January is International Child-Centered Divorce Month
ICCD Month is dedicated to alerting parents about the harm to their children when divorce isn't handled effectively.
I wrote my new eBook “Divorce Without Court: A More Peaceful Solution” because I want everyone who is considering a divorce to know that it does not have to be a war and that mediation and the collaborative divorce process are much better options.
If you want to have a non-adversarial divorce, stay out of court and choose collaborative divorce or divorce mediation instead. To receive our new eBook,
Below I share my article
7 Tips for Putting Children First in a Divorce
where I discuss how a child-centered divorce can protect your children by keeping their best interests at the top of your list of priorities.
Resentment toward your spouse and your situation is normal feeling during divorce, but it can stop you from moving forward. In the video below, I have some tips for letting go of the natural resentment and toxic feelings that often come up during divorce, and how you can tone down your resentment.
Do you have questions about #NoCourtDivorce or want to discuss how a prenuptial agreement or postnuptial agreement can help your marriage?
the attorneys at Vacca Family Law Group.
Andrea Vacca,
Family Law Attorney