part D prescription drug plans. Contact the Alfa Health team during the current open enrollment period at 1 (800) 392-5705 to learn more.
Alabama Well Represented At 95th National FFA Convention
The 95th annual National FFA Convention and Expo was Oct. 26-29 in Indianapolis, Indiana.
Alabama Farmers Federation leaders and staff visited with Alabama FFA members during the convention, with the Alabama FFA Foundation hosting a pizza party to bring chapters from across the state together in the big city.
Wyatt Allen of the Benjamin Russell FFA Chapter in Tallapoosa County was named the national winner in the Equine Science Entrepreneurship proficiency area. He is pictured with FFA Adviser Josh Williams.
Choosing The Perfect Christmas Tree
Most commercially available fresh-cut trees are harvested in early November. For the consumer, this may seem quite early, posing the challenge of keeping the tree looking its best until the last present is unwrapped.
If the tree was properly handled and placed in cold storage before shipping, freshness will not be an issue.
However, if the tree was harvested and subjected to wind and sun exposure, it will dry out. This decreases shelf life dramatically and poses a fire risk. The key to freshness is moisture.
The Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station has launched Auburn's free Weather Exchange by Medius Ag, LLC. This brings a new age of weather data sharing. Sign up here.
The Alfa Foundation Scholarship and the Alabama Farmers Agriculture Foundation Scholarship applications opened Nov. 1 and close Feb. 1, 2023. Apply here.
Check out the Alabama Cooperative Extension System podcast "Alabama Crops Report" for updates on research, crops and more. The podcast is available on Apple Music, Spotify, Google Podcasts and Stitcher. Click here to listen.
The U.S. Department of Agriculture is again offering two safety-net programs for farmers during the 2023 crop year — Agriculture Risk Coverage and Price Loss Coverage. Sign-ups end March 15, 2023. Click here to read more.
Leadership Cullman County participants recently delved into agriculture's importance to north Alabama during farm tours. Click here to read more.
Nov. 4 - Alabama Farmers Agriculture Foundation annual Skeet Shoot at Selwood Farms in Alpine
Nov. 7 - H-2A Workshop for fruit and vegetable growers in Montgomery
Nov. 14-15 - Alfa Youth Leadership Conference in Columbiana at 4-H Center
Jan. 6-11, 2023 - American Farm Bureau Convention in San Juan, Puerto Rico
Jan. 23, 2023 - Alabama Fruit and Vegetable Growers Association Annual Conference & Trade Show registration closes. The conference is Feb. 9-10 in Gulf Shores.
Jan. 27, 2023 - Federation Beef Cattle and Forage Summit in Montgomery. More information coming soon.
Simply Southern TV Season 8
Enjoy rewatching favorite moments from the second half of Simply Southern’s Season 8.
Nov. 5/6/9 — Bama’s Best Tomato Dish, sponsored by Sweet Grown Alabama; Piper and Leaf Tea; a Down-to-Earth-inspired Ask A Farmer about animal and plant efficiency with Monica Carroll of Dale County; and a Southern Bite recipe for Pickle de Gallo, sponsored by Sweet Grown Alabama
Nov. 12/13/16 — Wiregrass Museum of Art; National Infantry Museum in Columbus, Georgia; Alabama’s 2022 Farm of Distinction at Byrd Farms in Morgan County; and a Southern Bite recipe for Chocolate Chip Peanut Butter Pie, sponsored by the Alabama Peanut Producers Association
Shows air over the weekend on six broadcast stations and on Wednesdays on national cable network RFD-TV. To find out where and when the show airs near you, visit simplysoutherntv.net and click “Where To Watch.”
This Week On Alabama AgCast
Hear from Federation Cotton, Soybeans and Wheat & Feed Grain Divisions Director Carla Hornady as she has a conversation with Assistant Professor & Extension Specialist Dr. Steve Li from Auburn University.