August 2022
Latest Stories from the Field
Featured on our Blog
GSS Seed School Teacher Training
 Goes To Lobo, Batangas,
Finds New Partner in MABISA
Finding new partners who recognize the importance of saving native seeds and growing food in a sustainable way helps us grow our impact in the Philippines. Every new partner we find brings our communities a step closer towards food sovereignty.

Team GSS is Heading to New Delhi, India for the
FAO 9th Governing Body Session for the
Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources

Thanks to our mentor and strong advocate, Bill McDorman (formerly with the Rocky Mountain Seed Alliance, now at Cornville Seeds) we have been accepted to attend the Food and Agriculture Organization, 9th Governing Body Session on the Treaty for Plant Genetic Resources in New Delhi, India in mid-September.

Our Executive Directors, Sherry Manning and Karen Lee Hizola, and Bill McDorman, will be attending as observers. This is a tremendous opportunity for us to advocate for our small-holder partner farmers and network with the delegations and participants from around the world.

"We are thrilled to have the opportunity to participate in this exciting FAO gathering and learn, contribute, and ensure that the voices of the true heros in agriculture are represented, our dedicated partner farmers. At this critical moment in history there has never been a more important time to advocate for the restoration of local food and seed systems."

~ Sherry Manning, US Executive Director, Global Seed Savers
Save The Date
12th Annual Hybrid Nourish Celebration

Friday, December 2nd US/Saturday, December 3rd Philippines
We are excited to be returning to an in person Nourish in Denver and also include our virtual community with this Hybrid 12th Annual Nourish Celebration.

Please Save the Date and more details soon to follow!

Friday, December 2nd 6-8pm Denver Time

Saturday, December 3rd 8-10am Philippines Time

To get updates regarding Nourish, subscribe to our events calendar.
Thank You For Supporting Our July Campaign

Thanks to 61 donors we raised over $22,700
and unlocked a dollar for dollar match.
We are extremely grateful to our donors and supporters!
Your investment in our work supports Filipino farmers and communities’ ability to grow their own food and seeds and not simply recover from the impacts of climate change but thrive despite these growing challenges.