When you choose a traditional divorce that is negotiated in court, an open courtroom means anyone can walk in, sit down and listen to all the gory details of your life, including your personal finances, private family details and business matters. In my article
Do You Want to Protect Your Privacy During Divorce? Then Keep It Out Of Court
, below I share how in a Collaborative Divorce or Mediation, this sensitive information is kept completely private.
For the newly engaged, prenuptial agreements can be one of the most romantic things a couple does to protect each other. My article
The Valentine’s Day Proposal: First Comes Love, Then Comes… a Prenup? below
I discuss how starting the prenup process early helps to treat your future relationship with the respect that it’s due.
Do you have questions about #NoCourtDivorce or want to discuss how a prenuptial agreement or postnuptial agreement can help your marriage?
the attorneys at Vacca Family Law Group.
Andrea Vacca,
Family Law Attorney